Monday, December 1, 2014



I am aware of a small readership of this blog from the citizens of Ukraine. I hope the previous six articles were helpful to you and your understanding of Biblical prophecy in the world today. I assume that those who are reading the blog are believers in Jesus Christ and are His devoted followers. I just want to assure you that you are in our thoughts and prayers here in the West.

I don’t want to take a political side in the events which are occurring in your country today with Russia. No matter which side you lean towards, I would encourage you as believers, to understand who your true King is and that you are a member of His eternal kingdom. Your reality is very sobering.

Your country is right in the middle of the struggle for the establishment of the new world order. You have a long history with Russia. Mr. Putin understands the importance of Ukraine to the Russia he is attempting to build. You are being torn apart by geopolitical forces beyond your control. These forces between Russia and Europe go back in history a long way.

Putin is not going to allow the West or NATO to put weapons of destruction that threaten Russia in the Ukraine. You are a chess piece in a global power game of politics and energy supplies. Seek the Lord for personal and corporate direction. He has a plan for His people in Ukraine.

There is a lot of disinformation in the West about what is really going on in Ukraine. Much of your trouble is being stirred up by outside forces from both sides. The Ukrainian citizens are paying the price. You know who controls your energy supplies. One group steals--the other dictates. You are in the middle. It is going to be a long winter.

The West does not necessarily have your best interests in mind. They are enslaving Ukraine through debt. How much will the citizen of Ukraine benefit from this money? How much will your leaders pocket? You are a chess piece in a global game. Personally, I don't believe anything good politically will emerge out of this situation. This is a spiritual war.

You are in our prayers. I pray that as believers in Yeshua you will stick together and help one another as much as possible. Shine your light to your fellow citizens. Lift up the Lord. God will move in a powerful way through those who look to Him. Practice His righteous judgments. Walk in the Spirit.

The Lord asked my once, “Who do you love more--your country or me?” I was speechless. I could not answer at first. This was a very tough question and it took me some time to work through. I now know who I love more. Now I can pray much more effectively. I know who is in control. I urge you to come together in the Lord. Persevere.

“He will not be afraid of evil tidings; His heart is steadfast, trusting in the Lord.” Psalm 112.7
Reshaping Europe
How the EU lost Russia over Ukraine
Sanctions losing steam
Ukraine Central Bank Admits Gold Outflow

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