Sunday, May 3, 2020


For it is shameful even to speak of those things which are done by them in secret. But all things that are exposed are made manifest by the light, for whatever makes manifest is light. Therefore He says: “Awake, you who sleep, Arise from the dead, and Christ will give you light. Ephesians 5.12-14

We are on the threshold of a great awakening in our country. The tempo is increasing for justice and truth to expose the lies and deceptions that have been thrust upon us. Pain is going to be inflicted upon the D/S bad actors, the MSM lying media, and the light of truth will shine.

It is important for you all to do as much research on your own as possible. I can’t explain everything. I don’t know everything. A little study and you will be able to follow better. Some things I’m researching are written in CODE. As mentioned in last e-letter we are engaged in INFORMATION WARFARE. The headlines are designed to instill fear and uncertainty. There is a story behind those headlines. THEY want us to fail. THEY want the country to remain closed. THEY want fear.

THIS is about the November election, the overthrow of the President, end of American sovereignty. At the end of the letter I will recommend some individuals you can follow on Twitter. If you don’t have an account start one. You don’t have to tweet. You will get news fast and accurately with the recommended ones.

I want you to be able to get INFORMATION in a short but sweet format. I’ll give you some names. Please check them out and if you have some good ones let me know. Also, I know the can be difficult to listen to, but there is a place you can see the notes he follows while talking. If you want to know how to go there email me.

Let’s start with the meat packing industry.

When we see a headline we need to stay calm and WAIT for more info. This may take a day or two. Remember, the D/S doesn’t want the country to reopen. They want to instill fear and panic. Understand and you will begin to understand the news. President Trump is awake and aware.

We see headlines on the food supply chain being broken. There is some truth in this but why is it happening? Some packers had outbreaks of C-19 and had to close down. They will reopen! HEADLINES can be deceiving. People don’t always take the time to read. The headlines are often designed to DECEIVE us and create fear. Remember, deception is twisted truth. Good people can be deceived—we all can if not alert.

President Trump signed an Executive Order to keep meat packers open under the Defense Production Act, declaring that “It is important that processors of beef, pork, and poultry in the food supply chain continue operating and fulfilling orders to ensure a continued supply of protein for Americans.”

The President has talked about ultra-violet light being used as a disinfectant. This light can be used to disinfect the plants and packages if needed. It takes time to get things moving. The EVIL bad guys are working behind the scenes—this is real war. They want a meat supply chain crisis!

The MSM is doing all they can to hide the Biden sexual advance story. They are using this event to keep him closeted. The Dems have a plan. They are going to screw their constituents BIG TIME at their convention. I do not believe Biden will be the nominee. The convention is going to be hijacked.

If for some reason Biden is the nominee his VP is the Presidential Candidate. The FIX is in. WATCH.

The biggest thing happening now is the General Flynn release of documents. He was blackmailed into confessing he lied to Congress. If he didn’t confess his son was going to be attacked. I don’t know all the details on this case. I do know from what I’ve read that he is a true American Patriot. He knows where “the bodies are” in the Russian Hoax to bring down the Trump Presidency.

Watch for him to be exonerated from any crime. You can follow his story in short form on twitter.

This is eventually going to lead to exposing “Spygate” which the Dems were spying on the Trump campaign. The FBI and CIA were involved along with President OBAMA. It will lead to him. He knew! He authorized it. Eric Holder, Susan Rice, James Comey, and many others are involved. I saw a video on Twitter where Comey admitted he was not following procedures. You could tell he thought he was pretty cute. He broke the law. WATCH the news for this BIG EVENT.

When Trump got in he didn’t have a great deal of knowledge how things worked and he was surrounded by traitors. Remember how in the early days he was hiring and firing every day? Remember all the leaks in those early days and how the media was criticizing the Administration? He’s got that mostly under control now.

Will they get OBAMA? I don’t know. Powerful elite forces are involved. If the Patriots can prove all this it will be bigger than the Watergate scandal. The MSM (mainstream media) are involved covering it up. Pelosi, Schiff, and others. The hammer is going to fall very hard. PRAY FOR JUSTICE.

The future for the next 5 years is at stake. If God is for us they will fall…Pray as much as you can. These are vitally important days. Think of your children and grandchildren. WE can be given time if we seek Yehovah!

I’d like to bring your attention to this ministry: These folks have been interceding for our nation for many years already. They fast and pray at hotels and cities across the Nation. They call these “Gathering of Eagles” GOE, and I truly believe our Father hears their cry. Just check them out when you can. If the links don’t take you there, just copy and paste them in your browser.

Finally here is a really interesting fact. You are familiar with the video gaming like Star Wars Commander? Turns out the traitors and D/S were communicating within that game and others to message one another. Wow! This broke on Twitter a couple days ago and is reported on x22 today.

The evil and wickedness is rampant. In ancient Judah, the good kings went up to the high places and the groves where the people burned their children in the fires to Molech and worshipped idols. Relate this to what is happening right now in our country.

As I have said before, I did not understand the words EVIL and WICKEDNESS when I read them in the WORD. Yehovah has revealed them to me in a very real way since I began to study and seek.

Wait until the sex trafficking and pedophiles get attacked in force by this Administration! We can lift our voice like incense to the Heavens…He is listening.

OK, keep alert, do some investigation on your own, learn to interpret the fake headlines, research a little and these reports will become much more alive! Below are some good Twitter accounts that help me research and get news quickly. If you have any that are good please let me know. Be safe and fight the good fight. Stand firm on the rock. Don’t be blown away by the heavy winds.

ENoCH, Donald J. Trump, Techno Fog, BlueSky, The Counter, Tom Fitton, And We Know (8.28), QAnon, x22 Report, RunningTheRace, Mark Taylor, The Vigilant Citizen.

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