Saturday, January 25, 2014


First Half - Matt 24.9-13
1. Persecution
2. False prophets

3. Increase in sin

4. Jews who survive end of tribulation are saved, 1/3 survive. Zech 13.8-9

5. Gospel proclaimed as testimony. Rev 7.1-8 144,000 Jews proclaim loudly.

Second Half - Matt 24.15-28
1. Abomination of Desolation is set up--AntiChrist on throne proclaims he is God.

2. Flight from land by the Jews. Constant turmoil, world wide anti-Semitism. Rev 12

Warnings about fleeing at this time:

A. Women should pray not to be pregnant.

B. Not to have to flee in winter, wadi’s fill in winter rain and storms make travel difficult

C. Not to have to flee on Sabbath, transportation will be limited.

3. World wide anti Semitism Rev 12

4. Only 1/3 of Jews survive (Zechariah 13.7-9). Time will be cut short, it will not exceed 1260 days.

5. False Messiah’s--don’t listen to rumors of where He is--every eye will see!

6. False Prophets with Satanic power and signs and wonders

7. Rumors of return--don’t come out of hiding, every eye will see Him when He comes.

8. Place--Where carcass is vultures will be there. Where the body of Jews or nation is the vultures or Gentile armies will be.

There are periods of darkness during the tribulation. One period before, three during, and one after. This is total darkness on the earth. The sign of His second coming will be the Shekinah Glory dispersing the darkness all over the world at His coming.

At some point Israel is re-gathered back into the land. This is not a rapture. Types of Elect: Church, Angels, Nations

Isaiah 27.12-13; Matt 24.31 - Final gathering trumpet. Is this a gathering of the nation of Israel and the meeting in the air of saints? A simultaneous event perhaps? Also see Mark 13.27 and Deut 30.4-5. This is a final restoration of surviving saints and Jews. The resurrected would be Abraham, Isaac, Jacob, and many other O.T. prophets. Even amidst great tribulation there are areas of normalcy, Matt 24.37-39.

Exhortation--Look up redemption draws close (Luke 21.28). The generation of Jews who accept Jesus as Messiah will trigger His return. Since the destruction of the temple in 70 AD this has not occurred.

There will be a final Holocaust that begins after the Antichrist declares himself to be God. This will be Satan’s final attempt to eliminate the Jewish people. The “generation” that sees the abomination of desolation will also see the return of Messiah 3.5 years later when they accept Him. There are 1260 days from Abomination until the 2nd coming--the days will be shortened for the elect’s sake--it will be exactly 1260 days and cut short right there!

When the leaves on the fig tree (Israel) and the other trees (Gentiles) are both green then these things are nigh, even at the door.

Finally every place it says "Jews" includes those grafted in. The "called out" one new man will be persecuted just as the physical nation of Jews is persecuted. There is a duality here. The followers of Yeshua will be persecuted along with the physical nation we call Israel. We will both be on Satan's destruction list--but for the elect's sake the days will be shortened. It will not go one day over the appointed day. (This may be the final 1260 days and not one day more.)

The scripture says that there will be those who are alive at His coming (1 Thess 4.15-18). That indicates that for some there will be a place of hiding. Take comfort in that. There are many scriptures speak of a hiding place (Zephaniah 2.1-3; Isaiah 49.2; Ps 83.3). We don't have all the answers but we know God is working towards an end that will bring forth a new beginning.

I pray this exhaustive study of the end of the age has been eye opening and instructive.

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