Friday, September 28, 2018


And it shall come to pass, when thou shalt show this people all these things, they shall say unto thee, why has the LORD pronounced all this great evil against us? Or what is our iniquity? Or what is our sin which we have committed against the LORD our God?

 Then thou shalt say unto them, Because your fathers have forsaken me, says the LORD, and have walked after other gods and have served them and have worshipped them, and have forsaken me and have not kept my Law;

 And you have done worse than your fathers; for, behold, ye walk each one after the imagination of his evil heart, not hearkening unto me:

 Therefore I will cause you to be cast out of this land into a land that ye do not know, neither ye nor your fathers; and there ye shall serve other gods day and night; for I will not grant you mercy.                           Jeremiah 16.10-13

This will not be long. It is clearly before us. The nation is up to its waist in sewage. The great statesmen, men and women of character, and rule of law is--and has been disintegrating before our eyes in our generation. Interpret the above as pending judgment coming at us like a slow motion train wreck.

The Kavanaugh hearings are a prime example. This is about law and the proper carrying out of the law. The Word of God says in the mouths of two or three witnesses a thing is established. There are no witnesses. This is an accusation. It is also politics on the lowest and most vile level.

The hypocrisy was thick yesterday. Senator Blumenthal misrepresented his military service—he lied. He told Kavanaugh one mistake means you are dishonest. Bill Clinton has three accusers who also have no witnesses but he is the darling of the left. Corey Booker admits to grouping.

This is how low we have descended. Our country is polarized and divided like never before. The main issues are abortion, LGBT, and #metoo. These issues have become weapons in the hands of unscrupulous people who are only interested in their own agendas. They are being used to attack God’s Law and family.

The Biblical prophets of ancient Israel addressed all these issues as their nation slipped into apostasy. The nation refused to hear and turn. They became exceedingly more depraved and wicked.

God is not sitting up there waiting to push a button and chastise us. He has established His law and written it down for us to read, study, and adhere to. Very simple.

The law is spiritual. In Leviticus 26 and Deuteronomy 28 we are warned the consequences of disobedience. The Law, being spiritual, will prove itself out. The judgment is built into it. We will come under its curse through our disobedience. The Law will judge our sins as an individual and as a nation. The Law is our school master and reveals our sinful nature.

America will be held accountable and our freedoms will diminish. WE have only ourselves to blame for what is coming. God will bless and guide His true disciples and followers but it will be a trying time for us also. There  will be much required of us as His representatives in this wicked and perverse world. It is at the doorstep.

Those two words, wicked and perverse—never did I ever understand them until most recently. Now I get what the Apostle Paul was saying:

Finally, brothers, pray for us, that the word of the Lord may spread quickly and be held in honor, just as it was with you. And pray that we may be delivered from wicked and evil men; for not everyone holds to the faith. 3But the Lord is faithful, and He will strengthen you and guard you from the evil one.…1 Thess 3.1-3


Wednesday, September 26, 2018


Today I’ll review the prophetic “dress rehearsal” that the fall feast are meant to teach us.

The Feasts of the Lord are meant to be holy convocations and a type of “dress rehearsal” for the second coming of our Lord Yeshua. The Hebrew word “moed” means appointed times and “Miqra” means rehearsal or practice for a future event.

Yom Teruah – Feast of Trumpets

In the Hebrew culture this is often called “The Day of Blasting” as in the blasting sound of the shofar (trumpet). The Jews also consider it to be the beginning of the civil calendar or new year—Rosh Hashanah or “Head of the Year.”

The Apostle Paul says:

“For this, we say unto you by the word of the Lord, that we who are alive and remain unto the coming of the Lord shall not precede those who are asleep.  For the Lord himself shall descend from heaven with a shout, with the voice of the archangel, and with the trumpet (shofar) of God; and the dead in Christ shall rise first; then we who are alive and remain shall be caught up together with them in the clouds, to meet the Lord in the air, and so shall we ever be with the Lord.”  1 Thessalonians 4.15-17

Prophetically this is the announcement of the coming King—the blowing of the shofar—representing the second coming of Yeshua. Shofar’s sound the alarm and alert us to gather together so the Lord will remember us (Numbers 10.1-10).

This feast represents the day of His return.

The Days of Awe

Here is something quite interesting. From the Feast of Trumpets until Yom Kippur—Day of Atonement is ten days. They are known as the “days of awe.” Trumpets begins on the 1st of Tishri and Yom Kippur on the 10th of Tishri on the Hebrew calendar. The number ten is very significant in Hebrew culture. Here is a description of the number ten from

Ten is a unity made up of parts. The nature of the parts is subsumed into the nature of the unity. This explains how a minyan of ten men in the synagogue becomes a spiritual entity at prayer time. An entity capable a saying kaddish and other special prayers that can only be said when a congregation of at least ten men is present.

The number ten is represented by the Hebrew letter yud - י, the smallest Hebrew letter of all. And, whereas all other Hebrew letters are usually composites of other letters, for example, in Sofrus, the style of writing used for a Sefer Torah, an aleph is made up of two yuds (י) and a vav (ו), the yud is not composed of other letters, therefore, it also represents sublime simplicity.

 The number ten represents both plurality and unity.

The Talmud says that ten symbolizes perfection and completeness. Every number until ten is viewed as incomplete. Messiah's presence resides among ten, and no activity of sanctification can take place with less than ten. The number ten symbolizes a community. The number ten is used to represent a spiritual full set. The number ten is a full integer count, a symbol of being complete.

The number ten is a traditional symbol of fulfillment, a return to unity after having gone through the experience represented by single-digit numbers. The number ten symbolizes the concept of totality.

