Monday, July 30, 2018


Today we’ll look at the tribes of Israel as described in Genesis 29, 39, and 35. These are the 12 tribes of Israel according to their order of birth and mother: Leah’s sons are: Reuben, Simeon, Levi, Judah. Then Rachel had Dan and Naphtali with her handmaid Bilhah. Then Leah had Gad and Asher with her handmaid Zilpah. Leah then has Issachar and Zebulon with Jacob followed by Rachel having her first born, Joseph. Later, Rachel will birth Benjamin and die in child birth.

Leah has Reuben, Simeon, Levi, Judah, Issachar, and Zebulon for a total of six.

Rachel has Dan and Naphtali through her handmaid Bilhah making the total eight.

Leah has Gad and Asher through Zilpah the handmaid totaling ten.

Rachel has Joseph and Benjamin for a grand total of twelve. When Jacob blesses his sons in Genesis 49 these twelve are the ones he blesses. Genesis 49.28 proclaims them the twelve tribes of Israel—this is very important. These are the original twelve tribes. There are other lists of tribes in the Bible: Deuteronomy 33; Ezekiel 48.30-35; Revelation 7.3-8; and Revelation 21.12-13. They are not all the same, but these (Genesis 49) are the twelve tribes of Israel). The other lists do contain prophetic information but are not the subject of this post.

In Genesis 48.8-22 Jacob blesses the two sons of Joseph before blessing the original twelve, which include Joseph. In verse 16 Jacob says, “Let my name be named upon them, and the name of my father’s Abraham and Isaac; and let them grow into a multitude in the earth.”

Jacob reverses the order of blessing on Joseph’s sons Manasseh and Ephraim. He blesses Ephraim the youngest with the first born blessing and Manasseh the oldest with the lesser blessing.

In summary: The twelve sons of Jacob are the twelve tribes of Israel. Joseph’s sons are grafted into Jacob/Israel. Later the tribe of Levi is designated to be the priesthood without a land inheritance and Joseph gets the “double blessing” of his sons becoming grafted in.

From this point on Biblically, when Joseph is mentioned it also means Ephraim and Manasseh.

Just for some extra information, if you look at how the tribes are located around the Miskan, or Tabernacle in the Wilderness, they are grouped according to birth mothers. This is very interesting but not the subject of this post. Ask yourself why they are grouped this way and what it means.

The blessings on Ephraim and Manasseh

Joseph protested his father blessing Ephraim first telling his father to bless Manasseh first. Here is Jacob’s reply and blessings on the two boys:

And Joseph said unto his father, not so, my father: for this is the firstborn; put thy right hand upon his head. And his father refused, and said, I know it, my son, I know it: he (Manasseh) also shall become a people, and he also shall be great: but truly his younger brother (Ephraim) shall be greater than he, and his seed shall become a multitude of nations. And he blessed them that day, saying, “In thee shall Israel bless, saying, God make thee as Ephraim and as Manasseh”: and he set Ephraim before Manasseh. Genesis 48.18-20

Did you catch all of that? Manasseh shall be great, but his brother Ephraim shall become a multitude of nations. That is multitude of Nations. Not just Jewish, but multitude of nations.

I was puzzled by this for a long period of time. What does this mean? I prayed and searched for answers and over time through various sources and teachers I came to believe that Manasseh prophetically represents the United States and Ephraim is Great Britain.

Think about this. We are letting the Bible interpret itself. In Genesis 49 when Jacob blesses the twelve tribes he says, “I am telling you what will befall you in the last days.” That would indicate the same for Ephraim and Manasseh. We’ll come back to this in a bit.

Ephraim and Manasseh are grafted in

We know that Joseph was sold by his brothers and became the second most powerful man in Egypt. Pharaoh gave Joseph Asenath the daughter of the high priest of On, the pagan god of Egypt, for a wife (Gen 41:45). Joseph’s sons were half Gentile and their mother was a pagan worshipper.

Do you think she spent a lot of time teaching her sons about her gods? I would think so as later Ephraim would lead the northern kingdom of Israel into Idolatry. Jeroboam, the first king of Israel was from the tribe of Ephraim (1 Kings 11.26).

