Saturday, October 29, 2016

                                          NOTES ON ECCLESIASTES - PART TWO

7.1-29 – Proverbial sayings and the problem of wisdom – Verses 1-10 – A series of proverbs arranged in a “better than” comparisons concerning wisdom and folly. Wisdom recognizes the only thing certain is death. Fools focus on illusory pleasures of laughter and feasting. (7.1 = Until a man dies, there is always danger he may forfeit his good name. 7.3 = empty revelry precludes real happiness.) Finally it is unwise to spend time longing for the better days that are now past, if indeed they were better.

7.11-29 – These are reflections on the power of wisdom and the punishment of the sinner. Verse 15 – Reward and punishment to not always work as they should for righteous and wicked people. Verse 20 - Righteous humans, who are equated with the wise are not immune from sin. Verse 21-22 - Warnings are given against too much reliance on the opinions of others.

7.16-18- These verses seem to express the thought of moderation in all things.

7.18-28 – Human wisdom teaches the limits of what that wisdom can know, and therefore the need for moderate, balanced behavior which the writer connects to the fear of God. The writer uses the image of the woman who waits to entrap the unwary or foolish sinner.

In scripture, a woman can sometimes be a type of false religion or teaching—ref: “the woman riding the beast, the great harlot.”

Ancient Jewish sages felt wisdom’s focus on the end of life was to be celebrated because only then can a human know and have realized his intellectual and spiritual potential. Life has many troubles and experiences but through it all the wise man will find trust in God.

8.1-17 – More wisdom and its limits – This chapter discusses both positive and pessimistic statements and thoughts about wisdom. The Hebrew word for wisdom throughout the book of Ecclesiastics is Strong’s 2451 = wisdom, skill, learning; this can refer to skill in life, trade, war, or spiritual things.

8.1-5 – As believers in Yeshua these first six verses should have clear meaning.

8.6-9 - Command or power is the domain of the king (Yeshua) to whom every knee shall bow. None of us can hang unto our “life breath” as death is our end. Finally, how to we use our power or authority—for harm or good?

8.9-15 – Treatment of the good and the wicked. The writer expresses the tension between his conviction that the good are rewarded and the wicked punished and his observation that in reality this is not always the case. His conclusion is his favorite saying: Hevel = Vanity, futility. His conclusion is to enjoy your toil and wealth all the days God grants.

8.16-17 – His recommendation then is that human wisdom is incapable of totally understanding God’s divine activity and ways in this world. In other words, we should yield to God’s wisdom and become obedient to Him.

9.1-12 – Death is the final equalizer – I have used these verses along with others to determine what the Bible says about death and our sleeping in the grave awaiting to hear His voice (John 5.25) and resurrect from the dead.

9.1-6The theme is death for all humans regardless of anything else. Being alive is better than being dead because the dead (in Sheol = the grave) know nothing. (The dead are asleep according to the Bible; ref: 1 Thess 4.15 and John 11.11).

9.7-12 – Enjoy life while you have it. The writer connects this with symbols of purity, a white garment, and a head anointed with oil (white garment = righteousness of the saints; oil = gladness and anointing of God). We should be ready for death because we are in Christ.

Having a wife to love, just as Christ loves the church, brings great pleasure in life. This differs from the negative view in 7.26-28. We are the Bride of Christ…when we fall away we can become as an adulteress wife (ref: Hosea).

Trouble comes to all humans regardless of status. It often comes without warning. Where do we put our trust at this time?

9.13-18 – Wisdom is problematic – The challenge of living in the face of death brings the writer back to theme of wisdom and its limits. He uses a parable to make his point. He asserts the potential value of wisdom over royalty and military prowess, and yet admits the vulnerability of that wisdom and its effectiveness in relation to human neglect and sin.

10.1-20 – Maxims on wisdom and folly – Comparing how wisdom can be undone by just a little folly. Some themes in this chapter: Verse two may show the difference between Republicans and Democrats…Ha!

10.8-11 - Maxims that is born of experience shows there are rules in the world that dictate certain actions, will bring consequences.

10.12-14 – The above is extended showing the contrast between a wise man’s measured speech and the favor it brings him, against the fool’s uncontrolled prattling and its disastrous results.

10.16-20 – Leadership is contrasted between wise and foolish leaders. Those who govern with propriety and restraint with those who act as simple untested young children. Finally, measure your words carefully.

11.1-10 - Seize the day, for the future is dark and uncertain.

11.1-6- The initial advice about casting bread was understood by rabbinic sages as meaning to act generously to others because it may be returned in your time of misfortune. I find “giving a portion to seven or eight” as being prophetic. Seven is the number of completion and perfection, while eight is symbolic of the 8th day of Sukkot when the Bride and Groom spend an extra day intimately together. In other words be generous all the time.

Even if humans know that clouds bring rain and trees fall, they cannot predict when these events will occur. Anyone spending too much time trying to figure it all out will not get on with basic planting and reaping duties—they will be wasting precious time. So sow and till because we don’t know the future and should not fret about it.

11.7-8 – Seize the day and enjoy the sweetness of light of day because the day is coming when you will die—nothingness. Death is the grave, dust to dust, no hope—unless you believe in resurrection from the dead!

11.9-10 – The writer advises the young to enjoy life while they are young. I remember many older people telling me that when I was growing up! The writer here advises to enjoy life the correct way because God will judged by God. The writer’s hope in the possibility of divine judgment hints at a belief in resurrection at a future date.

12.1-8 – The terrors of old age – A contrast with the previous chapter of the pleasures of youth. That the writer ends on the dark note of old age is no accident, it reaffirms the transitory nature of life with no certainty that has been stated throughout the book.

