Saturday, November 22, 2014


The Shemitah in ancient Israel was a forgiveness of debt and a rest for the land. The Hebrew word for Shemitah is most often translated as = “the release” or “the remission.” In English, remission in relation to debt, usually means to cancel or a reduction of a debt or penalty. In ancient Israel then it was a release of the land to rest and a release of a man’s debt which was compiled over the six preceding years. This would be the “positive” meaning of the Shemitah year.

The “negative” or “judgmental” meaning of the Shemitah would be a reverse form of the positive meaning. In the case of a nation rebellious towards God it’s meaning would be more in terms of a “collapse” of what a person or nation had compiled during the previous period or periods. A financial collapse would be the “judgmental” form of the Shemitah. If the nation or people refused to observe the Shemitah in a positive way then it would stand to reason that they would have the negative experience.

The financial collapse of 2008 was a negative release of debt. The banks were on the verge of bankruptcy and the nation was experiencing a collapse in personal finance. Many people would lose their homes as housing prices plummeted and people lost their jobs. The bailout of the banks was really a bailout by the taxpayer. The banks, in affect, were released from their debt by the taxpayers bailouts! The collapse hurt everyone in the nation and caused many to lose their life savings and homes. It was a year of release in reverse!

That is basically what occurred in the financial collapse of 2008. Since that time the U.S. Federal Reserve Bank has been printing fiat currency to keep the stock market at a high level to give the appearance that everything is OK. The banks receive printed currency from the Fed and reinvest it in the stock market or keep it in their reserves. This is free money printed from nothing but ink and paper. This is not earned the old fashioned way--its magic!

This gives the nation the appearance that everything is well and the economy is just swell. The fact is that many companies are laying off people and cutting their hours back. Goods and services are becoming more expensive as this easy money gets circulating. All markets are manipulated by the Nice Government Men. There are no longer free markets--its all an illusion.

Why is oil so cheap now? Oil is cheap for two reasons. One is that Saudi Arabia is forcing down the price as an attack on the Russian oil industry and an attack on the U.S. fracking industry. As of this writing a barrel of oil has been suppressed to between $78 and $80 per barrel. What most people do not understand is that it costs $60 per barrel to get oil/gas out of the ground through fracking. It costs a lot of money to truck in the great quantities of water that is needed to release the gas/oil from the ground. The lower the Saudi’s push the price of oil down the more expensive it is for the US to get a barrel of oil out of the ground. That is part of the Saudi strategy to maintain their market share--push the price down.

For the present time there is a glut of oil on the world markets because of the oil the US is producing from the fracking industry. This will not last as it is very expensive to get this oil. For now oil will remain low until the Saudi’s decide to give up this attack.

In the Shemita year of 2008-2009 America experienced the financial collapse of Wall Street and we’ve been struggling ever since. Europe is also in heavy debt and their financial system is affected also. It is impossible to sustain economies on increasing debt. It is most likely we will experience another financial collapse in the coming years.

In his book Mr. Cahn warns that another financial collapse is very possible. He is not predicting there will be one but he expects it to happen sometime in the near future if we continue on the path we are on. On September 25, 2014 we entered the next Shemitah period. It will end on September 14, 2015. We are now in that year. Is it possible we will experience another financial shaking during this period? We need to be aware of the possibility. I believe it is very possible we will experience another shaking of the financial system during this period.

As God’s people we need to be aware of this possibility and seek His face in these critical times. Now is the time for us to get right with God and begin to obey His commands and leadings in our lives. Difficult times lie straight ahead.

In the final post on this subject we’ll take a look at what Mr. Cahn has to say about the coming blood moons and  dark suns.




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