Ephraim and Manasseh then are being grafted into Jacob/Israel in Genesis 48 when Jacob puts his name on them—Yahweh changed Jacob’s name to Israel. Therefore Ephraim and Manasseh are a type and shadow of the Gentiles being grafted into the Commonwealth of Israel (Romans 11 and Ephesians 2-3).

We will look deeper into this in the next post when the nation splits into Judah and Israel.

Great Britain and the United States

Briefly, without too much detail, we see that Great Britain and the United States will rise in the latter days and become the two most blessed and powerful nations on earth. Not only are they powerful, but they take the Gospel to the ends of the earth through their missionary work. In Deuteronomy 33 Moses blesses the original twelve tribes blessing Joseph and including Ephraim and Manasseh in Joseph’s “double portion” blessing:

And of Joseph he said, Blessed of the Lord be his land, for the precious things of heaven, for the dew, and for the deep that couches beneath, and for the precious fruits brought forth by the sun, and for the precious things put forth by the moon, and for the chief things of the ancient mountains, and for the precious things of the lasting hills  and for the precious things of the earth and fulness thereof, and for the good will of him that dwelt in the bush: let the blessing come upon the head of Joseph, and upon the top of the head of him that was separated from his brethren.  His glory is like the firstling of his bullock, and his horns are like the horns of unicorns: with them he shall push the people together to the ends of the earth: and they are the ten thousands of Ephraim, and they are the thousands of Manasseh. Deuteronomy 33.13-17

There is an incredible amount of information in this blessing on Joseph. Note how his offspring are like horns (power) that push the people together to the ends of the earth. Great Britain and the United States are the two end time nations that did this through political and religious means. Also read the list of the 144,000 in Revelation 7. Two tribes are missing. Do you know why?

The name British is a combination of two Hebrew words Brit = Covenant and Ish = Man; Covenant Man. Each tribe had a banner when they encamped around the tabernacle in the wilderness. Ephraim’s was a bull. The British mascot is a character named John Bull. Check into this concerning the English coronation ceremony:

Great Britain eventually became the British Commonwealth which included Australia, New Zealand, and other colonized nations. Britain was not a perfect nation, but they were blessed as an Israelite nation and they always had missionaries bring the word of God to the nations. At one point in her history the British Empire controlled a fourth of the land mass of the world.

Manasseh is technically grafted into Israel as the 13th tribe when we take Joseph out. The United States was thirteen colonies when they rebelled from Britain. Thirteen is the number of rebellion in the Bible (Gen 14.4). The flag of the USA has thirteen stripes. The Eagle in the US emblem has thirteen arrows clucked in her claws.

America became the bastion of freedom and in her early days was quite religious. Both Britain and the USA based their society on Biblical laws and Judaea Christian values. These days we have strayed from our roots and it is difficult to call us Christian nations.
In Genesis 22.17 God blesses Abraham and says his offspring will possess the gates to their enemies. Great Britain and America until recently, controlled all of the world’s sea gates, which included the Panama Canal, Suez, and Gibraltar controlling all sea traffic. This is no longer true. Their enemies now have control of all except Gibraltar.

When the ancient nations of Judah and Israel turned away from Yahweh, He chastised them through powerful pagan nations. This is exactly what is happening to the Israelite nations of Great Britain and the United States at this time in world history. Our power is waning as we turn from God and great powers are rising in the East. The Father is going to chastise the nations, including the Israelite nations of Britain, USA, and Israel prior to the second coming of King Yeshua.

Lost Identities

Other European nations can be identified in the prophecies in Genesis 49. This is what is going to befall the once great Christian nations. Check out the July/August 2017 postings on this blog describing the Christian history of European nations.

How do we determine that the Christian nations are really “Israelite Nations?” That will be the topic of our next most important posting. We will see how Yahweh dispersed His people throughout the gentile nations for their disobedience and how they lost their identity.

Read Ezekiel 37, 47.22-23; Hosea, and 1 Kings 11-12. Note how Jeroboam changed the Feasts of the Lord into his own feasts, a great type and shadow of the Holy Roman Empire. Read 2 Kings 16-17 and see how the northern kingdom fell and relocated.