12.1-5 – Darkness is compared to old age which envelopes the light of vigorous life of youth. The darkness is connected with various vocations of human activity that begin to fade as a person ages. This is connected to nature and various creatures and their decline or expression of fear at the approaching darkness. The rabbinic sages compared this to parts of the body in rapid deterioration.

12.5b-7 – The imagery clearly points to human death and the return of each body to dust. Significantly each human “life-breath” will return to God who gave it.

Again, here I see significant information on what happens to us when we die (ref: this blog Rev 20-Eternal Life based upon Resurrection of the Dead 2/3/16).

12.9-14 –Editorial Reflections – An epilogue. The verses identify the writer as a sage and describe his activity of teaching by means of wise sayings. The Jewish people look upon the Shepherd as being Moses while Christians would see Jesus.

It is not desirable to add anything more says the writer. Fear God and keep His commandments he advises. The reason being that God will bring every action, even if kept hidden, into judgment whether for good or ill.

In the past I found it difficult to understand the book of Ecclesiastes. It was so negative and dark, how could someone like King Solomon write it? Now I see the book in a much different light.

Scriptures says King Solomon had many wives which led him to idolatry and apostasy (1 Kings 11). This would account for his negative views in Ecclesiastes. He was experiencing the despair of a man who had strayed from His God.

In reality the book describes exactly the way humans think about and consider the mysteries of this life. Without faith in God things appear very bleak. We, as believers in Yeshaua ha Mashiach, have salvation and hope. We believe that we will be resurrected from the dead into eternal life with YHVH. This is a great future.

Even Paul the Apostle said: “If in this life only we have hope in Christ, we are of all men most miserable.” I Corinthians 15.19 Paul saw the glorious life ahead!




Thursday, October 27, 2016

I like to use the Jewish Study Bible (JPS) when reading the Old Testament because the commentary is excellent and helps me to understand the interpretation of the ancient sages. I feel that understanding the ideas and thoughts of the Jewish people is important in understanding the New Testament. In fact the understanding of the New Testament is contingent upon an understanding of the Old.
When the Apostle Paul traveled on his missionary journeys he only used the Old Testament to teach about the Messiah, His death, and Resurrection. We tend to forget that in the 21st Century. If you can't convince anyone that Yeshua is the Messiah by only using the Old Testament your testimony is weak.
I present this study using the commentary from the JPS and some of my own thoughts. Get out your Bible and follow along.

1.1-2The word futility or vanity is used 38 times in this book. The literal meaning is: air, breath, something fleeting; without substance.

1.3-11 – Verses 4-8 give several examples of the ceaselessly circular movement (cycles) that governs all activity in the world. The passage of generations, cycle of the sun and moon, flow of water…there is no linear, goal oriented activity—it is all repeating cycles.

The implication is that nothing new under the sun occurs, nothing one can show for his toil, nothing to learn and to build on…it is just the same thing over and over. Today we would call this the “routine of daily life.”

Some ancient sages argued that this is a wrong-headed focus on daily activities at the expense of the spiritual dimension. They felt the phrase, “nothing new” contrasts the futile daily activity done “in place of spiritual activity of Torah study and correct living.”

1.12-18 – The writer aims to establish his preeminent ability to investigate wisdom over folly and madness by claiming the persona of Solomon. (Tradition credits Solomon with writing this book, many scholars do not think so.)

2.1-26 – Experiments with wisdom and the results

2.1-12 – The writer seeks to discover what, if anything, wisdom can yield. As a point of argument he declares life furnishes us with no enjoyment.

He acquires material property and wealth. It gives him momentary pleasure as “his portion” from his labor, but that was all he got out of it. The wealth has no lasting value for him—it will fall to an unknown successor.

2.13-16 – The 2nd experiment is to determine if there is an advantage to wisdom over folly. In the writers view it does not—because the fate of both is the same—death. Death, he reasons, wipes out any advantage because both the wise and the foolish are equally soon forgotten.

2.17-23 – These negative conclusions are elaborated on.

2.24-26 – A Solution – The writer now proposes that it is God’s plan that one should at least enjoy the work while doing it—don’t worry about what comes later. This kind of enjoyment is an outgrowth of the wisdom and knowledge that together are God’s gift to someone He finds pleasing.

The one who displeases God (folly) will suffer the fated depicted in the experiments above—that God makes him focus on accumulating wealth only to see it handed over to another who pleases God.

3.1-8 – A World of Polarities – The polarities move across various kinds of human activities in this beautiful poem. Everything is arranged in pairs that are either constructive or destructive or the reverse.

Rabbinic commentary often tried to go beyond the contextual meaning of the pairs, which refer to universal human activities, to something more specific, such as the proper behavior of the nation of Israel. As an example, they took the meaning of throwing or gathering stones as the scattering of Israel and later ingathering of Israel.

3.9-22 – Reflection on the Polarities – the first comment questions whether there is any value, advantage, or profit, for a person’s labor. The question arises from the cycles described in verses 1-8. They suggest that life is an endless cycle of such actions, canceling or balancing each other out, and thus, leading to no goal or advantage.

3.10-15 – This cannot, however, be understood to deny that God is in control of everything. One part of this control is the fact that God puts eternity into human minds. This gives humans a sense that divine activity determines events beyond what they can see and understand—it defines the limits of our reason.

God, therefore, allows humans to enjoy their labor while they are doing it even if they gain no “advantage” while doing it. That sense of accomplishment is a “gift” from God.

3.16-17 – God’s control is further explored. His control is applied to a pair of opposites—wickedness and justice—both of which God allows to occur, each in its own time and season. Those who practice these opposites both eventually die.

3.18-22 – Now the writer pairs humans with animals. He is questioning if there is any difference between the fate of the two. The context in Hebrew is that some in the community may be asserting that there is an afterlife for humans but not for animals.

He contends that they both die and return to dust. (These are key verses in the study of the afterlife when we allow the Bible to interpret itself.) He does not deny that there may be more.

