Wednesday, April 29, 2020


The wicked plots against the just, and gnashes at him with his teeth. The Lord laughs at him,                                                        For He sees that his day is coming. Psalm 37

I get upset sometimes because I often feel people aren’t serious enough to take the time to study and check things out. It is important to verify what is true and what is false. Remember, deception is always based on truth. Deception is twisted truth. That is how the enemy works—he lies by telling a partial truth. I’m not accusing anyone here of anything. Just sharing my thoughts on how deception works…I did a Bible study on deception that is somewhere on my blog.

These reports are put together with my daily researching and seeking the truth and how to apply it to what is happening in real time—NOW. The core source is and other sites seeking truth. Then I apply this to my understanding of the Bible and the end times. Listen to the report when you can. If you do I will show you where the notes are that you can follow as he speaks. This allows me to understand many things which are happening in the news.

I do not believe in a pre-tribulation rapture of the assembly. It is not taught by Yeshua. It is false teaching. The servant is not greater than the master. He warned us in Matt 24, Luke 21, and Mark 13. Matthew 24.22-31 explains it best. Let the Bible and Yeshua interpret themselves!

I tell you this because many who believe in the pre-trib rapture have the attitude that it doesn’t matter because they won’t be here! Think about that for a moment. They are being deceived into thinking it doesn’t matter. What if it does? What will happen to their faith when they realize they are in the tribulation and He hasn’t come for them?

I’m telling you this because once you understand this simple truth it becomes easier for us to understand what is happening now. They think every time a crisis like this arises they are about to be raptured out—and it doesn’t happen. They think, oh, He’s coming any minute, I’ll be out of here. It doesn’t happen. It’s not going to happen!

They think they don’t have to pay attention to current events because, hey, I won’t be here. This is a classic deception of the enemy. Believe it at your own peril.

I pay attention, seek the whole story, and try to “understand the times and know what to do.”(1 Chron 12.32) This report is based on the concept and belief that we are going through to the end--until He comes. I just want you all to know where I’m coming from.

The end of the world is not yet. Knowing we are not raptured out made me study the end times diligently. I don’t know anything 100% put I do know much more has to happen.

Those famines, pestilences, earthquakes, rumors of wars, etc. have been happening for a long time (Matt 24). They are the beginning of sorrows. They aren’t persecuting us in this country yet but it will come. Many are persecuted throughout the earth right now. They haven’t been raptured out.

The event that hasn’t happened since 1945 is nuclear destruction. That will be a signal event. When more than one country is dropping nuclear warheads on each other, then you can start thinking about the tribulation.

A devastating war like that is going to create real famines, pestilence, and even earthquakes. We don’t want to live to see this my friends. Things will get very serious at that time. Will we be around then? I really cannot say.

There is an immaturity within God’s people when it comes to the end times. There is way too much drama, speculation, and fear. We need to grow up and get off the milk into the meat of the word. I really get annoyed with this immaturity.

I am trying to patiently endure it. I try to educate them, but it is almost impossible…they’ve bought into the deception. You are not that type. We stand on the word. We understand the times.

All of these current events are laying the foundation for what is to come as far as new world order, etc. We are privileged to be alive and participating in this generation. Even the good things President Trump is doing will contribute to this new order. Our country most likely will turn away and go backwards—that has been the Biblical pattern of ancient Judah and Israel. We will explore that topic in future letters.

We are members of His Kingdom and His citizens along with being patriotic Americans—but His kingdom comes first!

As I continue to write and send these e-letters to you I am going to give you more of my opinion based on the written word as we progress. I’m not going to pull any punches as you are realizing by now. You may forward them to anyone you like.
Today I’ll hit on a few things that are happening.

Lots of information is now being released by the DOJ (Dept of Justice) concerning General Flynn’s false arrest, the Russian collusion hoax, and spying on the Trump campaign.

General Flynn was represented by a law firm on which Eric Holder, President Obama’s Attorney General was a partner. They blackmailed him into admitting to a crime he did not commit. They are now being order to release files they have been hiding.

Spygate, as it is called, is the US Government spying on the Trump campaign. The FBI, CIA, and others where using these departments to spy on and bring down the Trump campaign and later his Administration. Obama knew and ordered it. It was all a set up. Over the next few weeks and months this is going to become INFORMATION WARFARE.

The guilty are going to be putting out lots of fake news stories. They are going to fight viciously to save their hides. You will see it develop. Will they get to Obama? I don’t know but this is going to start slowly and become and avalanche as it progresses. It may get ugly.

It is going to be a wild and crazy summer. These traitors must be exposed. In some cases it will be connected with the child/sex trafficking story. The Trump Admin has the facts. Pray that Yehovah’s righteous judgment is loosed upon our Nation.

President Trump is exposing the true dictator Governors of each State. The D/S (Deep State) thought when Trump got Emergency Powers he would try to dictate to the States. He fooled them. He set them up. He said, “I have total control” and they went nuts.

Then he allowed each Governor to handle his own state. Now we see who the dictators really are. The Virginia Governor tried to take away 2nd Amendments rights and got shot down. The Governor of Michigan virtually locked down the state. Then she said abortion clinics should stay open in order to preserve life. What?

We are in a War for this country. We need to stay awake. A coup has been taking place in plain sight.

Finally we see how Harvard, USC, the L.A. Lakers, Ruth Chris Steakhouse, and others tried to take the monies for small business and got caught. They are returning the money. Corruption. Who processed that paperwork?

Trump is up against incredible corruption on every level. We need to pray for God to direct and protect him.

I believe the economy is going to come back strong for a short period. I’ve talked about the financial changes which are coming in prior letters and will talk about that again soon. In the meantime…

This virus crisis is a wakeup call for us to get our house in order. Get out of debt. Clean up the messes in your lives and relationships. Think about various supplies or food you would need to survive for 3-6 months. Stock up little by little. Another thing I’ve done is have enough cash on hand, hidden, not in bank, to pay for things for two months in case banks close.

This is most likely not going to happen tomorrow. This is a wakeup call to prepare. I don’t know how long it will take for the next phase to play out. Revitalize your prayer life. I’ll share some thoughts on that later.

These are things to think about and pray about what you should do and how you will react.

Do you think they might have been vaccinating black children as a way to decrease population? These organizations and people have wicked designs. They look so humanitarian. Deception.

Look at the United Nations. They were created in 1945. They get billions if not trillions of dollars from the nations. If they were trying to end famine and starvation don’t you think it should have been cleaned up by now? These are elite corrupt money siphoning organizations. Their goal along with the elites is to enslave the nations.

Dag Hjalmar Agne Carl Hammarskjöld[1] Swedish: 29 July 1905 – 18 September 1961) was a Swedish economist and diplomat who served as the second Secretary-General of the United Nations. Hammarskjöld still remains the youngest person to have held the post, being only 47 years old when he was appointed in 1953. Wikipedia.

If you do an alternative study on him he was an occultist and spiritualist. When you enter the UN there is a small chapel to the right near the front of the lobby. It is where spiritualist sometimes go and pray to their god. Ruth and I have been inside. There is a large, black, square stone in the middle of the darkened room and weird murals on the wall.

I have many pictures of this organization from our tour. It is satanic.

Our President has been appointed by God. He is not a perfect man, but he has been placed there for a reason. I believe this is a test from the Father for our nation. Which way are we going to turn in November? It is an extremely critical election. Watch and pray. God bless, be safe, keep informed.

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