Saturday, September 3, 2016

The Creation (The Beginning) Reveals the End


Genesis 1.1-2. = Creation in seven days: An account that is extraordinary for its austerity. Other pagan accounts provide high drama and graphic descriptions of the events. The Genesis account is devoid of sensory details. This conveys a sense of the awe inspiring majesty and inviolable sovereignty of our God.

God accomplishes all His creative labors in six days and rests in regal repose on the seventh day, blessing and hallowing that climatic day.

The first three days describe the creation of the domains (boundaries); the next three chronicle the creation of the specifics or the inhabitants of the domains:

Day 1 – Light (1.1-5)….Day 2 – Sky - (separating waters above from those below: 1.6-8)….Day 3 – Land and plants (1.9-13)…Day 4 – Lights (Sun, moon, stars; 1.14-19)…Day 5 – Fish/Birds (1.20-23)…Day 6 – Land Animals and Humans (1.24-31)…Day 7 – Sabbath (2.1-3)

Key Note: Unlike the Biblical month which is lunar and the Biblical year which never moves too far from its solar base, the Biblical week corresponds to no astronomical event. It began on Day One of creation. The sun, moon, and stars were not created until the 4th Day. YHVH has hallowed the 7th Day from the very creation of time and space!

The role of the number seven is that seven signifies completeness and that things come to their fit conclusion on the seventh day. God created all things in six days, resting on the seventh day upon completion of His work. The Bible says that a Day is as a thousand years unto the Lord. Therefore the ancient Hebrew sages conclude that unto man was given six thousand years and the final thousand years would be the Lord’s.

Taking this thought further, the ancient sages keep time as we know it from the birth of Adam, using the Biblical genealogies to calculate that we are presently in the year 5777 (2017) and that after six thousand years the Messiah will come and bring peace to the world. This is an interesting concept to ponder when looking at the current condition of mankind and the world we live in!

The Book of Revelation reveals a Millennial Kingdom that will last for a thousand years with Yeshua ruling as King and His saints as kings and priests. Once again, this fits with the six thousand years for man and Elohim (God) resting on the seventh day (millennium).

In Revelation 18 we see a beast upon which a woman (or harlot) is riding. Revelation 13.18 says: Here is wisdom. Let him that hath understanding count the number of the beast: for it is the number of a man; and his number is Six hundred threescore and six.

Taking this creation account further we see that the number of the beast is a number of man. If the beast represents a man then it is reasonable that man creates government and in this case the government of man is a beast. The woman riding the beast would represent a false religion. Harlots in the Bible always seduce men away from God’s laws of morality. The children of Israel were “whoring” after false gods and pagan religion.

The woman riding the beast represents a combination of a world government (a beast) created by man being held together by a false apostate church which would be a false “Christian” religion. If it is deceiving the world it has its roots in what we call Christianity.

How does the number 666 compute to mankind? God created the world in SIX days, on the SIXTH day man was created, and after SIX days we are to rest on the seventh day = 666. On the seventh day we rest on the Sabbath. For whom was the Sabbath created? For Man: He said unto them, The Sabbath was made for man, and not man for the sabbath: Mk 2.27

As we can see there is so much more to the simple description of the creation than we could ever imagine!

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