Friday, November 21, 2014


In his book Mr. Cahn also points out an interesting cycle of 28 years--four Shemitahs. If we begin with 1917, the end of the 1916-1917 Shemita, and go forward 28 years, we are at 1945. This is the end of World War II and the beginning of the new world order led by the United States of America.

Going forward from 1945 and adding 28 years we are now at the completion of the World Trade Center in 1973. This is arguably the pinnacle of America power. From here forward America begins to decline. In 1973 abortion was legalized in the United States--the murder of innocent unborn children was now legal. Was God pleased with that decision?

Moving forward another 28 years brings us to September 11, 2001. In the book, Mr. Cahn reviews many important events which took place in the world and America during those years which we will not discuss. Get the book and read for yourself.

On that sad day in September 2001 each tower was struck by a commercial airliner in a terrorist attack. Whether or not it was a conspiracy is not the focus here--whatever it was--it was a human tragedy that changed America forever. On that day America’s hedge of protection by God was allowed to be violated by this terrorist act.

In the Old Testament when ancient Israel turned away from God their hedge of protection was taken away for because of their rebellion against God. This was what happened to America on that day. The year 2001 marked the fall of the twin towers--2001 was also the year of the Shemitah.

Conceived in the Shemitah of 1945. Begun in the Shemitah of 1966. Built in a seven year period beginning and ending in the year of a Shemitah. Finished and dedicated in the Shemitah of 1973. Destroyed in the Shemitah of 2001.

Is this a coincidence? Could God be speaking to America--warning her of her apostasy--pleading with her to return to Him?

In 1973 abortion became legal in the United States. In God’s eyes that is the murder of innocents. God watched that for 28 years and warned through the Christian community that abortion was murder. The warnings fell of deaf ears. Sadly over 3600 people died in the collapse of the twin towers. Sadly, during those 28 intervening years about 3600 innocents were aborted each day. Is this the act of a loving God? What if you had been one of those innocents? Who would stand up for you? Who would demand justice for you?

God spoke in a very harsh way. He pleaded for 28 years and the result was millions of aborted children. God stepped aside and let us do things our way that day in 2001.

"I knew you before I formed you in your mother's womb. Before you were born I set you ...Jeremiah 1.5
As awful and cold as it may seem to us I believe God was making a strong statement. He was standing up for the innocents. Many innocent people were murdered that day in the World Trade Center. It was a terrible tragedy that was perpetuated on man by man. God listened to what America was saying. We don’t want You in our schools, in our government, in our code of ethics, in our nation--we kicked Him out. The result was that His hedge of protection on this beloved nation was taken away for short time.

Did America repent? Did we humble ourselves and cry out for forgiveness? Did we introspect and wonder why such a thing could happen. Did we blame God or did we blame ourselves? Did we really do anything to correct the errors of our ways?

In his book, Mr. Cahn is much more gentle in approaching this subject than I have been. America did none of the above. We were defiant and decided we would build stronger and seek revenge for what had happened. This is a natural human reaction. I’m as guilty as anyone. Fact is God was hoping for a much humbler approach that the actions we took as a nation.

As hard as it is to believe God passionately loves America and all of His creation. What we forget is that God is also a God of righteousness and justice. He would that no person goes unsaved or should perish. When we sin He doesn’t sit up there and say, “OK, now I’m going to make them pay.” No God is not that petty. God hears what we say. God sees how we as Americans are pushing Him out of our lives. God merely leave us to our own devices.

God didn’t do anything to us--He merely did what we asked Him to do--to go away and leave us alone. He stepped back and let us proceed in our sinful ways. Those who hate America and what she stands for acted on 9/11 not God. He is not to blame--we ourselves are to blame. God’s laws aren’t good enough for us--we will do as we please. God heard us. What do we have to do to get things right? He who has ears to hear has heard.

The terrible events of 9/11 were beyond tragic. None of those in the towers deserved to die that way--but it happened.

God listened to America and stepped aside. Have we invited Him back in? What happened in the financial collapse of 2008--a Shemitah year give us a clue. That will be the topoc of the next posting.


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