Ancient sages, in an attempt to harmonize these verses with the doctrine of an afterlife, used these verses to affirm an afterlife with God. The writer of Ecclesiastes says the best thing is to focus on enjoyment of what you have—your “portion” is the term he uses.

Verses 20-21, along with other Bible verses, indicate that man does have an afterlife while animals just go into the earth below and return to dust. (When doing a study on death and dying these are important verses when “allowing the Bible to interpret itself.”)

4.1-16 – Futility and Human Relationships – This chapter explores different types of human interactions and their consequences in five sections:

4.1-3 – The first is oppressor overwhelming the oppressed, a constant occurrence that makes death, or even not being born a better option. (See Eccl 9.4-6 for the opposite view.)

4.4-6 – The second is envy leading to futile labor.

4.7-8 – The third is that a person alone has no one to bequeath the fruits of his labor to.

4.9-12 – The fourth celebrates the advantage and reward of having companions. The strength of such relationships is compared to a threefold cord.

4.13-16 – The fifth shows that even a poor wise youth who succeeds over an old foolish king will not be remembered by the generations before (obviously), nor those still to come. As time passes all is forgotten.

4.17-5.6 – Responding properly to God – Warnings against behavior towards God and man.

4.17 – The unit begins here, mentioning false sacrifice which tries to cover up for sinful acts (Amos 5.21-24).

5.1-2 – Uncontrolled speech is foolishness compared to the virtue of silence—ancient sages compared this to excessively long prayers!

5.3-5 – As Yeshua said, “Let your no be no, and your yes be yes” do not make vows unto God unless you are going to keep them (Deut 23.22-24; Prov 20.25).

5.2, 6 – The reference to dreams in verse 2 show they are a form of divine communication. Verse 6 warns against undue reliance on dreams because they can be vague and misleading (cf. dreams of false prophets in Deut 13.2-6; Jeremiah 23.25-32; 27.9, 29.8; Zech 10.2). Many rely more on dreams then on the word of God as written…beware.

5.7-8 – These verses may be modeled on the actual system in place at the time written. The system serves justice because lower officials are watched over and corrected by the higher ranks. Ultimately, God is the final higher ranking authority. Verse 8 in the Hebrew is difficult. The emphasis may not be on owning land but on the enjoyment and value of toiling on the land (5.11, 17-18) The Biblical view is that we are stewards of the earth working for the Almighty.

5.9-20 – The problem of wealth and the solution – The main focus, the futility of accumulating wealth, stands in deliberated contrast with v 8, on the value of toil. Furthermore is the problem of accumulating money, which once acquired leaves on wanting more!

The value of toil is once again introduced. As elsewhere in the book, it is God who is said to preside over the whole matter. Now the focus is on God’s grant of the privilege of enjoying the wealth and goods the toil produces. This can easily be a spiritual lesson on serving God. The ancient rabbis added that God’s gift of enjoyment is for those who earn it by meritorious deeds and the blessings received.

6.1-12 – Again wealth, toil, and the meaning of life – Verses 1-6 – These first verses focus on the futility of accumulating wealth but with a sharper more negative twist—God can deny people the power to enjoy wealth. It can be given to someone outside the kin group of the owner who then takes the wealth away for themselves.

The writer sees this result for the ugly image of the stillborn, who is said to be more fortunate in his brief rest than the living victim who has lost all his toil. This pessimism continues in the chapter.

6.7-9 – Can a human ever find satisfaction in toil, and does it really make any difference to the wise, foolish, or poor? As Yeshua has said, "For what is a man profited, if he shall gain the whole world, and lose his own soul? Or what shall a man give in exchange for his soul?" Matt 8.36.

6.10-12 – These verses return to the earlier theme of time’s circularity and the lack of anything new. It concludes that human efforts are futile in the light of God’s power in this argument—what sense does life have? (These are the thoughts of a man lacking faith in God—we believe our steps are directed by God.)
Next: Chapters 7 through 12

Saturday, October 22, 2016


The writer of this book arrives at these observations by exercising wisdom of their own experience or others who came before him. The wisdom is understood to have YHVH as the ultimate source. Topics covered in Ecclesiastes:

  1. Cycles of the natural order.
  2. Amassing of wealth in property and other forms.
  3. The opposing forces that govern life.
  4. Friendship – mostly as an antidote to life’s innumerable uncertainties.
  5. Virtues and difficulties of human authority.
  6. The nature of folly and the possibilities and limitations of wisdom
  7. The enjoyment of one’s toils.
  8. The terrors of old age.

Behind these topics are certain fundamental themes. The first is expressed by the term “futility” (hevel, ch 1:2). This being the inability of humans to make sense of the world around them, to see a coherent pattern, a plan to their lives and to nature, in the sense of moving toward lasting goals.

The writer appears to believe there may be coherent patterns of activity for humans as he uses the word ma’aseh (deed, work, action) for these (ch 8) indicating they seem to be folded into the larger ma’aseh of YHVH.

Our ability to discern what these patterns are is frustrated as the traditional reward/punishment for the good/wicked does not appear to always work in this life. In this regard, it appears the writer is arguing against the eternal truths in Deuteronomy and Proverbs.

One thing clear to the writer is death. It is the final point in each person’s deeds, works, actions, and life. It is going to happen to everyone. The writer does not take into account the doctrine of resurrection from the dead, which we who believe in Yeshua certainly do. The writer of Ecclesiastes conclusion is to enjoy life while you have it. In his view reward/punishment is cancelled out by death, but he leaves us feeling uneasy about that conclusion—is that all there is?

The writer seems to believe that wisdom does not deny that YHVH is in control and that He has a pattern of activity that will eventually bring every creature to future account. Therefore, he concludes, it makes sense not to tempt the anger of YHVH (ch 4.17-5.5).