 The number ten represents kedushah (holiness and wisdom in the word).

Ok, think about that. There are 10 days from Trumpets to Atonement. These ten days in Hebrew culture are called the days of awe. These 10 days represent the coming together of Yeshua’s community which will open the Millennial thousand years (MK)! A minyan is ten men. In a synagogue no official prayers or activity of sanctification can take place without a minyan of ten men —a complete community in a sense. The MK will be our completed community!

Consider how perfectly this all fits with Yeshua’s second coming. This is truly beautiful. Understanding our Hebrew foundations opens our understanding of the word and coming events.

The “days of awe” will be significant days of organization and preparation for the coming Millennial Kingdom (MK). The MK is our completed community. We become a minyan and will live in our spiritual immortal bodies.

Yom Kippur—Day of Atonement

After the “days of awe” comes the most serious and holy day on Yahweh’s calendar—the Day of Atonement. Yeshua died on the cross for our atonement. This coming day will be the day of His complete victory over sin and death. We met Him in the air on the Day of Trumpets. We were resurrected from the dead and received our new immortal bodies (1 Corinthians 15).

The Day of Atonement is the day of our redemption—but for the wicked it is the day of wrath!

 For God hath not appointed us to wrath, but to obtain salvation by our Lord Jesus Christ, Who died for us, that, whether we wake or sleep, we should live together with him. 1 Thessalonians 5.9-10

The Apostle Paul is speaking here of this coming day of redemption and salvation.

The Day of Atonement is called the “closing of the gates”. It is the day of wrath upon the wicked but our day of completion as a community (the number 10). Look at Matthew 13:24-30. Here is a great description of the Day of Atonement. The wheat and tares are gathered together at the time of harvest. The tares are burned but the wheat is gathered into the barn.

These are fall feasts—harvest feasts. Wheat and grapes are harvested during these feasts. Grapes make wine. Yeshua was crushed like a grape and poured out His blood for us to save us on this Day of Atonement. The harvesting of the grapes represents the final day of judgment on the wicked.

Interestingly, on the Day of Atonement, it is customary to wear white in the synagogue. White represents the linen garments of the Lord’s saints. The Jewish people do all these things—but are missing the truth—that Yeshua is the Messiah—their Messiah!

Aren’t all these things amazing confirmations of the truth of God’s word? All of this is within the fall feasts and even in the way the Jewish people celebrate them—it is hidden from them in plain sight. BUT—this day in history will be the day of Israel’s salvation as Paul says in Romans 9 through 11.

Sukkot—Feast of Tabernacles

Five days after the “closing of the gates” or Day of Atonement is the Feast of Sukkot or Feast of Tabernacles. We look at again for insight:

The number ten denotes a complete set, because we have ten fingers. Five is therefore representative of half of a set.

The number five represents the perfection of the natural order (the number four), with the addition of one: Messiah Himself. As the thumb connects the other four fingers, so Messiah connects with the four of this world to perfect the natural order.

Four is the number representing exile, and five is the number representing redemption. Five is also the number of fingers that make up the hand. The number four is a number of separation, and represents dispersal in all four directions. We see scripture describing division and separation as:

 Zechariah 2:10 ...for I have scattered you like the four directions of the heavens.

Five is closely connected with Torah as we have five books which make up the Torah and we have five books of Psalms which are a commentary on those five books of the Torah.

Here again we see how the Word and Hebrew foundations confirm the scriptures and give us deeper understanding of the feasts. It is the day we are united with our Messiah. It represents the perfection of the natural order--the MK.

Sukkot is when the Jewish people build little dwellings out of palm leaves and wood. They are told to dwell in them and celebrate for seven days. The sukkah’s, as they are called, represent God dwelling among His people. This also is representative of Messiah’s wedding feast. It is a time of great rejoicing as we enter into the MK. Exodus 25 through 40 represents God dwelling with man in His tabernacle.

The Apostle Paul tells us we are God’s dwelling or tabernacle—the Body of Christ (Ephesians 2.22).

After the five days between the Day of Atonement to Sukkot we are gathered together from the four directions of heaven, no longer separated from our Lord, but now connected with Him and our community to enter the MK.

This Feast is also called the “Ingathering” as it represents the final harvest of grain, grapes—and souls. Those who have been scattered and dispersed are now gathered in. Our exile is over!

Shemini Atzeret and Simchat Torah—the Eighth Day

This is the feast we often forget about but is required in Leviticus 23.34. This is called Shemini Atzeret in Hebrew culture. Jewish synagogues begin the cycle of reading the Torah on this day each year. It is called Simchat Torah. This is explained by

Shemini Atzeret is a holiday in its own right and does not involve some of the special observances of Sukkot. We do not take up the lulav and etrog on these days, and our dwelling in the sukkah is more limited, and performed without reciting a blessing.

Shemini Atzeret literally means "the assembly of the eighth (day). Rabbinic literature explains the holiday this way: our Creator is like a host, who invites us as visitors for a limited time, but when the time comes for us to leave, He has enjoyed himself so much that He asks us to stay another day. Another related explanation: Sukkot is a holiday intended for all of mankind, but when Sukkot is over, the Creator invites the Jewish people and righteous saints to stay for an extra day, for a more intimate celebration.

Simchat Torah means "Rejoicing in the Torah." This holiday marks the completion of the annual cycle of weekly Torah readings. Each week in synagogue we publicly read a few chapters from the Torah, starting with Genesis Ch. 1 and working our way around to Deuteronomy 34. On Simchat Torah, we read the last Torah portion, then proceed immediately to the first chapter of Genesis, reminding us that the Torah is a circle, and never ends.

