Monday, January 6, 2014


A short summary of where we’ve been and where we are going
In summarizing the first four parts we see that Israel was a superpower nation during David and Solomon’s reigns. This was a short 80 year period in history. Afterwards the nation divided into the southern tribes of Judah, Benjamin, and Levi. The ten remaining tribes formed the Northern Kingdom of Israel. The power of the Kingdom was broken by division.
During the time of David and Solomon Israel was the world’s dominating superpower. The Bible says kings came from all corners of the world to speak to Solomon. This was Israel’s golden age. This period was so short we don’t think of Israel as a superpower, but according to the Bible they were.
Prior to this time we saw in Genesis 48 and 49 the blessings of Jacob on his and Joseph’s children. These prophecies are for the “latter days”. What do these prophecies mean? What do the blessings on Abraham mean? Abraham was to be the father of many nations and a blessing to many nations.
This can only mean that these blessings on Abraham carry over to the gentile world. Kings would come forth from his loins, multitudes would be blessed, he would be the father of many nations. This can only mean gentile nations--all of God’s children.
When millions of people are taken captive or are refugees it is natural that many of them would lose their identities as they migrated to other areas and mixed with other peoples. There would be clues to people groups found in the root words of names and languages. The name Isaac and Jacob were on God’s people. We see this in root words, customs, and names of migrating peoples. Why couldn’t these peoples have lost their identities as Israelites of the ten northern tribes?

Meanwhile, the southern kingdom, or Judah became known as the Jews. 2 Kings 16.6 KJV is the first mention of this: At that time Rezin king of Syria recovered Elath to Syria, and drave the Jews (Judah) from Elath: and the Syrians came to Elath, and dwelt there unto this day. The word for Jew in German is Juden.
Over the centuries and millennia the scattered people forgot where they came from as they mingled with pagan tribes. Many of their old customs and names would have survived but their roots were forgotten. As we move into the next sections of this study we will see how and where the “lost tribes” migrated. We will begin to understand what Ezekiel 37.15-28 is talking about. God’s people have lost their identities but Yehovah is restoring this knowledge to them. This, I believe, is what the return by so many to the Hebrew roots of our faith is all about! Yehovah is revealing who we are.
Please read Ephesians 2.11 thru 3.6 and understand that we are grafted into the Commonwealth of Israel. We are now inwardly a Jew! Once you understand these verses read Romans 9 thru 11 over and over. We are not called out of Judaism, but rather into Judaism! The difference is that we are followers of Yeshua the Messiah, we have been born again, and the eyes of our understanding have been opened. Soak this in! We are not separated from current day Israel. We, the called out ones (ekklesia, called out), poorly interpreted as “church”, are on a parallel track with the nation of Israel. This understanding will make clear, along with other scriptures, that we are not “raptured out and the rest happens to the Jews.”

God has an end time plan to restore and regather "all" of His people. Abba, is up to something BIG! It will be exciting to see how this plan is going to come together. In Daniel 12.4 its says that Daniel was told to seal the book until the time of the end. The seals are being opened! The eyes of our understanding are being opened!

God scattered His people to the nations for their disobedience: Deut 28.25 "The LORD shall cause you to be smitten before your enemies: you shall go out one way against them, and flee seven ways before them: and shall be removed into all the kingdoms of the earth." Now we are being regathered and our identities restored. How this plays out, how God does this, will be an exciting thing to watch and be part of.

I will share in great detail much more in upcoming posts. For now, enjoy the current journey!

Tomorrow: Pt 5 Scythian Sacae, Sons of Isaac

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