Sunday, April 12, 2020

These notes may help you with Tom Stapleton's 4 part video on the Book of Daniel. It is a long and difficult study but worth the time:

            8.14 – 2300 eve/morning = 1150 days

            12.11 – 1290 days

            12.13 – 1335 days


             2.8-11 – 10 days

             9.1-12 – 5 months

             11.1-3 – 42 months =1260 days –Little horn rule

             12.14 – time, times, ½

             13.5 – 42 months=30 day months=Biblical Calendar

Animals and Beasts – Daniel 7

Four Beasts: 1st beast = Lion with Eagles wings = UK and USA, 2nd = Bear that devours = Russia, 3rd Beast = Leopard = China and East Asia, Fourth Beast = Dreadful Beast = European Union. Little horn on 4th Beast = Roman/Vatican/Papacy.

Little horn thinks to change laws and appointed times, speaks blasphemy claiming to forgive sins.

Time, times, and half a time = Dan 7.25; 11.12; Revelation 12.14

Forty-two months = Revelation 11.2; 13.5

1260 days = Revelation 11.3; 12.6

End of Little horn = gets 3 1/2 years to do his work.

Revelation 6 and four horsemen parallels with Daniel 7 four beasts. Lion with Eagles wings = white horse. The Bear relates to the red horse. The leopard relates to the black horse. The Dreadful beast relates to the pale horse.

Revelation 13 four beasts rising out of sea relates to Daniel 7 four beasts. New World Order rising out of sea. In Revelation 13 we see the absence of the Eagle. The Eagles wings have been plucked off. Deadly wound is US being broken off from new world order…the wound healing is the beast reforming after USA broken.

Daniel 7 is pictured again in Revelation 12.3 in the seven headed dragon.

Revelation 13.11 – Another beast rising looks like with 2 horns and looks like lamb and speaks like a dragon. Could be the US and Canada coming together and becoming an “image of the first beast” by rejoining the New World Order.

The Buffalo/Bison is an animal representing the US and Canada—it is a beast…is this what John saw?

Revelation 17 and Daniel 7 – The great harlot rides the beast and little horn (Dan 7.21) makes war against the saints. The harlot rides the beast of Revelation 13 which is an amalgamation of the four beasts in Dan 7. This beast has 7 heads, plus the leopard, bear, and lion. Perhaps 7 heads = EU + leopard + bear + lion = 10 kings One World Order

Babylon shares its wine with the 10 Kings of the Earth. In Daniel 5 Belshazzar commanded to bring the gold and silver vessels of the temple to be drunk out of.

Daniel 8 Vison of Ram and Goat

Ram = Iran and allies. Goat = United states later and becomes UN Security Council after the great horn (USA) is broken.

Little horn on Goat = Vatican/Papacy. Lion with Eagles wings = UK and USA.  Bear = Russia. Leopard/Dragon = China.

The Goat and Ram

The Ram becomes great Dan 8.4. A prophecy in Dan 11.2 sheds further light on the kings of Media and Persia: “Now then, I tell you the truth: Three more kings will arise in Persia, and then a fourth, who will be far richer than all the others. When he has gained power by his wealth, he will stir up everyone against the kingdom of Greece”

This 4th kingdom most likely is oil rich Saudi Arabia. They have been the largest weapons purchaser in the Middle East since 2015. The Saudi Royal Family is struggling to hold on to power and could end up being deposed like the Shah in Iran.

The Goat comes from the west without touching the ground (Dan 8.5) and has a notable horn. This would be the UN Security Council led by the USA. Greece represents the democratic form of government and is the last western country which borders Islam.

Greece could be the staging area along with the island of Cyprus.

In Dan 8.8 the notable horn is “broken” and 4 additional horns rise out of the Goat. These would be the remaining 4 powers in the UN Security Council; UK, Russia, China, France (Representing the EU).

The Goat led by the notable horn attacks Islam/Iran allies with fury. Why? The Goat has been provoked by some event. Israel and the Palestinians may also be involved.

The USA and UN allies have been enraged by Islam (who refuses to be part of their new world order) and the Goat stamps them down: “…cast down and trampled.”