We may look at this feast as the day of new beginnings. The eighth day begins a new week. The eighth day follows the seventh day of the MK. It represents the “new heavens and new earth” in Revelation 21.

Remember, at the end of the MK in Revelation 20.7-15 the nations rebel for a final time, fire from God consumes them, and the White Throne Judgment settles wrath and redemption for all time.

Rejoicing in the Torah is rejoicing in the Word made Flesh—Yeshua our Messiah who in the Torah incarnate.

This is a short summary of what we have been rehearsing for the last 22 days from 1 Tishri to 22 Tishri on the Biblical calendar. It is our dress rehearsal for the day of our salvation and His glorious return! The sublime truths contained within these feast are truly beautiful.



Monday, September 24, 2018



Leviticus 23.41-43 a seven day Mo’ed or appointed time. Dwell in booths (sukkahs) or huts, tabernacle, tent. In Gen 33.17 Jacob built a sukkah for himself and another for his cattle. That was the reason the place was called Sukkot or “shelters”.


Lev 23 These are the feasts of the Lord. A tent is a temporary dwelling place. In Deut 16 and Ex 23.14 the people are told to appear three times a year in the place which the Lord will choose. The three feast of ascension are Passover, Pentecost, and Tabernacles.


During Passover the people bring an offering of barley, for Pentecost they bring wheat, and Tabernacles is a fall harvest of the grapes. It is an “ingathering” of the harvest at the end of the year. This feast is what our Thanksgiving is modeled after. We see in Matt 13.38-41 a harvest or ingathering at the end of the present age. In Rev 14.14-20 we see angels as reapers gathering in the grapes. The harvest is ripe and the grapes are being harvested and pressed in the winepress of God’s wrath. Rev 19 speaks of the Lord’s return and the great feast God is giving.


In Exodus we see the first Passover and the applying of blood to the doorpost. The people left Egypt and went into the wilderness. The Torah was first given at Pentecost when Moshe first went up the mountain. Then the people built the golden calf and Moses came down. After breaking the first set of commandments on the stone tablets Moshe went up the mountain again and made atonement for the people. This was the first Day of Atonement. After making atonement for the nation the people were told to make offerings to embellish the tabernacle in the wilderness. This they did and this was the first Feast of Tabernacles. God tabernacled with His people for 40 years in the wilderness. Ex 35


In the Millennial Kingdom (MK) it says in Zech 14.3-4; 16-19 that all the nations will celebrate Tabernacles after the great earthquake that splits the mount of Olives. Those which do not will receive no rain (blessings) if they do not come up to Jerusalem to celebrate. The Lord will smite them. Rev 21.3 shows us god dwelling with us. This earth and our bodies are temporary. Isaiah 51.6; 2 Corinthians 5.1. We have a house eternal in the heavens. The ultimate dwelling place. Our bodies are living sukkahs! A temporary dwelling place.


In John 2.19 the Lord says he will destroy the temple and raise it up in three days when speaking of His resurrection. 2 Peter 1.13-14 confirms our bodies are temporary tents. Peter was an eyewitness of Yeshua’s power. 2 Peter 1.16.


At the transfiguration on the mount Peter saw the coming kingdom. Mark 9 explains the transfiguration and Peter’s desire to build three sukkahs. It was the feast of Tabernacles and Peter may have understood that was when the kingdom would be established. That is what we need to understand.


Lev 23.39 talks about the 1st and 8th days of Sukkot. We are to rejoice for seven days. Our Lord loves a good party! In Josephus’ history he says that 2.5 million people would ascend to Jerusalem for Tabernacles! They took a myrtle branch, palm, and a willow, along with an etrog or citron, and waved them in the air. The myrtle symbolized rejoicing, the lulav or palm symbolized righteousness, the willow the Lord’s humility, and the etrog the Lord’s beauty. Waving symbolized that God is the king of the universe. Wave to N, S, E, W, Up, Down.


Solomon’s Temple was dedicated at Tabernacles (2 Chron 5 and 7.1-2). Fire came down and consumed the offering.


During this feast there is a water libation. It was a joyous ceremony which took place in the court of the women. In the court yard were four golden candle sticks that were 75 feet tall with golden bowls at the top. The linen of the priestly garments was used for wicks. The garments where torn in long strips. These strips would be the swaddling clothes that Jesus would be wrapped in at His birth. (Yeshua was born during the Feast of Tabernacles). Jerusalem was known as the “light of the world” during this Feast of Tabernacles as these candle sticks threw off great light. Jesus proclaimed He was the light of the world in John 8.12.


There in the court of the women where 15 steps leading up to the doors of the area leading to the place of sacrifice. These 15 steps where represented by the 15 psalms of ascension, Palms 120-134. During this festival the psalms of the Hallel were sung, Psalms 113-118. The women would hold up torches, priests would blow on shofars to honor and celebrate the water libation. This celebration took place all night and according to historians the priests got little sleep.


Another ceremony took place during the Feast of Tabernacles. Eight priests would go in an offer sacrifices, Eight would go out the water gate to the pool of Siloam to get water (means “Gently Flowing Waters”). This procession would begin at dawn. A golden decanter was used to bring the water back up to the temple and then the living water would be poured into a silver vase that had some wine in it. Silver represents redemption. Our Lord redeemed us through the water and the wine. The wine and water would then be poured over the sacrifice. The priests would pray for rain (blessing) for this was the fall and the winter rains bring spring crops. The song of Moses in Ex 15.1-2 was sung: The Lord is my salvation--salvation=Yeshua. Psalm 118 the voice of rejoicing and salvation is in the tabernacle of the righteous. On the 7th day they would sing Isaiah 12...”therefore with joy will I draw water from the springs of yeshua.”