You should all know about Babylon later destroying the first temple and taking Judah captive. We will review all of this in the next posting to show how the Lost Tribes of Israel represent the gentile powers in these last days.

Friday, July 27, 2018


I am going to spend the next several postings discussing how Elohim is building His nation in this day. His nation is composed of every tribe and nation on earth—but they must qualify. To qualify they must accept Yeshua as Messiah and experience rebirth. This goes for both Jew and Gentile—each must cross over into Yeshua. In fact, the word Hebrew means “one who has crossed over.”

Just as Abraham crossed over the Euphrates River when God called him out of Chaldea into belief in the one true God, so all must cross over into Yeshua. Being reborn, as we all know, is a life changing spiritual event. As the nations of the world rage against Elohim’s anointing, a nation is being born in a day. In a day we become changed forever!

Before we get into the details it is important for us to understand some basic truths. The first thing we must do is quite simple, but if we are honest with ourselves, many do not really do. That is to allow the entire Bible to interpret itself—both Old and New Testaments. So many say they do but when confronted with truth it become apparent they are not.

In Leviticus 23.1 it says that the “Feasts of the Lord” are to be observed. It says twice in verse one that these are My Feasts says the Lord. In Romans 11 the Apostle Paul says we are grafted into the olive tree of Israel. In Ephesians 2.11-13 that we become part of the “Commonwealth of Israel” when we cross over into Yeshua.

A Commonwealth is a state or nation. When I get a driver’s license I send my check to the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania.

If we allow the Bible to interpret itself then we must agree that the truth is this--we become grafted into Israel. If the feasts are Elohim’s feasts, we too should be observing them as citizens of the commonwealth.

In Exodus 31.12-17 Moses is told that the Sabbath is a sign between the children of Israel and Him throughout your generations. In verses 16-17 it says “forever” and “perpetual” for 7th day worship. The church observes the first day of the week—which is not scriptural.

If we allow the Bible to interpret itself it is clear we are grafted into the commonwealth of Israel, are to observe the feasts of the Lord, and to observe the 7th day Sabbath.

I did not come to these conclusions quickly. I studied, prayed, and meditated over these issues for some time. I had a desire to know the truth and was diligently seeking. It took over a year for me to accept the Sabbath as the day of worship. The day it hit me was when I saw in Exodus 31.13 that is was a “sign” between God and His people forever—throughout your generations! Do a study on the mark of the beast vs the mark of God!

Most Christians will say they allow the Bible to interpret itself until they come face-to-face with these types of issues. The “Church” follows none of the above!

There are so many examples of this I could write a book! Does Yeshua mean what He says and says what He means? Everyone would say yes. So explain Matthew 5.17-20 where it talks about the Law/Torah.

How about when Yeshua says in Matthew 12.40 He will be in the grave for “three nights and three days?” That knocks out Good Friday as the day He was crucified does it not? The Bible explains that Yeshua was crucified on Wednesday.

When confronted with these truths many believers turn and walk away. They make no attempt to consider the truth. The truth is what sets us free!

How can we understand the end times if we reject truths in the written word? It is impossible to understand anything if you refuse to allow the WORD to interpret itself. We must understand Elohim’s time and calendar as revealed in His WORD.

The second thing we need to understand is history—Biblical, World, and Church history (see the previous two postings). We look at the Bible backwards form our 21st Century understanding. We need to go back to the time of Yeshua and look forward in order to understand. Looking forward from a perspective of the time of Yeshua is key!

Read church history and you begin to understand all the changes made by men to the truths of God. Most refuse to make any changes even when doing this. You will see how the Church threw out anything “Jewish” and began to create their own Sabbaths and feasts. They made their own “Roman calendar” to replace the Biblical calendar. Why does the church refuse to change?

That brings us to the third thing we need to understand. Read Jeremiah 31.27-37. God’s true people are always a remnant in their generation. Everyone wants to be among the remnant—but if you reject truth you are not among the remnant. “Worldish” organized religion is not representative of Elohim in anyway shape or form.