Most likely this war involves nuclear weapons. Daniel says “no one could deliver the Ram.” After this war the Goat becomes very great.  When the large horn (USA) is broken this must indicate some event that brings down the USA—perhaps a financial collapse and terrorism within. This will break the back of the USA. The vacuum is filled by the UN Security Council.

The USA will not have power to control and lead. They are crushed and isolated.

Little Horn – the Papacy

Dan 8.9: “And out of one of them came a little horn which grew exceedingly great toward the south, toward the east, and toward the Glorious Land.” Additional ref: Dan 7.24-25; 11.21, 30-31, 36, 45. The Glorious Land is Israel.

The Papists have for 1700 years longed to be in control of Jerusalem and the Holy Land. That dream is now going to be fulfilled as they set up headquarters in Jerusalem. They believe Jerusalem is their rightful home as representatives of Christ.

After the ruling powers of Islam receive their fatal blow the Vatican will move south and east to subdue nations to their one world religion. This is called the 10/40 window.

These people groups will have to submit to the authority of the new world order and religion. These people groups will have to pledge their allegiance to the Roman order but they will not have to give their hearts. At some point the Daily Sacrifices at the temple will be shut down.
He even exalted himself as high as the Prince of the host; and by him the daily sacrifices were taken away, and the place of His sanctuary was cast down. Because of transgression, an army was given over to the horn to oppose the daily sacrifices; and he cast truth down to the ground. He did all this and prospered. Dan 8.11-12
The times and laws mentioned in Dan 7.25 have now officially been changed. The daily sacrifices mean “continual” and are performed at 9AM and 3PM daily in the Biblical temple. They were reinstated by the Jewish people when the 3rd temple was built—now the little horn has shut them down. Revelation 11 is reference to the activity of the little horn.
Most likely the Papacy has shut down the system and replaced it with the Roman system and feast days. Dan 7.25. Also see Luke 21.24 “times of the Gentiles”.
Transgression of Desolation
Dan 8.13-14: Then I heard a holy one speaking; and another holy one said to that certain one who was speaking, “How long will the vision be, concerning the daily sacrifices and the transgression of desolation, the giving of both the sanctuary and the host to be trampled underfoot?” And he said to me, “For two thousand three hundred days; then the sanctuary shall be cleansed.”
Days should be translated evenings and mornings. On the Biblical calendar this would equal 1150 days. The evening and morning sacrifices are in the same day—9AM and 3PM.
Both Daniel 7 (1260 days) and 8 (2300/1150) are referring to activities of the little horn. The term “transgression of desolation” and “trampling of the host” are actions—the transgression leads to trampling. Ref: Matt 24.15-16. Compare Daniel 11.30-33 for the abomination and persecution.
Daniel 12.11-13 gives other time periods in regard to the abomination: And from the time that the daily sacrifice is taken away, and the abomination of desolation is set up, there shall be one thousand two hundred and ninety days. Blessed is he who waits, and comes to the one thousand three hundred and thirty-five days.
The time line below will help us to understand these “days” during the final years.
The First half of the Tribulation period just short of 42 months
War begins - The "Signal Event". Jewish Temple rebuilt. The Daily taken away, Abomination
The Second half of the Tribulation period a little more than 42 months
2300/1150 days of the daily taken away and abomination
1260th Day - The end of the city being trampled
1290th Day - Satan unveils himself as "god"
1300th Day - Ends 10 days of testing
1335th Day - Return of Yeshua and resurrection-Daniel 12.12 Blessed is he that waits and comes to the 1335 days.
The Bible is a Jewish book—both Old and New Testaments. In order to comprehend the end days it is imperative we understand the Biblical time, calendar, and feasts.
We are grafted into Israel. Grafting in means we become one with them. The Father wants us to understand and follow His time, calendar, and feasts so that the final generation will understand the final days and know what to do.
No man knows the exact day or hour but we can and are supposed to understand the times and seasons. This will allow the final generation to be prepared for His second coming. Using the scriptures provided the timeline above begins to reveal itself. This is a Biblical way to understand Daniel and Revelation. It is well thought out but is not 100% accurate. It provides a possible series of events using the Biblical prophecies as a study guide—it is not totally complete.

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