In Jesus’ day (John 37.7) He cried out, “If any man thirst, let him come unto me and drink.” This was during the water libation ceremony. Everything Yeshua did was prophetic.


Now at this time eight other priests would cut willow branches and groups of priests would parade through the temple waving the branches. This waving represented the wind of the spirit of God. All these events concluded at the area of the sacrifice in the temple.


Lev 23.36 on the 8th day offer a fire offering. This Shabbat is Shemini Atzeret, the assembly of the 8th day. Shabbat is the 7th day…here the 8th day becomes a new beginning. (Also called Simchat Torah (the joy of the law), begin again reading the Torah) 2 Peter 2.13.


Deut 31.10-12...the end of every 7th year is a year of release. In the 7th year all the people are to come to Jerusalem for the feasts of the Lord. The word Torah=teaching, teaching in righteousness. The teaching of God. Isaiah 2.1-5, Zech 14, describe a Year of Jubilee. 7x7 years = 49 years…at the beginning of the new year 50 begins the year of Jubilee (On the Day of Atonement it is proclaimed.) All nations will flow to Jerusalem in this future year of Jubilee! God’s teaching or Torah will go out from Jerusalem. In the MK the teaching will flow (Micah 4.1-2) as we learn righteousness from the Torah. Nehemiah 8.1-3 illustrates this. The people listened as “one man” at the water gate as Ezra read the Instruction.


The Feast of Trumpets was a two day feast based on the sighting of the new moon. It was called the one long day. In Nehemiah 8.13-15; 18 the people found out about Sukkot, dwelling in booths. It had been over 70 years since they had read the scroll. The eighth day of Sukkot also can represent circumcision. Yeshua was most likely born on the 1st day of Sukkot and on the eighth day (Shemini Atzeret, new beginning) He was circumcised according to the Torah. Tabernacles is a shadow of the MK and what it will be like during the 1,000 years. The nations will be taught righteousness out of Torah. They will be rejoicing in Torah! Deut 33.1-4. Jesus always sat down and taught. In that day the nations will be taught.

Torah is to flow like water. Water comes from a high place and flows down to the low place. Rain is blessing in the Bible and the Torah rains down on us. During Tabernacles the priests pray for winter rains. The gentle rain that enables crops to grow. Ezek 34.26 Rain is blessing…Ps 72.6-8...He comes down as rain. Habakkuk 2.14...Hosea 6.3...Then shall we know Him. Joel 2.3...Messiah raining down…Deut 32.2...Torah rains down gently--gentle rain--teach us. Yeshua was the living Torah. A Jew without Torah is like a fish without water! We are one new man!


The Song of Solomon is about the feasts of the Lord. Song 2.10-11...arise my love…winter is past…you missed the rain (blessing)…you slept…you didn’t want to come out and work the harvest. My beloved is mine--she is not saying I belong to you…you go to work, I’ll call when I need you she (the church) is saying to the Lord…Song 3...yawn, Ok Lord where are you now? I could not find…goes out to the broad way (of destruction) looking for the Lord…She expresses love but did not want to go work with him (Hosea 5.6). Jeremiah 7.13, 29.13...Later in Song…I sleep, the word is almost “death” like sleep…He is pounding at the door…open my love and come out into the rain (blessings)…she has taken off her coat and doesn’t want to go out and work the harvest. When she finally opens the door he is gone! I called, but you did not listen…will seek early and not find…we need to be quick to respond. Isaiah 55, Hosea 10.12, John 7.37...”if any man thirst”…many believe but the rulers cursed the people. In Jeremiah 2.12-13

fountain of living water.


In John 8 Jesus had sat down to teach and the Pharisees brought the woman caught in adultery…they wanted to stone her…the law says to bring both parties (Lev 20.10), the man and woman. They knew they were caught in a lie. Deut 19.15-21 False witnesses were to be stoned. Stoning was outlawed by Romans, but the fact they stoned people indicated a break down in the society--mob rule and riots. What did Jesus write in the dirt? Jeremiah 17.13-14? Lev 20.10? There was a lack of living by Torah in the land…Hosea 8.8-12, and 4.6.


Leviticus 23...dwell in booths. John tabernacle…encamp as God in ancient times.


John Baptist was born during Passover. We can determine both his and Yeshua’s birth by using the order of the courses of priests established by King David in 1 Chronicles 24. The story in Luke 1.5-9 took place during Pentecost. Zachariah had to serve two weeks because his course fell during the holiday when he was working. Luke 1.10-11...a throng was there to celebrate Pentecost. We can determine J. Baptist’s birth was during Passover. Using this chart of the 48 courses of priests (with three weeks of feasts) we can determine that Jesus was born during Tabernacles.


When Yeshua was born the Inn was full because throngs were in Bethlehem to go to Jerusalem which was just down the road for the feast days. The swaddling clothes Jesus was wrapped in were the strips torn from the linen priestly garments. Our High Priest was dressed in His priestly robes! The shepherds in the field rejoiced with great joy, a command during Sukkot, as they watched their flocks and the angel announced. Luke 2 talks about the tax collection. This was a great time for Rome to collect as all the people were in one place!


Psalm 118 is about the coming of Messiah. Yeshua is in the tabernacle of the righteous. Save now! Save now! Baruck haba, b’shem Adonai, they cried out in the temple.


Then in Luke 2.21 we see Jesus circumcised on the 8th day--Shemini Atzeret. He is circumcised and sheds His blood in the temple! Luke 2.22-24, Lev 12...bring a lamb, but if you cannot afford that then the poor bring a turtle dove…Mary brought the dove, but she was really bringing the lamb! The Lamb of God.