There are many good people and believers in the “worldish” church but they are comfortable in their pew. They do not desire to know the Lord any better and they don’t want to have to relearn anything. So be it. If you have a desire to follow deeper you must move OUT…as in “Come out of her my people” in Revelation 18.4. Matter of fact it all began with Abram when God called him out of Chaldea. We must come out and cross over.

We only can achieve unity through division! That sounds counter intuitive but not really. Division is reduction to the mean. God is continually reducing us IF we allow Him to. He divides His people out and reduces them to the mean or remnant. He does not forsake the others—but their walk is shallow based in deceptions. Truth must be accepted before you become free.

The more we see and accept the truth, the more we are reduced, the more people disagree with us, and the harder it is to find believers of like mind. It can be a very frustrating experience—but once you know the truth you are set free! It doesn’t really matter what the masses think. After a while it won’t matter—it is a privilege to understand truth—we must desire and seek it.

Read Ezekiel 37.15-28 as preparation for the next post. There are two houses—Judah (Jews) and Joseph/Ephraim (Gentiles). Then read Genesis 48 and 49. These blessings on the tribes by Jacob contain highly prophetic information for the “latter days.” How little we understand of these prophecies.

What does it all mean? We must allow the Bible to interpret itself to begin understanding it. It concerns nations! Gentiles, Jews! It concerns nation building! God is building His end time nation prior to His return. Next post we will explore Jacob/Israel and his 12 sons which became the tribes of Israel and how Ephraim and Manasseh were grafted into the tribes.


Tuesday, July 24, 2018


I’ve spent a lot of time on the end time scenario and what is happening in Europe, Russia, China, and the Middle East. This will be my last article on this subject for a few months.

If you agree that the Holy Roman Empire of the previous post represents the European Union (EU), the Kings of the East (Rev 16.12) are Russia and China, and the King of the South represents Iran and her coalition of nations (Daniel 11.40) it is very easy to see how God is using US President Trump to align the nations.

European Union – European Union project has been forming for more than 40 years. It is a project designed to eliminate borders, unify the currency, create a defense force, and create a powerful trading block.

Due to President Trump’s pressure on the EU to pay up in NATO the EU is being to realize they cannot rely on the US for their defense needs. They are realizing they have to build a strong army. Germany is currently leading the EU into building this army.

The EU is also signing many trade agreements with China, Russia, and Japan. There is nothing wrong with this action, but it shows how the EU is turning away from reliance on the US. Mr. Trump’s trade war and raising tariffs on goods is pushing the EU towards the East. The EU do not like the sanctions America is pressing them to put on Russia and Iran. It hurts their business.

Germany is the leader of Europe. They have the strongest economy and are known for their military prowess. They will press their will upon the EU in the coming years. We can see all of this just by reading economic and business news reports. Germany continues to turn away from the US:

I believe the EU will at some point push back much harder against the Islamic immigration which is now causing them many problems. They will look to the Vatican to help them by unifying the European Continent religiously. They will form some sort of Church/State union that will awaken Europe to the loss of their historic culture.

Russia and China – These two nations are working together to dump US debt and become free of the US dollar. Russia holds less US Treasuries than Bermuda:

There is nothing we can do to stop them. The US sanctions on Russia and other nations are pushing these nations to use their own currencies and gold to conduct trade. Mr. Trump is not necessarily wrong in what he is attempting to do, but the results of these efforts will divide the nations into the end time trading and military blocks described in the Bible. As this progresses America will become more and more isolated.

Iran and the Middle East – President Trump just warned Iran not to threaten the US. He is posturing for war. At some point there is going to be a Psalm 83 war involving Iran and her allies against the West. This war may include the US or it may be a coalition of nations from Europe. It remains to be seen how this developes.

Financial Events and Collapse – No nation can continue to create debt at the rate the US does. It is not only the US but the EU is also in heavy debt. When the financial crises comes it will cause the nations to re-set the way trade and currencies are traded and utilized. The US dollar will no longer be the world’s reserve currency.

This is why Russia and China have been slowly reducing their holdings of US debt and have been buying tons of gold. They are preparing for the new world order in which the US is merely a small player.

A good example of what will happen when the financial collapse comes is Venezuela.

