Saturday, January 11, 2014

Part Nine
The Persians, who drove the Parthians out of Asia, were descended from Japheth. One of his son’s was Madai, (Gen 10:2) who founded the nations of the Medes. The New Jerusalem Bible translates Madai as the Medes. When the Sassanian Persians successfully revolted against Parthia in 226 AD, centuries of pent up resentments against the Semite Parthians were violently expressed.

When Parthia fell, many Semitic nations, whether Israelite or non-Israelite, had good reason to flee toward Armenia as they were persecuted heavily. This resulted in a tidal wave of Semitic refugees migrating toward Armenia, the Caucasus Mountains, and the Black Sea.

Armenia has a strong Christian tradition and the Arsacids, Parthia’s dynasty (related to King David’s line) ruled in Armenia until 429AD.

There is no way that mountainous Armenia could have supported the great mass of Parthian refugees seeking a new homeland. The Black Sea region had long been occupied by the Iberians (related to the name Eber Gen 10:16) and the Scythian-Sacae, both who were kinsmen of the Parthians. This area also offered much more living space.

Lucien Musset in his book The Germanic Invasions, makes the following comment:

About 230 AD the Goth’s are found to have settled to the north west of the Black Sea…The Goth’s became semi-nomadic horsemen, took to wearing coats of mail, and in the case of the kings at least, Iranian costume, to such an extent that the Greco-Romans…confused them with the Scythians.

Just four years after the Parthian Empire collapsed in 226 AD and its people fled toward Armenia and northward, we see a new nation of “Goths” which was heavily influenced by the former Iranian ( Parthian ) inhabitants of the country. Obviously, they were the Parthian refugees who had just fled from the area now known as Iran, which was the hinterland of Parthia’s Empire.

After the fall of Israel and Judah, the Israelite tribes dwelling in Asia spread from Eastern Europe and southern Russian as far as western India. In this vast area they were known as Scythians, Sacae, Saka, Greta, Parthians, Massagetae, and Dacians. When Parthia fell and its people fled into Armenia, the descendants of the Israelites were compressed into this Black Sea region. For the first time since the fall of Israel and Judah they were now mostly together again in a mass.

Is this a coincidence or was it the hand of God in world events herding his people (the lost sheep of Israel) in the direction He wanted them to go? Genesis 49 prophesied that the tribes of Israel would eventually settle in locations with specific characteristics in the “latter days.” To fulfill these prophesies, God had to propel them to migrate in the direction he desired for their eventual settlement. The main thing to remember is that this process began in the 3rd century AD and took place for many centuries and it was triggered by the fall of the Parthian Empire.

These migrating, refugee tribes came to be know by the name of the region through which they passed: the Caucasus Mountains. Their descendants became known as Caucasians (the white race). Because Parthia’s history is widely ignored, few comprehend why an almost endless stream of white “Caucasian” tribes and nations came spilling out of Asia into Europe during this period.

Sharon Turner’s epic 1836 work, The History of the Anglo-Saxons states: “The Anglo-Saxons, Lowland Scotch, Normans, Danes, Norwegians, Swedes, Germans, Dutch, Belgians, Lombards, and Franks have all sprung from that great fountain of the human race, which we have distinguished by the terms Scythian, German, or Gothic.”

Most nations in Northern, Western, and Central Europe descended from massive waves of Caucasians who poured into Europe from Asia. This fact is well known. Even establishment sources acknowledge this fact. What has been hidden from people’s awareness is the fact that these Caucasian migrations into Europe were caused by the Parthians and Scythians pouring into Europe after the sudden collapse of the mighty Parthian Empire in 226 AD. This fact has been hidden because if examined in any depth, their Semitic-Israelite origins would become quickly known. The existence and history of Parthia and Scythia powerfully support the Bible, so these empires have been purposely censored out of the history texts. As a result most modern Caucasian nations have no idea where their ancestors came from or what their true heritage is, and they miss the hand of God in world events!

After only a few decades this group of kinsmen were sufficiently regrouped to go to war again in an organized fashion and obtain more land for their people. Parthia’s old enemy, Rome, was about to experience their angry power--again!

In 256 AD these Gothic tribes left the region north of the Black Sea and crossed over the Carpathians and drove the Romans from Dacia. They were now entering Balkan Europe. The Goths, Germans, and Dacians were the Scythian tribes which would have included many Parthians. The ancient name of the Daci (Dacians) was Davi. This latter name preserves the name of King David.

The Goths were those “Iranians” or Parthians and they mingled peaceably with the Gatae who were the Scythians. All this took place in the 3rd century when Parthia fell! Who else could these people have been? It should be no “mystery.” If these were tribes with a different race and culture they would have fought against each other. Instead they immediately began attacking Roman outposts and territory.

The names Parthian and Scythian now disappear and we call them Goth’s, Germans, and other names when theybegin to invade Europe. In the 3rd century we see millions of fair skinned, Semitic Parthians and Scythians are driven out of Asia toward the Caucasus Mountains and the Black Sea region. In the 3rd century we then see millions of fair skinned, Caucasian Goths and Germans begin pouring into Europe from the Black Sea region in a human tidal wave looking for new homelands. The connection seems quite obvious!

These Goths took Dacia from the Roman empire in 256 AD just thirty years after the fall of Parthia. That the Goths specifically chose to attack Roman territory suggests they were motivated by a special hostility toward Rome. The Parthian-Goths had long memories of Rome’s treachery towards them.

Not all migrating Parthians and Scythians came to be known as Germans or Goths. One famous branch became the Saxons. Sharon Turner comments: “The Saxons were a German or Teutonic, that is, a Gothic or Scythian tribe…of the various Scythian nations which have been recorded, the Sakai or Sacae, are the people from whom the descent of the Saxons may be inferred…Ptolemy mentions a Scythian people, sprung from the Sakai, by the name of Saxones…”

This name Saka or Sacae was retained by the Germanic tribe that the Romans called Saxons. Phonetically “Saxons” is the same as “Sac’s sons” or “Sons of Isaac.” The Bible prophesied in Gen 48:14-16 that the name of Isaac would specifically be placed on the Israelite tribes of Ephraim and Manasseh. Since the Saxons still bore the name of Isaac as they migrated to Europe, it confirms that the Saxons were primarily the Israelite tribes of Ephraim and Manasseh. Many other historians agree that the Germans and Saxons originated from the area of the Parthian-Scythian Empire.

Franks, Saxons, Danes, and Normans were all related tribes who jointly migrated to Europe from the same location. While the Saxons bore the name of Isaac, the Danes bore the name of Dan, which tribe had attached its name to the major rivers entering the Black Sea ( Danube, Dnieper, Don ). These Saxons later occupied much of England, pushing the native Celts into Wales and Scotland. The weapons of the Saxons included spears, bows and arrows, and defensive armor of mail coats and helmets. These were all weapons used by the Parthian army.

There is evidence that the word “Goth” comes from the Gothic word “Guth” which meant God. The consonant of both Goth and Guth are G-TH. English and German use similar words to describe the Deity: God and Gott. Once it is understood that the Goths are descendants of the tribes of Israel, it is logical that they would considered themselves to be the people of God.

Finally, as these various tribes migrated they left the name of Isaac (Gen 21:12) in many regions. Saxony in Germany and Al-sace in France. Many Saxon tribes migrated into the British Isles. The word Angle or Engle (English) is likely based on the Hebrew word “egel” for bull or calf, an identifying sign of the tribe of Ephraim. (Britain's mascot is "John Bull".)

One Parthian province was named Carmania, the home of the Kermans or Germanii. These tribes also had to flee the Sassanian Persians. It was the Romans who gave this name to a variety of tribes living in Persia (Parthia) around 58 BC. At this time all of Persia was in the Parthian Empire. Parthians are often called Persians by many historians because they ruled what was formerly Persia. By the time Parthia fell large numbers of Germanii had been living in the Parthian Empire for almost three centuries.

As the Kermans or Germanii migrated into Europe with the rest of Parthia’s refugees they were still called Germans. The name Carmania was transplanted in Europe as Germania a general name used by Romans to describe many similar but different tribes. The Greek historian Herodotus recorded that Germanii were a subject people in the old Persian Empire of the Achaemenids, before either Rome or Parthia existed.

The region of ancient Persia and part of the Parthian Empire is now called Iran, and a modern city in Southern Iran is still named Kerman! The Roman historian Pliny wrote: “the name of the Scythians has altogether been transferred to the Sarmatae and the Germans.” This confirms that Scythians were not “lost” but simply became known as Germans when they migrated to Europe. Since many Israelite tribes were known as Scythians in Asia this confirms that many of them were called Germans or Saxons as they began to enter Europe.

Other tribes associated with the Saxons are the Jutes and Alans. A leading tribe of the Sacae were the Massagetae who were probably related to the tribe of Manasseh. The suffix “gatae indicates a common origin with the Gatae or Goth’s of the Black Sea region.

When the Soviet Union broke apart many new nations were created, among them the nation of Georgia. In the 1979 book Arts of Ancient Georgia it says: “The name for Georgia in the native language is Sakartvelo and its inhabitants are known as Kartveli.” The word Sakartvelo includes the words Saka (Isaac) and Kart (Hebrew for city). Remember Carthage was called Kirjath Hadeschath or Kart Hadasht. Sakartvelo then means city of Isaac. In other words we see smoking guns all over the migrations to Europe of the Scythian-Parthian-Hebrews after the fall of Parthia.


Sources: Parthia: The Forgotten Ancient Superpower and Its Role in Biblical History - by Steven Collins

Israel’s Tribes Today by Steven Collins -

Universal Jewish Encyclopedia; The Jewish Study Bible

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