Friday, September 21, 2018


I’ve been studying the Book of Daniel since 2009 and feel as though I understand the 70 weeks prophecy fairly well. It has taken until recently for me to feel that way. I’ve read and watched videos on it for many years as well as praying for a clear understanding.

One of my favorite teachers, Jonathan Cahn, has the best grasp of this book as anyone I know of. The notes I will share here align with this video link. Feel free to copy these notes and anything on this blog. Just make sure you copy it right! This is not a blog for making money. It is for sharing truth.

We begin with Daniel praying, repenting, and interceding for Israel. Daniel was fasting and repenting before Yahweh for the restoration of the temple in Jerusalem. He humbled himself before Yahweh confessing his and the nation’s sins against the Holy One of Israel (Daniel 9). He was reading in Jeremiah about the 70 year captivity (Dane 9.2 and Jeremiah 25.11-12).

The angel Gabriel appeared to him at some point. It could have been days or even weeks that Daniel was in prayer. When Gabriel appeared he said he had come to give Daniel skill and understanding. This is what Gabriel said:

Seventy weeks are determined upon thy people and upon thy holy city to finish the prevarication and to conclude the sin and to make reconciliation for iniquity and to bring in everlasting righteousness and seal the vision and the prophecy, and to anoint the Holy of Holies.

 Know therefore and understand that from the going forth of the word to cause the people to return and to build Jerusalem unto the Anointed Prince (Messiah), there shall be seven weeks, and sixty-two weeks, while the street shall be built again and the wall, even in troublous times.

 And after the sixty-two weeks the Anointed One (In Hebrew Messiah) shall be killed and shall have nothing: (and the ruling people that shall come shall destroy the city and the sanctuary; whose end shall be as a flood, until at the end of the war it shall be cut off with desolation).

 In one week (they are now seventy) he shall confirm the covenant by many: and at the midst of the week he shall cause the sacrifice and the oblation to cease, and because of the many abominations, desolation shall come, conclude the sin and to make reconciliation for iniquity and to bring in everlasting righteousness and seal the vision and the prophecy…Daniel 9.24-27

The word anointed in Hebrew is Messiah. This is a prophecy about the first coming of Yeshua, His death, and the tribulation period to follow later in time.

First the temple had to be rebuilt in Jerusalem. Cyrus, King of Persia (Iran today) give the decree that the Jews may return to Jerusalem and rebuild. This was after they had spent the last 70 years in captivity in Babylon. They were in captivity because they had not allowed the land to have the 7th year Shemitah rest. One year for each Shemitah not kept. The Shemitah rest is once every 7th year so 70 times 7 is 490 years the Jewish people had not kept Shemitah.

The 70 years of punishment were now coming to an end and the Jews would return to Jerusalem to resettle in the land and rebuild their temple. The punishment was coming to an end—now would come the redemption period.

Gabriel is telling Daniel when the Messiah was going to come and conclude the sin and to make reconciliation for iniquity and to bring in everlasting righteousness and seal the vision and the prophecy.

Simply put, Gabriel was telling Daniel that from the Persian decree to allow the Jewish people to return and rebuild until the Messiah would return to Jerusalem would be 490 years. He was giving Daniel a glimpse into the future when Yeshua would enter Jerusalem at a future Passover and die on the cross making an end to sin, a reconciling of iniquity.

From the time of the decree to return, Yeshua’s death, and destruction of the temple and city by Rome would cover 69 weeks. Messiah would be cut off at this time--killed (Daniel 9.26). The Romans would destroy the temple and city in 70 AD. Daniel 9.26 describes this destruction by the Roman Empire in 70 AD.

This indicates that the Holy Roman Empire will be involved in the tribulation period. (I’ve been writing about that and posting articles on the blog that follow events in the European Union and the formation of the modern Holy Roman Empire.) It may even indicate that the AntiChrist will come forth out of the Holy Roman Empire.

The destruction of the temple and the city by the Romans in 70 AD then begins a gap of time until the beginning of the tribulation. This gap of time is until the end of the war and desolations are determined…at the end of verse 26 KJV.

Then the seven year tribulation period begins week 70. The AntiChrist makes a covenant and allows sacrifice in the rebuilt temple. Half way through the tribulation, at 3 ½ years, the AntiChrist declares himself God and stops the sacrifices. This begins the time of “Jacob’s Trouble.”


Gabriel informs Daniel that the judgment of 70 weeks of 7’s is now complete. The next phase would be the redemption phase which would be the coming of Messiah to die for sin. It would be 490 years after the decree of Cyrus that Messiah would come and die. The destruction of the temple and Jerusalem would follow in 70 AD completing 69 weeks.

Then would come a gap in time until the end of the war and desolations are determined. After this gap of time (time of the Gentiles fulfilled) the final week of the tribulation would begin.

At first the AntiChrist seems to favor the Jews then at 3 ½ years he will double cross them and the time of Jacob’s trouble begins in earnest until the second appearance of Messiah Yeshua.

As I have written before there is only one second coming of Yeshua--at the end. This is the day we are resurrected from the dead—the last day (John 5.21-31; John 6.38-54).

There is no secret rapture before this occurs. Yeshua only comes back once—on the last day—Yom Kippur—to judge the righteous and unrighteous (Matt 13.24-30). Note the reapers gather the wheat and tares together.

Watch the video for much more interesting details:


Tuesday, September 18, 2018



Leviticus 16.6-10; 33  Atonements and offering for Aaron. Azazel the “scapegoat’ which means “go away” is representative of the Lord taking away our sins. If the lot for the Lord’s goat or the goat which is sacrificed on the altar fell to the right hand that was considered a good sign. That would mean the “scapegoat” lot fell in the left hand.