This is what is coming. I’ve written enough articles on this subject for a while. Read Ezekiel 23, 27-28 and Isaiah 14, Daniel 2, 7, 11.40- 12.13, and Revelation 17-18. The world is aligning.

In the coming weeks I’ll be focusing on how God is bringing His people together as read in Ezekiel 37.15-28. As the Nation’s align the Father is bringing His people together. We will see how we are grafted into the Commonwealth of Israel and how Jew and Gentile will become “one new man” in Yeshua.




Friday, July 20, 2018


To have an understanding of the last days, or end times, it is important to understand that a Holy Roman Empire still exists and is functioning in the world. I began to see it as I started to study Church History beginning with the Emperor Constantine in the early 300 – 325 A.D. period. Church history is a very complicated subject so I am only presenting a brief outline in this post.

Constantine recognized Christianity as a religion of Rome after he won a battle and thought he saw a cross in the sky. Later he presided over the 1st Council of Nicaea in 325 A.D. that codified the Christian religion. Constantine did not become a Christian, but he included the religion in with the other religions of Rome. Constantine called himself Pontius Maximus. In 390 A.D. the Emperor Theodosius made Christianity the religion of Rome. 

In the 1st council of Nicaea it was determined that nothing from the Jews was to be a part of Christianity. It was decided at this council that the Hebrew calendar would no longer be referred to for holy days. The Roman calendar would be supreme and everything Jewish was abandoned.

From that time on Easter was celebrated rather than Passover. None of the Biblical feasts would be observed and Easter would be determined by the Roman calendar rather than the Jewish or Biblical calendar. The winter solstice would become the time to celebrate the Lord’s birth—this would become known as Christ’s Mass.

This was the beginning of the church turning away from the truth in the Old Testament and anything that was considered Jewish—after all, didn’t the Jews murder our Lord? This became the thinking of the church and for centuries the church would severely persecute the Jewish people.

Later the Roman Empire would split into two parts—Rome in the west and Constantinople in the east. The office of Pope mostly resided in Rome. There were times when two or three individuals proclaimed themselves Pope, but eventually the office and power of the Pope would reside in Rome.

European history and religious wars throughout the centuries revolved around the issue of the power of the Pope, the Church, and Sovereign Kings. It is a bloody and shameful history—nothing like the church that Yeshua brought into being. The history of the Church is the history of men vying for power and position—just the opposite of what Yeshua taught us.

We see two important truths. We lost the Hebrew roots of our faith at the Council of Nicaea and had them replaced by pagan holidays and rites. In order to appeal to the mass population the Romans incorporated their former pagan holidays into the church and called them Christian holidays.
Secondly, we see a temporal organization more concerned with individual position and power than the true welfare of the believers. Understanding and accepting these truths will begin to open the eyes to truth and an understanding of the end times.

As history marched on the Pope in Rome had to find a way to maintain his power in the face of the Kings of sovereign nations. One way of accomplishing this was to find a powerful king and crown him protector of the Holy Roman Empire. This custom began in 800 A.D. when Charlemagne was crowned Emperor of the Romans by Pope Leo III.

This family line of Charlemagne was short lived but under his leadership the Frankish kingdom grew and “Christian” influence spread across former pagan regions. Charlemagne and the Franks which followed used the power of the sword to convert pagans. A person did not have to become a “born again” believer of Yeshua—but they had to submit to the King or die. This was how much of the early church was grown so to speak.

From 800 A.D. throughout the centuries, up through Napoleon in the early 1800’s, many were crowed protector or emperor of the Holy Roman Empire by the ruling Pope. The majority of these rulers, excluding Napoleon, were Germanic individuals. Germany/Austria/Prussia was the military power throughout these centuries and Germany became a powerful Roman nation and protector of the Holy Roman Empire.

Later, after Napoleon, in the 20th Century Mussolini came into power in Italy. The Pope supported him. In fact, Mussolini built a shrine in the Holy Land on the mount of Beatitudes so that pilgrims visiting the Holy Land could worship in their Roman faith.

