Monday, December 22, 2014


It's difficult for me to watch world events unfold and be silent. I have some personal thoughts on the end times and YHVH's dealings with us that I will post in the coming weeks. At this time I will continue to share articles and links on momentous events taking place around the globe.
As I have wrote in the past it is important to watch what is happening in Germany. They will play a major role in the Middle East's upcoming wars. The word German means "War Man" and it is an accurate description of this nation. The Germans throughout history have been a great warrior tribe. I don't think I need to go into their recent history in the last two great wars of the 20th Century--you all know about that.
As the United States withdraws from Iraq and the Middle East at large, Germany in the name and interests of the European Union, is moving in to fill the void. They have no choice. European security is at great risk and Germany is the leader of the EU. As the Muslim atrocities continue to mount and threaten Europe's security we will see Germany step up and lead an EU military against them.
I cannot believe that at some point the citizens of Germany, and other European countries, will not take a stand against Islam in a powerful way. If they don't there will no longer be Germans, French, or Spanish countries--they will be over run by Islam. At some point there is going to be a backlash against Muslim immigration to Europe. (European history is full of clashes between Islam and Christianity)
Britain is a good example of a nation under assault. Their culture is under attack by Muslim immigration. Many neighborhoods in England have been given over to Sharia Law and Islamic governance. We in the West believe in tolerance and religious freedom but are being challenged in a way that is putting our civilization, customs, and way of life at risk. These immigrants are not interested in becoming citizens of the country to which they are immigrating.
Those who immigrate should be required to live according to the laws of the country they have immigrated to. This is not the case in our politically correct western countries. The pressure is mounting. Whether or not we like it our western Judeo-Christian civilization is under attack.
As our society continues becoming lawless toward God and His commandments our governments are also becoming lawless. We are moving towards the great apostasy that the Apostle Paul spoke of in 1 Timothy 4.1; 2 Timothy4.3-4; 2 Thess 2.10-13. The coming new world order is going to scorn true religion as we know it.
In this context we should be watching world events as they are leading toward this new society. God is using the radical Muslims as His agent of chastisement on the apostate western church. We have become lawless and He is allowing these lawless radicals to shake the apostate church. It is a wake up call.
In the coming years we are going to see the European Union and the Vatican unite to face the radical Muslims. The rise of Germany is the beginning of a coming EU military that will clash with radical Islam. Germany is the financial and military leader of Europe. In the coming years we will see a shaking out of the nations in Europe who cannot remain in the union due to their weak and ineffective economies.
The Vatican will be the uniting "glue" that will hold this union together against radical Islam.
We can see this coming about in the newspapers and reports of current events in Europe today. The next few postings will link up to reports of the things currently taking place in Germany and the EU.
The good news is that our God is moving events toward the return of Jesus Christ to this earth. When that event takes place the New World Order of Yeshua's Millennial Kingdom will finally be established in the earth! There will be true justice and righteousness throughout the entire planet in that glorious day!

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