The scapegoat or Azazel was sent out into the wilderness. A red sash was tied to the horn and the “sins” of the people were “sent away” into the wilderness. The goat might wander back so the goat was taken out into the wilderness and pushed backwards over a cliff to insure it died and would not wander back to the camp. Remember when the people tried to push Jesus over the cliff?


Another name for the Day of Atonement is “The Fast”. Leviticus 23.32, Acts 27.9. If I say I am looking forward to “Turkey Day” you know I am talking about Thanksgiving. So it is with the Day of Atonement being called “The Fast”.


The first Yom Kippur: Ex 32.30-32. Moses came down the mountain the second time, after the golden calf incident on the 10th of Tishri--the first Day of Atonement or Yom Kippur. Another name for Yom Kippur is “face to face” as Moses talked with God face to face. Ex 34.29-30: Moses face shone.


The first Feast of Tabernacles began five days after the first Day of Atonement: EX 35, Lev 23.39-40. The people began to build the tabernacle in the wilderness at this time.


The Day of Atonement is a new beginning: 2 Peter 3.13. This day is a lead in to the Feast of Tabernacles where God comes to live with us. The Day of Atonement is a “cover” for us until the full atonement came in the form of the Messiah Yeshua. John 1.29, the lamb who takes away the sin of the world. Just as a credit card covers us until we pay the bill, the Day of Atonement covers us until Jesus came and paid for our sins.  103.12, Micah 7.19, our sins removed far away!


It is the blood of the sacrifice that cleanses us, forgives us, gives us eternal life, and opens our hearts to a relationship with God. Job 9.30-33, if I offend you I am judged, but who can judge between God and man? 1 Sam 2, Ps 49.15, Gal 3.13, Ps 49, Heb 10.4-6. The blood of bulls and goats is not sufficient: but the blood of Messiah is!


The Feast of Passover was for individual atonement (new birth), but the Day of Atonement is for the national redemption of Israel.


White linen = righteousness of the saints. To understand the book of Revelation you must understand the three fall feasts: Trumpets, Day of Atonement, and Tabernacles. Revelation incorporates the truth of the fall feasts in a prophetic way.


Isaiah 53--Jesus was afflicted; we afflict our souls on Yom Kippur. Jeremiah 2.22 our iniquity is marked. In Jesus’ time the High Priest was appointed by the King of Palestine. Sometimes he wasn’t even of the line of the Levites!

Chiapas was charge of the temple in Jesus’ time and was running the money changers for personal profit. That is why Jesus threw them out!


Forty years before the destruction of the temple in Jerusalem, according to Josephus and the Talmud, strange things were happening at the temple during the Day of Atonement. The lot for the Lord’s goat kept coming in the left hand, the lights on the menorah in the temple kept going out, the doors of the Holy place kept opening and the sash on the door would not turn white! What happened forty years prior was Jesus crucifixion. Zechariah 11.1


The Year of Jubilee is proclaimed on Yom Kippur! Lev 25.9-10, Isaiah 61.1-2, Luke 4.14-21. Jesus read from Isaiah 61 in the verses in Luke 4. He closed the book or scroll (the book of life or scroll of life is closed on Yom Kippur.) Jesus did this on the Day of Atonement which was also the 50th year and a year of Jubilee. This is when Jesus began His ministry!


Lev 16 speaks of the priest making the offerings on the Day of Atonement: burning coals on the altar, sprinkling of blood, incense. Ps 141, prayers are incense. Rev 6.9 pictures the saints crying out from under the altar--vengeance is meted out on Yom Kippur to the wicked. For the righteous it is the Day of Redemption!



Rev 8, golden censer, throne, altar--Lev 16. Isaiah 63.1-4 Bozrah, trample means wash, this is speaking of Yom Kippur and the national redemption of Israel. Isaiah 61.1-2, the Lord closed the scroll and did not mention vengeance prior to His ministry; when He returns the second time, that is the day of vengeance. Rev 11.15-19, the nations are angry and they are going to be judged. This is Yom Kippur! The temple is opened in heaven--only the High Priest and enter in on Yom Kippur--Jesus is our High Priest! See Lev 16.16. No one can enter until the 7 plagues have accomplished their purpose, Rev 15.8


This time speaks of the fall harvest, the grape harvest. Matt 13.38-39. The fall harvest is a fruit harvest--grapes.

Ex 23.16 speaks of the ingathering or harvesting--Revelation speaks of the grape harvest at the end of the age. Rev 14.8 speaks of end time events. Rev 19 speaks of Jesus’ return and the national redemption of Israel, Zech 12.10.


2 Corinthians 3.13-16 speaks of the veil over Moses and that is today over Israel. This veil will be taken away on Israel’s day of redemption. They will see the eternal purpose of God on this day! Isaiah 25.7-8--the veil is destroyed or taken away. Rev 21.4--a new world order! The church has a veil over their eyes concerning God’s eternal purpose for Israel--that veil is being removed in this day to those who have and ear to hear. Israel has a veil over their eyes concerning God’s purpose for them.


Lev 16.2, 16.34, Ezek 20.33-35: I will rule over you (Jews) and meet face to face with you (in Bozrah?) as the nation enters into redemption upon accepting Yeshua as Messiah. Zech 12.10, Rev 1.7.

Hosea 5: I will return to my place--affliction--Yom Kippur--the millennial reign begins. Matt 2337-39, I want to gather you like a hen gathers her chickens.