In the 1930’s the Roman Church agreed to support Hitler in return for their priests to be safe from Nazi persecution. Hitler considered himself a savior and had great plans to build a thousand year Reich. This thousand year Reich was lifted right out of the Book of Revelation and the thousand year reign of Yeshua!

We are beginning to understand that the fall of ancient Rome was followed by the rise of a new Roman Empire—the Holy Roman Empire. This empire has a following of at least 2 billion people. It is the official representative of Christianity in this world. It holds great power over the nations. It has its very own calendar, feast days, saints (idols), and hierarchy. It also has a strong presence in the Holy Land.

This empire has a strong desire to control the Holy Land. It has had this desire for centuries. The Crusaders conducted six wars in an attempt to wrest the Holy Land from the Muslims. This desire to control and administer the Holy Land goes all the way back to that first crusade in 1099 A.D. This is why it is important to understand history and the Bible.

Everything is hidden in plain sight!

Now we can begin to interpret current events with much greater understanding. Events in current day Europe are connected to this past. In fact, the European Union (EU) is building Europe in the “spirit of Charlemagne.” Right now they are having an identity crisis concerning immigration—but this will change. They will become glued together in the Holy Roman Empire.

Germany is the most powerful nation in the EU. They are the strongest economy and their army is the strongest. The EU is pushing and being pushed (by President Trump) to put more money into the development of this army. They are realizing that they are not going to be able to trust America to support them in the near future.

The whole European project is designed to create a “United States of Europe” that will become a powerful trading block and military presence. They will look towards Russia and China rather than the United States to be their partners. Look at a map—Europe, Russia, and Asia are one gigantic land mass. There are no oceans separating these nations.

America is separated from this by two great oceans—the Atlantic and Pacific. Since World War 2 we have controlled the oceans and exerted our power over the nations. We are seeing the end of this era right now! We can no longer control and bully these nations into submitting to our will.

As I wrote in the previous blog, President Trump is being used by Elohim to bring about these changes. In many ways Mr. Trump is right—but the end result will be the isolation of the USA on the world scene. This is preparation for the Great Tribulation! God is dividing the nations! He is sifting them in preparation for the great and terrible day of the Lord.

We are privileged to be able to watch and pray in these momentous days. We are on the threshold of a new world order in which the USA is going to be a third rate player. God is mightily shaking our nation. We are in turmoil and confusion due to our sins. We are on the verge of civil war and burning cities (Isaiah 1.6-8). These are the days of Elijah!

We will pass through some dark days in the USA but Elohim has a plan. He separated us from the nations by those two giant oceans for a reason. He is merciful unto us. We are being chastised but we are also being protected from much worse than the unrest we will be experiencing.

The major world events will be occurring between the Holy Roman Empire, Islam, and the Kings from the East (Russia and China). Isolation will be a place of captivity but a place of safety. God will not forget or deny us. Things will be difficult—but He is mindful of our past and how our nation once honored Him. Perhaps that will be part of our mission—to speak the words of Elijah and turn the people back to Elohim! Think about that….

Tuesday, July 17, 2018


Please read the following posts from November 2016 and February 2018 for an understanding of why Mr. Putin thinks the way he does. We must understand the reasons a person thinks the way they do in order to sift through the lies and deceptions.

We’ve constantly been reviewing the world economic situation and development of the European Union on this blog as we seek to understand current events in relation to the end time Biblical prophecies. Since the end of World War II the United States and Russia have vied for world dominance. In the U.S. our foreign policy has been obsessed with Russia. They are the scapegoat for all that is wrong in the world.

Today I would like to focus on how world events under President Trump are moving the world towards the second coming of Yeshua. It takes years for events to reach their culmination. Many of the events taking place today are setting up the world for the Great Tribulation. We don’t know how long it will take—but we can watch it develop.

Mr. Trump is right when he assails the EU (European Union) about their lack of spending on defense. Since WW II the U.S. has protected Europe from the “Russian Threat” that was the Cold War. In 1989 the Berlin Wall came down and the West rejoiced that they had won the cold war.

The Russian economy was at a low at this time and the western banks began to work with Russia to stabilize and rebuild the Russian economy. At that time there were wealthy Russian businessmen who owned major Russian businesses. They made deals with the west to funnel many of their resources and profits to the United States. Our banks made deals with these oligarchs, as they were called, and they became very wealthy.

