Tuesday, December 30, 2014

The End of Tolerance? Anti-Muslim Movement Rattles Germany

The following is a two part article published in the German online magazine Der Spiegel which discusses the current anti-Muslim movement occuring in Germany. Germany has long been open to immigration but with the rise of radical Islam many Germans are having second thoughts on continuing to allow Muslim immigration.

In light of end time Biblical events I see this movement setting up the coming clash between Islam and Europe. Immigrants should be looking to improve their lives and become a part of the country they immigrate to. Radical Muslims are looking to change the society of the countries they are immigrating to and care little about fitting in.

There is nothing wrong with immigrants who are coming for the right reasons. The current state of immigration by radical Muslims is very troubling.

In Britain we already see entire neighborhoods given over to Sharia law and self policing. This is only going to divide the country and create social problems. The Christian nations have forgotten who they are and have turned away from God. These events are wake up call.

I have felt for a long time that at some point there would be a backlash in Europe toward radical Islam. How long can these countries allow this attack on their culture to continue without some kind of backlash occuring?

In light of Biblical prophecy it seems inevitable that some kind of backlash should happen. It is now beginning. In the Old Testament we see God using pagan nations as a tool of chastisement on rebellious Israel and later Judah. Today we see God using radical Islam as a rod of chastisement on the western nations that have been falling into apostasy.

In the book of Daniel 11.40-12.13; Zechariah 12 - 14; Matt 24, and Revelation we begin to see a clash between the nations centering on Jerusalem and the nation of Israel. The King of the North appears to be Europe and the King of the South would be a coalition led by Iran.

This coming clash will usher in the great tribulation and the government of the person known as the Anti-Christ. What we are beginning to see in Germany is a coming European backlash against radical Islamists who would destroy the Christian nations from within.

As the west has fallen away from the laws of Jehovah western society has begun to decay from within. Radical Islam is God's warning to us to return to His ways and laws. As this apostasy deepens the reaction towards radical Islam is going to increase.

We also see anti-semitism growing in Europe. European Jews are increasingly growing restless and are beginning to immigrate to Israel in greater numbers. The link to the two part article below describes the current unrest in Germany towards radical Islam. This movement is only going to increase as terrorism against Europe grows.

I've read that many Muslims in the Middle East have been coming to accept Jesus as their savior as they watch the atrocities taking place in their countries by ISIS. We should continue to pray for their salvation and conversion to Yeshua. We don't hear much about this but God is alive and moving among the Muslims.

The Bible tells us a clash is coming between radical Islam and Europe. Read the articles in the link to understand how Europe is awakening to the threat to their culture. This is only the beginning of what is yet to come.

God has a purpose for His people during this time. This is the time for each of us to seek His will for our lives. We will be representing the Lord and His kingdom as this current world becomes dark. His light is going to shine in that darkness--and we are His servants. Now is the time to cultivate your personal relationship with Yeshua.

Part One

Part Two

Bonus: Is Britain Forgetting Her Christian Heritage?

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