The topics and themes in Ecclesiastes are not developed in a systematic way—they are scattered and revisited throughout the book—just in the way humans think! New perspectives and ideas often build on what the writer thought previously—or contradict it completely! At times this seems confusing, but actually corresponds to how humans  really think about many things (ch 8; 9.1-12, ch 10).

Key words in the book:

Futility, vanities = hevel; 1892 Strong’s =breath; by extension something with no substance, meaninglessness, worthlessness, vanity, emptiness, futility; idol, altogether vain.

“Set my heart to seek” = to probe, explore, investigate, seek out by myself.

The writer, we see, is engaged in a leisurely, self-conscious, rumative, process in which he is considering these issues from one "angel" to another.

Traditionally this book is attributed to King Solomon whose wisdom was world renowned. Later in life he turned from YHVH to the idols of his hundreds of wives. This would explain the dark moods of Ecclesiastes.

In Jewish tradition this book is read on Sukkot (Feast of Tabernacles) which celebrates the completion of the fall fruit harvest (including grapes). It is a celebration of the completion of the meaningful work of harvesting. Sukkot is called “The season of our Joy” and this rejoicing resounds with themes of enjoying the fruit of our labors found in Ecclesiastes.

For believers in Yeshua the feast of Sukkot is a reminder of our resurrection into new life in the coming Millennial Kingdom. It follows five days after Yom Kippur, the Day of Atonement which is the day the wicked are judged and crushed like grapes. The Day of Atonement is also the day the redeemed are saved and enjoy the new wine of crushed grapes. Ecclesiastes fits this time of year nicely for both religions.

The fact that Ecclesiastes exhibits contradictions, along with unorthodox views that don’t necessarily go along with the rest of the Bible, reflects the uncertainly a person who has little faith in God would exhibit. We all, at one time or another, question our existence and the existence of God.

When a person comes to faith in God through Jesus Christ (Yeshua) His Son they get a new perspective on the meaning of life. This is what Yeshua was referring to when He told Nicodemus (John 3) that he must be “reborn” before he could see the Kingdom of God. Only then, with serious study of scripture, can we even begin to understand the ways of our God.

Source of information: The Jewish Study Bible, Jewish Publication Society


Thursday, October 20, 2016





After three and a half years of waiting on the Lord Elijah is told to go and show himself to wicked King Ahab. The Lord tells Elijah that then it will rain upon the earth. At this time there was a severe famine in Samaria the capital area of the Northern Kingdom of Israel.


At this same time King Ahab called upon Obadiah (means servant of Jehovah) to assist him in going through the land to see if they can find water and grass to keep the horses, mules, and cattle alive. Obadiah was truly a servant of Jehovah. When wicked Queen Jezebel went on a rampage killing the prophets of God Obadiah hid two groups of fifty each in a cave and fed them.


God had his man right there in the house of His enemy. Obadiah was a godly man serving in the ungodly king’s home! This is an amazing story. You would have thought that Obadiah would have quit that job and gone somewhere else. Obadiah was right where the Lord wanted him. He heard the voice of the Lord and was God’s inside man to save the hundred prophets. God often will put us in uncomfortable places for a purpose! That was where Obadiah was. He is a great example of God working outside the box of human understanding.


Obadiah and Ahab divided the land between them and each went his own way. Obadiah met Elijah as he was on his search for water and grass. Obadiah recognized Elijah and fell on his face before Elijah. Elijah told him to get up and go tell Ahab that Elijah was coming to meet him.


Obadiah asked Elijah what sin he had committed that Elijah would want to send him to deliver this message. Obadiah was afraid Ahab would kill him if Elijah didn’t show up. “Don’t you know that I’m the guy who hid the hundred prophets in the cave? Ahab will slay me if you don’t show up!” Elijah assured Obadiah he’d show up so Obadiah went and told Ahab to go meet Elijah.


When Ahab sees Elijah he asks, “Are you he who troubles Israel?” Elijah replies, “I have not troubled Israel, but it is you and your father’s house that have forsaken the commandments of the Lord and followed Baal.”


Elijah hasn’t been seen for 3 ½ years but Ahab knows there has been no rain because of Elijah’s prayers. Our tough bird Elijah is not afraid to tell Ahab that he has refused to obey God. Elijah challenges Ahab to gather 450 prophets of Baal and 450 prophets of the idols (who eat at Jezebel’s table) and meet him at Mount Carmel.


Ahab asks no questions but does what Elijah has demanded. Ahab and 900 false prophets meet Elijah at Mount Carmel. In addition there was a large gathering of the people waiting there when Elijah arrived. Elijah glares at the crowd and tells them, “How long will you waver between two opinions? If the Lord is God, follow him, but if Baal is god, then follow him!” The crowd was silent answering not a word.


Elijah declares he is the only prophet of the Lord that remains in Israel but Baal has 450 prophets. He tells the prophets of Baal to get two bulls and to choose one for themselves and to prepare it for sacrifice. Elijah will take the other bull and prepare it for his sacrifice. Elijah tells them to prepare their bull first and put it on wood with no fire.


Elijah will prepare his bull in the same way--cut up upon the wood with no fire. “You call on the name of your gods”, he tells them, “and I will call on the name of my God. The God who answers by fire, he is God.” All the people said, “You have spoken well.”


The prophets of Baal proceed to prepare their bull as they called on the name of Baal from morning until noon saying, “Oh Baal answer us!” There was no voice nor any that answered. They prayed vehemently and began to cut themselves upon the altar but there was no answer.


At noon Elijah began to mock them sarcastically, “Cry with a loud voice, for he is a god, perhaps he is meditating or is on a long journey. Maybe he is sleeping!”