When Putin came into power he considered these oligarchs traitors who sold out Russia to the west. At the same time western banks were taking over the Russian economy and creating loans that would indebt Russia to the west coming decades. Mr. Putin saw this and reacted strongly. He realized Russia was losing her sovereignty to the U.S. and NATO.

The above link explains this.

Russia is now completely free of western control and has been making financial deals with China and the EU. Mr. Trump declared that Germany was under the control of Russia because they are spending billions buying Russian gas and oil while the U.S. spends billions protecting the E.U.

Germany wants to deal with Russia because the Russians are building a gas pipeline that will reach into Germany. The Germans will then distribute the gas to southern Europe. This will give Germany great control over these countries. Mr. Trump understands this.

Biblically, Mr. Trump is being used by God to hasten the development of the E.U. in several ways. By requiring the E.U. to spend more on defense they will begin to take care of their own defense. The E.U. look at both Russian and China as trading partners. The U.S. is threatened by this but can really do nothing about it. Mr. Trump wants them to trade with us.

For years the E.U. has been chafing at American control and they are now beginning to break free because of Mr. Trump’s pushing them to do what he believes they should. . The E.U. is most likely the Beast Government described in the book of Revelation. The photo below is a sculpture that is outside the European Parliament Building in Brussels Belgium. The building itself is designed to look like a painting of the Tower of Babel.

Is it possible that God is revealing these things to us in plain sight?

The name of Europe comes from the ancient goddess Europa. She was seduced by Zeus who came in the form of a bull and seduced her. The last time they were seen she was on the back of the beast as he swam out into the ocean.

European Parliament Building

Mr. Trump is being used by God to get the E.U. to organize their military defense and become independent of the U.S. Then the E.U. will break from the U.S. and make their own trade deals with Russia and China without U.S. influence.

The U.S. is heading for a financial crises, along with the E.U. and world. This event will remove the U.S. dollar as world reserve currency. If you have been reading this blog you’ve read many articles on how China and Russia are stockpiling gold and removing their economies from dependence on the US dollar.

This will be the result of what Mr. Trump is doing. This is all part of God’s plan to align the nations for the second coming of Yeshua. It is playing out right in front of our eyes.

At some point, in the relatively short future, America will become isolated and marginalized as far as power and influence in world affairs. This sounds terrible, but in fact, may be God’s way of protecting America at the same time He is chastising us for our sins. If America is an Israelite/sheep nation the Lord must chastise us. We can all see how our nation is divided and descending into depravity—we even export it to other nations. Our nation is becoming like the USS United States luxury liner seen to the left. Our debt is so great she cannot be repaired.

Throughout American early history we were an isolationist nation. We did not want to become involved in the wars and affairs of Europe. The two great world wars changed all of that. We were drawn in and after WW II we became the dominate world power. What we are seeing now is the final surge of American power in the world. The other nations must rise prior to the tribulation.

Mr. Trump is being mightily used of God to realign the nations in preparation for the time of “Jacob’s Trouble” when the nations come against Jerusalem. In fact, Mr. Trump’s son-in-law, Jared Kushner who is Jewish, is working on a peace plan for the Middle East along with several Arab nations including Saudi Arabia. We should look for this plan to be revealed in the near future before Mr. Trump’s term is over.

It can be very frustrating watching these events unfold but in order for Biblical prophecy to be fulfilled they must. The two great Israelite nations of Britain and America are being chastised by God for their sins. Both our nations are turning away from God to a human secular society.

Understanding current events in our country and world gives us hope for the future. We should not be surprised at the things that are coming. We should continue to watch, pray, and prepare, for those things. Watch Mr. Trump and pray for understanding in how God is using him. After Mr. Trump America will most likely take a huge turn to the left.

If a financial collapse happens during Mr. Trump’s watch it will be blamed on him—but this has been brewing for decades as America spends itself into oblivion. The day of reckoning is on the horizon. We are watchmen on the walls speaking the Word of the Lord. Stay calm and carry on!

Summit recap:

Israel update: