Friday, April 10, 2020


‘Sir, did you not sow good seed in your field? How then does it have tares?’  He said to them, ‘An enemy has done this.’ The servants said to him, ‘Do you want us then to go and gather them up?’  But he said, ‘No, lest while you gather up the tares you also uproot the wheat with them.  Let both grow together until the harvest, and at the time of harvest I will say to the reapers, “First gather together the tares and bind them in bundles to burn them, but gather the wheat into my barn.” Matt 13.27-30

I have more time on my hands then most of you have. I asked the Lord to “understand the times and know what to do” with that time. I study end time prophecies and also read a lot. The info I share is from reading many articles and sites on the net. This is what I do with my “time” and share it with you. It’s what the Lord has led me to do.

Think about where we are now with the Virus. Is this a pandemic or a plan-demic? Either way we know that the Father is in complete control. He is chastising the world and His people. He wants to get our attention. He wants us to re-evaluate our lives and commitment to Him. He wants those in the pulpits to give a message of repentance but I’m not sure this message is being given.

There is always a group, or remnant, if you will of those who are hearing clearly. Many are personally repenting and re-evaluating their walk and lives.

Think about where we are. Most of what President Trump has been doing is beginning to bear fruit. I believe he has been put where he is for this time. The President is not the most righteous man but he is the man that the Father has chosen.

The enemies of freedom have attacked Trump relentlessly from the first day. He told them we was coming after them and was for the people at his inauguration. He declared war on the swamp. Listen carefully:

He said we are transferring power to the people. He declared war on Washington, DC and the establishment. He was telling them he was going to “Burn down the house.” He said this was “The day the people became the rulers of this nation again.”

Think what has been accomplished and where we are today April 8, 2020. Relate this speech to right now! This is why “THEY” hate his guts! Anyone who doesn’t want this is a sell out! This is why the enemy wants to bring him down. This explains all that has been taking place for the past 3 years.


He secured our borders against massive opposition. He turned back the caravans sent to attack our sovereignty.

Remember all the leaks? He has been aggressively weeding out enemies within the administration.

Remember all the lousy trade deals? He renegotiated them. He put tariffs in place to get business to return home. He renegotiated NAFA to be fair to American workers.

Remember him telling NATO nations to pay their share for defense? How he was mocked for it.

Remember how he stands up for LIFE and against abortion?

Remember how he handled himself and kept working for America as the enemy attempted to impeach and remove him from office?

Remember how he began to shut down travel and the border against opposition as the virus hit our shores?

Remember how he has pushed for Hydroxychloroquine as a treatment and he has been road blocked all the way?

Remember how he said it’s up to state governors how they handle quarantine because we have a “Constitution”? He is standing back and allowing them to decide rather than dictate to them…and he is mocked.

Now here we are: He has declared emergency powers because of the virus. Businesses and the banking system are at his command. Is he nationalizing the economy to save it? Is he bringing down the Federal Reserve and restoring the duties of the US Treasury Department and Constitutional money—Gold and silver?

The Central Bank system is run by elite banking families. Is Trump putting all the Nation’s debt on the Fed and then declare a new system with them holding the bag?

He has ordered the Navy and other branches of the military to shut down the drug trade from entering our country. Who benefits from the drug trade, gangs, and human trafficking? These evil cabal’s fund the agenda of enemies without and within the US Gov.

Have you been listening to Trump’s briefing? He is speaking in code. Hidden enemies, death, next two weeks extremely difficult.

All exits and entry to the USA are now shut because of the Virus. The streets have been cleared. The nation is at home waiting and watching TV.

If there was ever a time for action against the enemies and traitors now would be a good time to ACT.

Something BIG is UP. Listen to that inauguration speech again. He was talking in code.

The coming weeks and months are going to be very interesting to say the least. Many tares are going to be bundled and thrown into the fire. Our God is going to work through man to bring justice. He is going to “Burn down the House.”

Watch and pray for God to bring righteous justice on His enemies.

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