Saturday, September 10, 2016


The record of the creation week described in the Bible is incredibly rich in mystery. God describes the creation in sparse language with few details. When our method is to allow the Bible to interpret itself these mysteries are unveiled. Many twist the word to fit what they believe or want to believe. Our approach is to allow the Bible to interpret itself.

The Bible was written by 40 different writers over a 1500 year time span. The amazing thing about this is how consistent the precepts and history of the Bible flow together. The ancient Jewish Torah teachers spent their entire lives praying and meditating over this Word that was given to them to bless the entire world. Some of their insights and understanding are quite amazing.

It becomes even more amazing when we realize that for the present time, the Jewish people have rejected the Messiah they were waiting for. The scriptures describe His appearance and point to Yeshua as the haMashiach (Messiah) of the Bible. Yes, the insights they have confirm that Yeshua is the one. It will be a glorious day when He returns and they accept him as haMashiac (Zechariah 12.9-14) at the end of this age.

In this study we will delve into the “creation week” of six days and rest on the seventh. This theme runs throughout the entire Bible. Six days of work, rest on the seventh. Herein lie many truths and mysteries concerning the second coming of Yeshua at the end of this present age. The creation week and 6/1 concept is central to understanding scripture.

Day One – The first letter of the Hebrew language is the Beit. It looks like this ב. Hebrew is written from right to left. The sages saw the meaning of this opening letter as being bounded on all sides except forward (the opening faces forward). Therefore all events that occur after the beginning (the creation of Adam) are those which are accessible to human investigation (the open end of the beit). Those that precede the beginning, the time of creation, the back of the beit, are not open to investigation--only God has knowledge of these events and how they unfolded.

Hebrew’s count time, as we know it from the creation of man, Adam. Therefore in the year 2016 on the Gregorian calendar it is 5776 on the Hebrew calendar. This is calculated by using the genealogy’s which are written in the Bible. According to that calculation, since Adam was created 5,776 years have passed. What went on prior to Adam is calculated by God, in time only as He knows it.


The first day of creation is described as Day One in the Hebrew because there was no day to precede it. It couldn’t be “the first day” because there had never been a day before. Day two is described as “the second day” because it came after day one. This small detail reveals that the Bible is very detailed in its description of events. The ancient sages noticed this.


A day in the Bible is described as a thousand years (Psalm 90.4; 2 Peter 3.8). Therefore the first six days of creation are on God’s time clock and could be billions of years. After the Beit, time is as we know it now would be from the sixth day forward as Adam was created on the sixth day. The ancients realized that time as we understand it is the time we live in since Adam’s creation.


The ancients believed that unto man was given six days and on the seventh day the Messiah would come. God created everything in 6 days and rested on the Shabbat (seventh day). Therefore man has 6 days (6 thousand years) to work and then Messiah will appear. The entire Bible is written on the six days of work and rest on the seventh day. This information reveals many events yet to come!

This Day one was the day that God created light (Gen 1:1-5). What kind of light was it? The sun, moon, and stars were not created until the 4th day! The figurative extension of the Hebrew word for light is: “light of the face” a positive, happy attitude, resulting from relief from trouble.

Prior to the creation of light the Bible says the earth was void and without form—in other words empty (desolation) and void (chaos). When God spoke and created light, the light of His face, the chaos was ended. The world began in darkness but when God spoke His Shekinah glory covered the earth: the presence of God on earth or a symbol or manifestation of His presence:  a Hebrew noun meaning "dwelling" or "settling" and denotes the dwelling or settling of the divine presence of God and his cosmic glory. Light as we understand it would not be created until the 4th day, but God had established His divine presence upon the earth.

Second Day – On the second day (Gen 1:6-8) God creates a firmament (expanse of the sky or heaven, the space above the earth that holds visible objects) and waters (water; in nature: ocean, lake, river or, flood:) above and below the firmament. The firmament He called “heaven.” He created waters on earth and waters which come down from above.

Water is of extreme importance in the scriptures. The Torah or Law of God comes down from above. Rain is considered to be a blessing. Nothing can grow without rains. Therefore Torah is like the rain—it comes down to us from above and is a blessing that instructs us in God’s ways.

Later, in Noah’s day, God will destroy the wicked world with flood waters. He will wash the earth clean. The flood event took place about 1656 years after the creation of Adam according to Biblical genealogy. In this event we see waters from below and waters from above flooding the earth. This would be the midway point of the second day if a day is as a thousand years unto the Lord! The creation week is matching with world history.

Third Day – On the third day (Gen 1.9-13) God creates dry land. He gathers the waters together in their place and dry land in its place. Dry land is called “earth” and the waters “seas.” During this day God also created grass, herb yielding seed, and the fruit tree yielding fruit after its own kind, whose seed is in itself.

The Exodus (Ex 12-14) took place about 2448 years from Adam. This would be midway through the third day on the six thousand years of man. The Hebrew’s were delivered from Egypt as they “crossed over” the Red Sea. Crossing over is the very meaning of the word “Hebrew.” The Exodus was a departure—a crossing over.

The Red Sea was parted for the fleeing Hebrews and they crossed over into new life. Pharaoh’s army was destroyed as they followed after the Hebrews and the sea closed in on them. The Hebrews crossed over on dry land. The Exodus was a baptism of water. A transition from one kind of life to another.

We cross over to a new life when we accept Yeshua as our Lord and Savior. That is exactly the symbolism of our water baptism: New life in Jesus. We are symbolically washed clean, our old man being put to death, and a new man rising up out of the waters.

They crossed over on dry land. Nothing can grow on dry land. It must be watered with the rains from above. Their transition on dry land becomes new life on the other side. Our lives are like dry land until we become disciples of Yeshua. Once we receive this “blessing from above” we come alive and begin to understand the Bible (Torah) for the first time.

God also created plants and seeds on this 3rd day. Look at 1 Corinthians 15 and Paul’s description of our resurrection bodies. Baptism is a symbol of our immortal spiritual bodies which we will inherit on Resurrection Day. We will all be change in the twinkling of an eye. Death will be swallowed up in victory.

Yeshua rose on the third day. Our bodies are temples of the Holy Spirit. Unless a grain of seed fall into the ground and die it cannot bring forth new life. Our seed bodies will bring forth new life at the resurrection prior to entering the Millennial Kingdom and ruling and reigning with Yeshua.

All of these shadows are seen in the third day of creation. Transformation from death to life through baptism in the sea, seed bodies that will be resurrected into immortality, and entrance into the Millennial Kingdom—the “Promised Land” of God. You cannot enter the Kingdom of God until you are born again. You can only understand or see these things until you receive new life in Yeshua.
We will continue creation week with the fourth day next posting.







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