They shouted louder and cut themselves with daggers until their blood gushed out upon them. When midday was past they prophesied until it was time for the evening sacrifice, but there was no answer or any to listen. At his time Elijah told them to move aside so that he could prepare his burnt offering. Notice Elijah said, “To prepare my burnt offering.” He knew that the Lord was going to answer him in a big way.


Elijah takes 12 stones according to the number of the tribes and rebuilds the broken down altar of the Lord. Then he built a trench around the altar, put the wood in order, cut the bull in pieces and laid it on the wood. He then told some men to get four jugs of water and pour it on the burnt offering and the wood. This he had them do three times until the water filled the trench. There was a drought…this was precious water!


Elijah is a man of faith. There has been a 3 ½ year drought and Elijah is pouring all this water on the altar. Nobody said a word--they did as Elijah asked.


At the time of the evening offering Elijah prayed, “Lord God of Abraham, Isaac, and Israel, let it be known this day that You are God in Israel and I am Your servant, and that I have done all these things at Your word. Hear me, O Lord, hear me, that this people may know that You are the Lord God, and that You have turned their hearts back to You again.”


The fire of the Lord fell and consumed the burnt offering, the wood, stones, and even the dust and water that was in the trench. When the people saw this they fell on the ground face down and cried out, “The Lord, he is God, the Lord he is God!”


Elijah told them to seize the prophets of Baal and bring them down to the brook of Kishon. There Elijah slew them all.


After that bloody event Elijah told Ahab to go and eat and drink because the rushing sound of heavy rain was in his ears. Ahab does what Elijah says with no argument--he had seen enough to silence him.


As Ahab went to eat and drink Elijah went up to the top of Mount Carmel and put his face upon his knees. I’ve been on top of Mount Carmel and as you look to the east you can see the Mediterranean Sea. Elijah told his servant to go look toward the sea. His servant looked and told Elijah he saw nothing. Elijah had to tell him to go look seven more times.


On the seventh look the servant said he saw a small cloud that looked like a hand rising from the sea. Elijah told his servant to go and tell Ahab to get on his horse and get down before the rain stopped him. The heavens became black with clouds and wind and it started to rain heavily.


Ahab rode through the storm towards Jezreel. The hand of the Lord was upon Elijah and he ran swiftly before Ahab into Jezreel.



After 3 ½ years of waiting on the Lord Elijah confronts the prophets of Baal and Jezebel on Mount Carmel. I appreciate the discipline of Elijah to wait for the Lord to speak and tell him to move. We could all use this type of discipline and obedient spirit. We are always in a hurry and have to do things right away--not Elijah.


Isn’t it interesting that this most difficult time was a 3 ½ year period of drought and difficulty? This is a type and shadow of the final 3 ½ years of the tribulation period. A period that will test and refine God’s people.


Obadiah was obedient to the Lord in a job most of us would have quit. God had him there for a reason. He saved 100 prophets from the wicked hand of Jezebel. God’s ways are above our ways. Even in a difficult situation God has a plan to use us if we allow Him.


The people saw how the fire came down from the Lord but only gave lip service. They acknowledged that the Lord was great but their actions did not reflect their words. Their hearts were not right. There was no change in them or the king after this great event. Only God knows what is in the heart of man.







Tuesday, October 18, 2016



 ELIJAH - MAN OF GOD - 1 KINGS 17 - 19


Elijah the Tishbite, an inhabitant of Gilead was a “Man of God”. Elijah means: “My God is Yah”. Tishbite means: Captivity, a captive; adding. You shall lead captive. Gilead means: Perpetual fountain. A heap of testimony; a witness; mass of testimony; strong.


My God is Yah who is a perpetual fountain will lead you captive by a strong heap of testimony! What better way to describe Elijah!


Elijah is God’s gunslinger. He is one tough hombre. He comes on the scene out of nowhere and tells wicked King Ahab that there will be no dew or rain until I say so (1 Kings17.1). Then immediately the Lord tells him to go to the brook Cherith (Separation). The Lord tells him in advance that there he will drink of the waters of the brook and be fed by the Ravens.


We see God taking His prophet to a place of separation. There he will drink from the brook (fountain of water) where he will receive God’s testimony and become strong in the Lord. He is told ahead of time that he will be fed by the Ravens, which according to Torah, are unclean birds because they are scavengers. They will bring him meat and bread that they have scavenged!


The Bible does not record Elijah’s thoughts, but he must have been concerned with what God was doing to him. To be fed by unclean birds the meat and bread they scavenged must have been abhorrent to him. Tough guy Elijah said nothing. He obeyed. He sat there for a long time--until the brook dried up. He was separated from all men as he sat, ate his food delivered by unclean birds, and waited on God. This would have been a most difficult task as it was not going according to what Elijah may have thought. Torah. God was putting him in an uncomfortableposition. It was God who put him there so Elijah did what he was told. Just like those ravens Elijah was a tough old bird. I can just see those Ravens preening at him as he ate their hard won food.


When the brook dried up God told Elijah to go to Zarephath of Sidon and stay with a widow designated to feed him there. So he went at once. Must have sounded like a good deal after sitting at the brook with the birds for who knows how long.


When he gets to town up there in Sidon north of Israel he sees the widow woman gathering wood. How did he know it was her? I think he knew the voice of the Lord after all that time alone at the brook--he knew. He asked her to bring him a piece of bread. The widow replied that she had only enough flour and oil to bake a small cake for “me and my son which we will eat and then die.” She was a tough bird. Elijah knew a lot about tough birds.


Elijah says, “Go and do what you said, but bake me a cake first and bring it to me. Then make some for you and your son. For thus says the Lord, the God of Israel, the jar of flour and jug of oil will not run out until the Lord sends rain upon the ground.” One tough bird to another tough bird. Who does he think he is--bring me a cake first! Elijah’s head turned sideways like a Raven eyes penetrating.


