Friday, January 3, 2014

Part Two
The global empire of Israel under King David and Solomon is often overlooked by Bible scholars and secular historians. What they fail to realize is that Israel was the senior partner with Tyre and Sidon in a far reaching global empire. Tyre and Sidon formed what historians call Phoenicia or the Phoenician Empire. This area was a thin sliver of land just north of the Israelite Kingdom. (See Map after this section.)
The Phoenicians were great sailors and merchants and their rise to power in the ancient world mirrored the rise of the Kingdom of Israel. In fact, Israel was the senior partner in a three way alliance of Jerusalem, Tyre, and Sidon. Hiram the king of Tyre aligned himself with David. He provided David cedar and workmen to build David a house.

Then Hiram king of Tyre sent messengers to David, and cedar trees, and carpenters and masons. And they built David a house. (2 Sam 5:11)

Israel was a powerful world force after David subdued all his enemies. It is estimated that his army alone numbered about 1.1 million men in a population of about 6 million. (1 Chronicles 21:5-6) David’s Kingdom extended to the Euphrates River. (1 Kings 4:20-21, 1 Chr 18) David even subdued the Assyrians who fought as mercenaries with Syria against him. 1 Chr 19:1-19 and Psalm 83:8 accounts for Assyria’s lack of power until after the death of Solomon. We should also note that in Joshua 19.24-31 the tribe of Asher inherits land that includes Tyre. In Judges 2.31-32 we see that Asher did not drive out all the Canaanites, but dwelt among them.

In subduing all the enemies around about him, David controlled all the over land trade routes. Hiram, King of Trye, saw that David controlled the trade routes and naturally would make an alliance with David. Tyre and Sidon were safe and secure under David’s protective umbrella and the two kingdoms thrived together in trade and commerce. The Old Testament shows how Hiram was David and Solomon’s ally, and helped in construction of Solomon’s temple. 1 Kings 5.12 They make a treaty together.

The Greeks gave the area where Tyre and Sidon were located the name “Phoenicia.” The Phoenicians never called themselves Phoenicians, they called themselves Tyrians and Sidonians. In reality, the Phoenicians were sharing the same Semitic language and customs with Israel, and thrived commercially under the protection of David and Solomon. This was an alliance that turned Israel into a global power.

Phoenicia’s location on the Mediterranean Sea made them natural sailors. They were renowned for their maritime skills throughout the world. They were the center of trade and commerce and established colonies throughout the Mediterranean Sea and as far away as what is now Great Britain. There is evidence they even established colonies in the America’s to mine the mineral wealth of the New World. 2 Chr 9:21

The Israelites and Phoenicians would have worked together in these endeavors. Israel had the large population to settle in colonies and provide additional seamen. Phoenicia had the seafaring skills. This means that centuries prior to Israel and Judah being taken captive by Assyria and Babylon, Israelite peoples were settling in many places outside of Israel. Colonies devoted to trade were established in the Mediterranean, West Africa, Europe, Spain, the British Isles, and the Baltic areas.

The Danites were already a people of the sea. Judges 5:17 So was Zebulon who was prophesied to be partners with Sidon. Gen 49:13

Because both Phoenicia and Israel had a common Semitic language it was easy for them to communicate and grow as a power together. The Tyrians and Sidonians became the world’s traders. Israel became the world power to which all kings came to pay homage. 2 Chr 9:1-12, 9:23-24, 1 Kings 10:24-25 Also remember, as stated above, that Asher was originally given the area where Tyre is located. There would have been a mixing of peoples due to that.

Solomon’s reign was among the greatest golden ages in the old world. Sailing, exploring, and colonizing. 1 Kings 10:21-22 The two cultures inter-married and integrated together. 2 Chr 8:2, 1 Kings 7:13-14 This is an important fact to keep in mind when looking at this era in time. Solomon built a navy. 1 King 9:26-27 They sailed together 2 Chr 9:21 They spoke a common language. 1 Kings 5:6-18

Solomon asked for wisdom and God told him he would be the greatest king on earth. 1 Kings 3:5-15 This establishes Israel as the senior partner in the Tyre and Sidon alliance.

Some scholars say Tharshish was a colony in Spain, as Spain was often referred to as Tartessus in ancient times. Solomon had a navy that sailed there. 1 Kings 10:22 This would have been a jumping off point to sail to the America’s. It would take three years for such a voyage! Did they sail to the new world? Perhaps.

Solomon had a two week Tabernacles celebration when he dedicated the Temple. 1 Kings 8:65-66 This would have allowed all the colonizers to return to celebrate. Later the kings of the earth came to Jerusalem once a year. Was this to celebrate Tabernacles? 1 Kings 10:24-25

Solomon understood the global circular trade winds. Ecc 1:6 He understood evaporation. Ecc 1:7 He and the Tryians and Sidonians probably also understood that the world was round just as Isaiah later did. Isaiah 40:22

Solomon was the wisest man on earth and all the world came in awe to hear and see him. This was the golden age of Israel. Israel was the global leader with a far reaching empire of global trade and colonization.

Tomorrow: Pt 3 Carthage: Israel's Colony

Sources: The Origin and Empire of Ancient Israel by Steven M. Collins

The Universal Jewish Encyclopedia

The Jewish Study Bible, Oxford Press

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