Romans 11...Israel’s national redemption. Romans 10.1 and Acts 319-21 (Peter’s sermon)…until the restoration of all things--Israel’s national day of redemption--Yom Kippur. It will probably be Yom Kippur when this is fulfilled in real time! Romans 11.15, Jeremiah 31.31-36...the new covenant is God’s law written on our hearts…before they were in stone, now to be on our hearts.


The story of Joseph is Genesis is a type of Jesus’  coming and Israel’s national redemption!

Gen 42.8...Joseph knew his brothers, but they did not know him. He looked like an Egyptian. The church has presented a pagan or Egyptian Jesus to Jews--they are not provoked to jealously by this Jesus because they do not recognize Him. The church has fallen away from their Hebrew roots.


These additional scriptures continue the story…Gen 37.3-4...Joseph’s brothers reject him. Gen 37.18 (Matt 26.4). Gen 37 (Matt 26  Zech 11.12-13). Gen 37.23 (Matt 27.28) Joseph stripped of his robes…. Gen 39 falsely accused. Gen 41.55, “do as he tells you” John 2.1-5, similar to the wedding in Cana. Gen 42.7-8/Luke 24.13-32, Joseph recognizes his brothers, but does not reveal himself to them. Gen 43.3-9/Matt 23.39...”you shall not see my face til you bring your brother…” Jesus will not return until Israel comes to Him, Zech 12.10. Gen 44, Judah asks, “what can we do to clear ourselves?” Gen 45, When Judah, who represents the nation of Israel repents, Joseph reveals himself to his brothers! The Lord’s return is in conjunction with Israel returning to Him. “I will not return until they say, Blessed is He who comes in the name of the Lord.” Matt 23.39.


Something to seriously consider, an irony if you will. In Ex 12.5-6, Israel was commanded to kill the lamb. Later they would kill the lamb of God Jesus. Our older brother (Judah) was commanded to kill the lamb. Israel obeyed God and did the deed. Because of this now we (Gentiles) are grafted in. At a future Yom Kippur, the nation of Israel will be grafted back into the tree because they obeyed God and sacrificed the Lamb! Ex 12.1-14.


After Israel’s day of redemption (Yom Kippur), the Feast of Tabernacles takes place five days later. Tabernacles is also called the “feast of the Nations”. In Genesis 10.1-32 we see how the original 70 nations were formed, the family of nations as described in Deut 32.8; Ex 1.5.


Israel was supposed to be a nation of priests, Ex 19.6. In that capacity they were to minister to the nations. This is what Numbers 29.13-32 refers to. The nation of priests was to sacrifice 70 bulls for the 70 nations. Israel makes atonement for themselves on Yom Kippur, then at the joyful seven day feast of Tabernacles, they are to make atonement for the nations. (Matt 25.31-46) In the Millennium all nations will be observing the Feast of Tabernacles, Zech 14.16-19.


The Lord said once how the Gentiles like to Lord it over each other. We see this in 3 John 9-10 as John the Apostle was not even welcome in this church. The church today still does not realize God’s purpose for Israel and that the church and Israel are connected at the hip. We have been grafted into them and our destiny is connected to them. We will soon enough understand, and join our older brother when the Lord returns in His glory!

Friday, September 14, 2018


The objects pictured are currently on display at a national museum in Vienna, Austria. I copied the photos and information from that site and Wikipedia for the history of St. Mauritius. We have been discussing the formation of the Holy Roman Empire from a Biblical and Historical perspective. The following information, in my opinion, confirms the Roman Empire as the final empire as described in the Book of Daniel chapters 2 and 7.

Events in Europe appear to be leading towards an expulsion of Muslims in countries that will form this future Holy Roman Empire during the final years of this age. Read the links below for important background information.

My goal is to allow the Bible to interpret itself and history to confirm. Austria, Poland, Germany and Hungary are kicking against the inflow of Muslim immigrants and the resulting loss of European culture. I believe we will see an expulsion of Muslims from Europe at a future date.

I am reporting what I believe the Bible and history are telling us is coming. I've been praying and seeking the Lord on this topic since 2009. So far, events in Europe and America (President Trump’s policies), are falling in line with what is prophesied in the Bible concerning the tribulation period. Read the news and decide for yourself. How long this takes to develop is only known by our Father. No man knows the day--but we can discern the season!

These relics and objects represent how Europe views themselves and their Roman Catholic identity. Due to immigration from Muslim nations many European nations are concerned about losing their cultural identities. Watch for a backlash against Islam in these countries.