She probably shrugged her shoulders and thought, “OK, I’m gonna die anyway so I’ll do what that tough old bird says and maybe it will be OK.” That jar and jug didn’t run out just like Elijah told her.


You have to understand. There is a drought, it is very hot, and there is nothing to do but sit around and wait. Then wait some more. Something tells me the conversation between Elijah and the widow wasn’t exactly sparkling. She did recognize she was in the presence of a man of God. She felt the strength and peace of God surrounding her and her son as they sat there. She watched him go off and sit in God’s presence. She felt the presence of God. God is one tough old bird.


One day her son became ill and he quietly passed on in the heat. She asks Elijah why he came here and caused her sinfulness to be exposed causing the death of her son. Without missing a beat Elijah tells her to give him the boy and carries him upstairs to the even hotter room he has been staying in.


Elijah cries out to the Lord not to let the child die as this woman has enough calamity in her life. He stretches out over the child three times (three days and resurrection) crying out to the Lord to restore life to the dead body. The Lord brings the child back to life, Elijah brings the kid down and says, “See, your son is alive.” Mister cool. Tough bird. Didn’t let on how he begged God to restore the child.


The widow replies, “Now I know you are a man of God and that the word of the Lord is in your mouth.” Well, thank you very much Elijah must have thought. Not easy living around birds, peck, peck, peck. Elijah goes back and waits upon the Lord. The word of the Lord is about to come.



Elijah has been chosen and separated by God for an important mission. Elijah seems to already be a seasoned prophet of God and a man of few words. He listens and develops his sense of hearing. He sees the wickedness of Ahab (and Jezebel) and calls for drought on their kingdom. Blessing comes from above, Torah comes from above, like dew on the ground or rain from heaven. God is a perpetual fountain. You don’t want to hear? OK, the blessings from above will stop. Drought, dryness, aridness.


Elijah is separated by himself to the brook Cherith. There he is put into the uncomfortable eating situation. He must deal with uncleaness. Was God showing Elijah some areas in his life that need to be purified during this period? Oh, yeah, cause God is a tough old bird. He gets dumped on daily and retains His cool. He puts up with insults daily. He puts up with disrespect no real housewife from Miami would ever put up with--daily. One tough old bird. Get over it Elijah we are movin’ on!


When the brook dries up Elijah is sent to a Sidonian widow. What is true religion according to James? Caring for widows. God is going to provide for Elijah while he blesses a poor widowed mother. Elijah waits. The widow wonders, “Who is this guy?” Elijah’s self is dying. He’s getting buried as he waits. Then the widow’s only son dies.


“This is what I get for having you as my guest?” she says. Dead old bird Elijah says, “Give me the boy” and goes up stairs to his small hot room. Dead old Elijah is going to be resurrected! Hallelujah! He breaths on the boy three times begging God to restore the boy. Repentance, resurrection, revival!


The boy is brought down to his widowed mother. God cared for her. She has been transformed. “Now I know I have been in the presence of God and his man!” She will never be the same and God will be glorified in pagan Sidon.


Three and a half years of drought, dryness, and aridness are about to become a flood. Elijah has been made ready. God is going to shake Israel and bring down Ahab and his wicked queen Jezebel--a daughter of a Sidonian king and priest. God is one tough bird!





Thursday, October 13, 2016


Yesterday I spent the day quietly observing Yom Kippur at home. Just waited on the Lord and read some scripture. Time in prayer was quiet waiting and thanking Yahweh for His grace and mercy. It was a refreshing time and I'm looking forward to Sukkot (Tabernacles) in five days. The three end time feasts, Trumpets, Yom Kippur, and Sukkot are all about the second coming and the end of "the time of the Gentiles."

Can't help but think of the Presidential election here in the US. It has reached new lows I've never seen in my 65 years of life. It is a sad commentary that this once great country has been reduced to such nonsense. As the nation turns from faith in God the entire country sinks to lower and lower morality and truth. Who knows what to believe anymore!?

Our Rock is Yeshua and the word of God as expressed in both the old and new testaments. Nothing that is happening out there is anything new under the sun. The Word has already covered it all.

We see the nation of Israel (the northern kingdom) and Judah (the southern kingdom) both falling into idolatry, immorality, and corruption in the Old Testament. Read the first five chapters of Isaiah and you see a picture of the United States today. The parallels are amazing! This is where we are right now:

For, behold, the Lord, the Lord of hosts, doth take away from Jerusalem and from Judah the stay and the staff, the whole stay of bread, and the whole stay of water. The mighty man, and the man of war, the judge, and the prophet, and the prudent, and the ancient, The captain of fifty, and the honorable man, and the counselor, and the cunning artificer, and the eloquent orator. And I will give children to be their princes, and babes shall rule over them. Isaiah 3.1-4

Woe unto them that call evil good, and good evil; that put darkness for light, and light for darkness; that put bitter for sweet, and sweet for bitter! Isaiah 5.20

Therefore is the anger of the Lord kindled against his people, and he hath stretched forth his hand against them, and hath smitten them: and the hills did tremble, and their carcases were torn in the midst of the streets. For all this his anger is not turned away, but his hand is stretched out still.  Isaiah 5.25

It is only a matter of time before the storm hits. These words are hard but ultimately they will turn many back to the Lord during coming days. Many will repent and turn back to God. It is going to be a very difficult time for all of us, but the Lord will prevail and the righteous will shine. Today is a day of preparation for God's people.

Those testing's and trials you are currently experiencing are preparing you for the difficult days ahead. If we understand this, we can persevere through the current trials, knowing we are being prepared for greater things ahead.

We all desire to be used by the Lord but often fail to realize the difficulties we are facing today are His way of preparing us for greater use. Yes, it is difficult and unpleasant, but if we are honest with the Lord and yield to his chastisement we will begin to be changed into His image. Then Yeshua's resurrection power will flow through us to a broken and dispirited nation.

