Tuesday, September 27, 2016


Now that we have discussed heaven, hell, resurrection, and the second coming here is a brief outline of what is coming.

I’d like to share some insight into God establishing His government on earth. Acts 1.6; Acts 2.30-32; Amos 9.11-15; Acts 15.3; Acts 15.13-22 in that order.


The aim is to establish the kingdom and government back to what it was. That means according to God’s time and calendar, His feasts, and His Torah in a non legalistic way. The Roman spirit of the church did away with the Hebraic roots and the church has been only a shadow of what it should be.


The apostles were asking when the kingdom would be restored. That is the kingdom and calendar of the Bible...where a new day begins at sunset, and the feasts of the Lord are observed and understood prophetically. There is so much more but this is not the place.


Why were the apostles rejoicing in Acts 15.3? Because the Gentiles (nations, pagans) were converting. They were not just converting to belief in Jesus but into the entire Biblical time and calendar--which is totally a shadow of Yeshua. This is what we have missed! This is what Paul is talking about in Colossians 2.16-17. The Pagans were against them because they were following the Biblical calendar.


Once we understand God’s time and calendar we begin to understand His kingdom and government.


Later in Acts 15.13-22 the converts are told to go to the synagogue and hear Moses read...This is where the feasts are described and the law is explained (a set of common sense rules for those who love their neighbor as themselves). The first five books of the Bible are called the Torah. These books explain and contain the precepts of the Laws of God.


This is the basis of the kingdom that will be established at His second coming. Note in Amos 9.11-15 it is speaking of the Millennial Kingdom described in Rev 20. That will be the total restoration of the Millennial Kingdom (MK). This is the restoration of the Hebraic kingdom into which we have been grafted.

Isaiah 65 describes some of how it will be in verses 17-25...a person who is not obeying (verse 20 “a sinner”) will live to 100 before he dies and will be considered a sinner. Everyone else will live much longer.


Zechariah 14.16-21 confirms we will be observing the feasts of the Lord.


It begins with worship and intercession...but we must understand what it is we are worshipping and interceding for. It is for our future inheritance with the Lord as Kings and Priests in the MK.


Everything is about the coming kingdom which is going to be established in the earth at His second appearance...we have not been taught this in the church...we are stuck on the “traditions of men.” In 325 AD the Emperor Constantine threw out all things “Jewish” and we have forgotten our roots.

Even Jesus said he would not participate in the Passover meal again until He celebrated it in the Kingdom Luke 22.15-16.

I understand this is very short. I don't want to explain it all. Seek out the word...meditate on the scriptures I have given you and ask for understanding. The truth will set you free!


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