The Holy Lance - The Spear of Destiny                                                   The Imperial Cross
The Lance itself went through various interpretations and was regarded as both a Lance of Emperor Constantine and Spear of the Empire Saint Mauritius. In the course of the 13th century, it finally became the Lance of Longinus, which had added to the page wound Christ and which was wetted with his passion. Its value as a relic was downright terrific and can be explained by the need to do the same Byzantine Emperor, who owned the most important relics of Christ, and to assure a relic treasure of divine derivation of the Empire. domestically, its legitimacy and its invincibility. The Holy Lance was long regarded as a symbol of imperial violence and was the Chief Reichsinsignie, whose miraculous power even battles victories were attributed to. Her status as a precious relic of the passion was thereby taken into account, that they from the early 11th century in the cross-beam of the Imperial Cross (Inv.-No. SK_WS_XIII_21) was kept. Emperor Charles IV. (r. 1346-1378), of the Lance deeply adored, installed the gold sleeve with the inscription "Lance and nail of the Lord" and the introduction of a public holiday in honor of Lance and nail was the Pope.
The Imperial Cross represents a high point of medieval Goldsmith's art and was founded in the reign of Emperor Conrad II (1024-1039). It is dense with precious stones on the front and Pearl occupied, while the reverse shows a drawing of the twelve apostles, of the apocalyptic lamb, as well as the four evangelist symbols running in Niello.
As the Imperial Crown, the Imperial cross deep symbolic meaning is met. It is a symbol of Christian triumph first, as Christ overcame his crucifixion through the resurrection. Since Emperor Konstantin bridge (312) under the protection of the cross had won his victory at the Milvian, the cross was viewed as emblem of the Roman Empire, an idea that was deliberately continued by Charlemagne and the also the Ottonian and early salian rulers. The Imperial cross is therefore as a sign of Christian triumph of victory as well as the Imperial representation to interpret.
 St. Maurice - According to the hagiographical material, Maurice was an Egyptian, born in AD 250 in Thebes, an ancient city in Upper Egypt that was the capital of the New Kingdom of Egypt (1575-1069 BC). He was brought up in the region of Thebes (Luxor)
Career - Maurice became a soldier in the Roman army. He was gradually promoted until he became the commander of the Theban legion, thus approximately leading a thousand men. He was an acknowledged Christian at a time when early Christianity was considered to be a threat to the Roman Empire. Yet, he moved easily within the pagan society of his day.
The legion, entirely composed of Christians, had been called from Thebes in Egypt to Gaul to assist Emperor Maximian to defeat a revolt by the bagaudae. The Theban Legion was dispatched with orders to clear the Great St Bernard Pass across Mont Blanc. Before going into battle, they were instructed to offer sacrifices to the pagan gods and pay homage to the emperor. Maurice pledged his men’s military allegiance to Rome. He stated that service to God superseded all else. To engage in wanton slaughter was inconceivable to Christian soldiers he said. He and his men refused to worship Roman deities.
Martyrdom - However, when Maximian ordered them to harass some local Christians, they refused. Ordering the unit to be punished, Maximian had every tenth soldier killed, a military punishment known as decimation. More orders followed, the men refused as encouraged by Maurice, and a second decimation was ordered. In response to the Theban Christians' refusal to attack fellow Christians, Maximian ordered all the remaining members of his legion to be executed. The place in Switzerland where this occurred, known as Agaunum, is now Saint-Maurice, Switzerland, site of the Abbey of St. Maurice.
So reads the earliest account of their martyrdom, contained in the public letter which Bishop Eucherius of Lyon (c. 434–450), addressed to his fellow bishop, Salvius. Alternative versions have the legion refusing Maximian's orders only after discovering a town they had just destroyed had been inhabited by innocent Christians, or that the emperor had them executed when they refused to sacrifice to the Roman gods.
The Battle of Vienna – Prelude - Capturing the city of Vienna had long been a strategic aspiration of the Ottoman Empire, because of its interlocking control over Danubian (Black Sea to Western Europe) southern Europe and the overland (Eastern Mediterranean to Germany) trade routes. During the years preceding this second siege (the first was the 1529 Siege of Vienna) under the auspices of grand viziers from the influential Köprülü family, the Ottoman Empire undertook extensive logistical preparations, including the repair and establishment of roads and bridges leading into the Holy Roman Empire and its logistical centers, as well as the forwarding of ammunition, cannon, and other resources from all over the Empire to these centers and into the Balkans. Since 1679 the plague had been raging in Vienna
The Battle took place at Kahlenberg Mountain near Vienna on 12 September 1683 after the imperial city had been besieged by the Ottoman Empire for two months. The battle was fought by the Habsburg Monarchy, the Polish–Lithuanian Commonwealth and the Holy Roman Empire, under the command of King John III Sobieski against the Ottomans and their vassal and tributary states. The battle marked the first time the Commonwealth and the Holy Roman Empire had cooperated militarily against the Ottomans, and it is often seen as a turning point in history, after which "the Ottoman Turks ceased to be a menace to the Christian world". In the ensuing war that lasted until 1699, the Ottomans lost almost all of Hungary to the Holy Roman Emperor Leopold I.
The battle was won by the combined forces of the Holy Roman Empire of the German Nation and the Polish–Lithuanian Commonwealth, the latter represented only by the forces of the Crown of the Kingdom of Poland (the march of the Lithuanian army was delayed, and they reached Vienna after it had been relieved). The Viennese garrison was led by Ernst Rüdiger Graf von Starhemberg, an Austrian subject of Holy Roman Emperor Leopold I. The overall command was held by the senior leader, the King of Poland, John III Sobieski, who led the relief forces.
The opposing military forces were those of the Ottoman Empire and Ottoman fiefdoms, commanded by Grand Vizier Merzifonlu Kara Mustafa Pasha. The Ottoman army numbered approximately 90,000 to 300,000 men (according to documents on the order of battle found in Kara Mustafa's tent, initial strength at the start of the campaign was 170,000 men). They began the siege on 14 July 1683. Ottoman forces consisted, among other units, of 60 ortas of Janissaries (12,000 men paper-strength) with an observation army of some 70,000 men watching the countryside. The decisive battle took place on 12 September, after the united relief army had arrived.
Historians suggest the battle marked the turning point in the Ottoman–Habsburg wars, a 300-year struggle between the Holy Roman and Ottoman Empires. During the 16 years following the battle, the Austrian Habsburgs gradually recovered and dominated southern Hungary and Transylvania, which had been largely cleared of Ottoman forces. The battle is noted for including the largest known cavalry charge in history.
It is truly amazing how the Holy Roman Empire has continued as the final empire as prophesied in the book of Daniel. Most refuse to recognize what is happening in plain sight because they don't believe it and have not researched history. Hitler's 3rd Reich was the last and most recent attempt since the creation of the European Union. Watch how future events will unfold!