That I may know him, and the power of his resurrection, and the fellowship of his sufferings, being made conformable unto his death; If by any means I might attain unto the resurrection of the dead.
Not as though I had already attained, either were already perfect: but I follow after, if that I may apprehend that for which also I am apprehended of Christ Jesus.

 Brethren, I count not myself to have apprehended: but this one thing I do, forgetting those things which are behind, and reaching forth unto those things which are before, I press toward the mark for the prize of the high calling of God in Christ Jesus. Philippians 3.10-14

Paul understood that the more difficulties he experienced the more effective he became--leaning on the resurrection power of Yeshua!


Thursday, October 6, 2016


The following link:  describes the economic changes currently taking place in China, Russia, and ultimately Europe. I first began studying the economic system after the economic crash of 2008. At the same time I had been begun to seriously study the Book of Revelation.

As I pursued these two endeavors I was astounded with the things I began to understand from a Biblical World view. The things I was reading eight years ago are currently being established in world trade.

Eight years ago China desired to become a member of the IMF (International Monetary Fund) and establish the Yuan as a world currency. It became reality on September 30, 2016.

Eight years ago Russia and China began to hoard gold in preparation for a new world currency to be based on gold. Eight years ago Russian and China had no trading platforms outside the western financial world to back the credit cards of their citizens. These platforms are now established.

Eight years ago the “silk road” to Europe was in the planning stages…today it is operating. Eight years ago Europe was America’s vassal…today they look to establish their own army for national defense (leaving NATO behind), today they look to Russia and China to establish trade centers and deals.

Meanwhile, America has sought to dominate the world militarily and economically by surrounding Russia and China in an attempt to choke off these new trading platforms. It is impossible to thwart what the Russians and Chinese are doing because they are doing it for the mutual benefits of themselves and their trading partners.

America has only their self-interest at heart in their trade deals. The US system is bankrupt and will need to collapse before it can be fixed. Trade, Money, Power, and Wealth are being transferred to the East. God is in control of these events as the world is being prepared for the “Man of Sin” to arise in this new world order.

My hope is that America’s isolation by two great oceans will be our best chance at becoming a refuge nation that resists the coming “beast system.” We are heading for most difficult times ahead but I believe God will be with us. It will be: 'Not by might nor by power, but by my Spirit,' says the LORD Almighty.” Zechariah 4.6.

America will be under the hand of the Almighty and it will not be our own power that sees us through. It will be the word of God and our commitment to Yeshua that ultimately will cause us to survive the coming storm.

The purpose of this blog is to share a Biblical World view along  with serious Biblical teachings that relate to current world events. There are many articles and teachings herein. May the Lord guide you in your search for truth.

The Bio of the writer of the link above:

Frederick William Engdahl (born August 9, 1944) is an American German historian, economic researcher, and freelance journalist. Engdahl began writing about oil politics with the first oil shock in the early 1970s. He has also been a long-time associate of the LaRouche movement and has written many articles for their publications.

His first book was called A Century of War: Anglo-American Oil Politics and the New World Order, and discusses the alleged roles of Zbigniew Brzezinski and George Ball and of the USA in the 1979 overthrow of the Shah of Iran, which was meant to manipulate oil prices and to stop Soviet expansion. Engdahl claims that Brzezinski and Ball used the Islamic Balkanization model proposed by Bernard Lewis. In 2007, he completed Seeds of Destruction: The Hidden Agenda of Genetic Manipulation.

Engdahl is also a contributor to the website of the anti-globalization Centre for Research on Globalization, and Russian websites New Eastern Outlook, and the Voltaire Network, and a freelancer for varied newsmagazines such as the Asia Times.

William Engdahl has been married since 1987, and has been living for more than two decades near Frankfurt am Main, Germany.

Monday, October 3, 2016

Economic Warfare, Banking Crisis, Feasts of the Lord, and the Rising of the Beast

It is quite interesting to observe world events as we are entering into the appointed times or fall Feasts of the Lord on the Biblical calendar. Sunday evening October 2, 2016 begins the fall Feast of Trumpets (Yom Teruah) on the Biblical calendar.
This feast begins the fall season on the Biblical calendar and includes the Day of Atonement (Yom Kippur) and the Feast of Tabernacles (Sukkot) which are all shadows of the coming end of the age.
The Hebrew words for these feasts in Leviticus 23.2 means "a calling together for a hallowed ceremony." The ceremony is to remember and rehearse for coming events.

Briefly, the Feast of Trumpets is the "Day of Blasting" of the shofar to warn us to repent. Paul says in 1 Thessalonians 4 that the Lord will return with the sound of the shofar. This is like an air raid siren--a warning. In Revelation 8 and 9 we read of the seven trumpet judgments.

The ten days between the Feast of Trumpets and the Day of Atonement are called "The Days of Awe" in the Jewish community. During this time we are to think about our lives and repent for the sins we have committed. In the Book of Revelation 16 we see bowls or vials of the wrath of God being poured out upon the wicked. These judgments are a type of the Days of Awe.

The Apostle Paul said (1 Thess 5.9-10): "For God has not destined us for wrath, but to obtain salvation through our Lord Jesus Christ, who died for us so that whether we are awake or asleep we might live with him."
The Days of Awe are a time of God's wrath upon the wicked--but His people are not destined for  wrath, but are to be redeemed. There is a place of safety for God's people at this time (Zephaniah 2.3 and Psalm 27.5 to mention two). This brings us to:

The Day of Atonement (Yom Kippur). This is the day the "gates are closed" and those who have refused to repent (Rev 16.10-11) are experiencing God's wrath. Yom Kippur is the day of God's wrath upon the wicked but it is the day of redemption for the righteous!

Five days later the Feast of Tabernacles (Sukkot) begins. The is the time the Jewish people build their sukkah's or booths and spend time celebrating in them. This represents the Wedding Feast of our bridegroom Yeshua. It is when God comes to "tabernacle" or live among His people.

What does this have to do with economic warfare, banking crisis, and the Beast? This is the Book of Revelation unfolding in our time. Many events that happen in our time revolve around the Biblical Calendar and these fall feasts.

The twin towers were attacked during the fall feasts and the 2008 financial crisis took place during the same season. We don't recognize this because in the Christian world we keep time on the "Roman Calendar" and most of us have no knowledge of the Feasts of the Lord (Leviticus 23.1). WE are now entering this season...will an event take place? I can't say it will...but we should be alert for the possibility.

The beginning of knowledge is in understanding the Biblical Calendar. The entire Bible is written in God's time as expressed in Genesis 1.1-15. Notice it says in verse 5 that "evening and morning" were Day One.

In the Bible time is measured from the going down of the sun. That is the beginning of the 24 hour period we call a day. When the sun sets, on what we on the Roman calendar call Tuesday night, it is Wednesday night on the Biblical time clock. Darkness begins the day, daylight then commences. Just as we are in darkness until we come to Yeshua--the light of the world.

A Roman day begins at midnight, God's day begins at sunset. For convenience we can say from 6 PM until 6 AM are the first 12 hours and 6 AM until the sun sets at 6 PM are the second 12 hours. When it says in Mark 15: 25, "And it was the third hour when they crucified him" it means 9 AM Biblical time. It is three hours from 6 AM, the beginning of the day hours, until 9 AM.

Later, in another scripture it says the world was in darkness from the 6th hour until the 9th hour. That was from 12 noon until 3 PM. This may seem trivial to a person who reads the Bible but many things not understood become clear as you open your heart to this. Note: In many modern translations they will say 9 AM instead of "third hour" because they have are putting it in modern English--but the original language says third hour.

Without getting into it, Jesus was not crucified and buried on Good Friday when you understand the Biblical time of day. He said he would be in the belly of the earth for three days and three nights (72 hours). If He said it He means it! Impossible if He was crucified and buried on Good Friday--that's only two nights.

It this is fact then how many other things have you been taught that are false? Think about that. Your understanding of the end times and the Book of Revelation is directly related to God's Biblical time and calendar.

As I shared on the September 28 post on this blog many financial events are coming to a head. The world stands on the brink of financial crisis. Deutsch Bank is on the verge of collapse. If it collapses then other banks could fail and we will experience an event worse then the 2008 financial collapse.

Nations are waging economic warfare against each other as I write.

There is a war between fiat paper money and precious metals such as gold and silver. Our paper money is based on faith in our government. There is nothing "real" backing that paper but "trust and faith" in the US Government.

Russia and China certainly have their own economic troubles but they have wisely chosen to increase their gold reserves against the day of financial ruin. Many think the United States has it's own stash of gold but that may not be the case.

The US Government refused to allow an audit of Fort Knox in Kentucky. Many believe there is no gold there. They believe it is gone through lending to other countries in an effort to prop up the current regime of US Dollar hegemony. We will soon find out.

The Russians and Chinese are prepared for a new world currency backed by gold because it will bring stability to trade and finance. The US has built up a debt that can never be repaid. The US Dollar is the current world currency used in trade. That day is soon to be coming to an end.

World financial crisis and collapse will usher in a "new world order" based on a currency backed by gold and it will not be the US Dollar. The United States will no longer be in control of world trade when this occurs and the dollar will be replaced by a new world currency for trade.

The result of this will drastically change our way of life in the USA. Our debt is a house of cards and it is going to fall hard. We will no longer be buying stuff on credit. It will be a major depression much worse than 1929-1936.

This new world order will allow the "beast government" to begin its ascent. World finance will be conducted by international world trade and banking organizations. The US will not be in control. More likely it will be Europe, Russia, and China leading the world.

Europe will reorganize into a much more efficient trading block and will look east ward towards Russia and China for trade and alliances. The nations are tired of the corrupt polices of the US Government and their Wall Street "Banksters" as they move towards this new world currency.

America has been waging economic warfare on the nations through trade and finance in a very "one sided" way for decades. Once the dollar collapses these nations will set up financial platforms that are much less corrupted. Sadly, because of our corrupt polices, we will lose our leadership role in world trade and finance.

This calls for wisdom: "Let the one who has understanding calculate the number of the beast, for it is the number of a man, and his number is 666 (Rev 13.18)."

Daniel had a dream in which he saw beasts that represented kingdoms. A beast in the Bible represents government. Who runs government--men do.

God created the heavens and the earth in six days. On the sixth day he created man. A day is as a thousand years unto the Lord. On the Biblical calendar it will be the year 5777 as we move through the fall feasts.

This number, 5777 is the number of years since God created Adam, when using the genealogies in the Biblical record. That is almost six thousand years. The Jewish wise men of old said that unto man would be given six days (six thousand years). The seventh day we would enter into Yahweh's rest.

The number of the beast is the number of man. God created the heaven and the earth in six days, man is created on the sixth day, and given dominion over the earth, man is to work six days (literally and spiritually and then rest on the seventh)--666 the number of a man.

The beast is the coming  new world financial order and it is a government run by man. The harlot that rides the beast (Rev 17.4-6) is a false human secular pseudo Christian like religion. This is a union of church and state that will have teeth of iron. It will deceive the whole world (Rev 12.9).

Jesus asked: "When I return will I find faith on the earth?" in Luke 18.8 because He understood that this false union of church and state will deceive the world.

How much will transpire in our life time I do not profess to know--but I do know it is coming and will begin to rise up and establish itself very soon.

Yahweh bless and keep us. Amen