Saturday, April 9, 2016



Here in a nutshell is what I am seeing about times and laws, beginning with Daniel 7.25—it crystalized in my mind and it is quite interesting.


If God’s time and calendar are the time of the entire Bible we have to ask what calendar are we observing? We are on the Gregorian calendar—most of the world—a “Roman” calendar. God’s time is evening/morning (Gen 1). That is sunset to sunset equals a 24 hour day. The “Roman” day begins at midnight—a six hour difference.


If there are only 4 kingdoms in Dan 2 and Dan 7 and we agree through history that Rome is the 4th Kingdom—what time and calendar are we currently observing? Roman-Gregorian!


If in 1 John 2.18-19 there is a “spirit of anti-christ” in the world and prophecy is dual then Dan 7.25 is talking about the last times (as in 1 John 2)--and the last times in context of the tribulation also.


Then if the Bible is written in God’s time and calendar—and the time, day, and calendar we observe is Roman—what times and laws are/were being changed by the spirit of Antichrist in the world?


The times are God’s appointed times—the feasts and the laws (Torah). These have been, and are being changed---gay marriage, abortion, etc. are all in opposition to Biblical law.


If this is fact, then in Luke 21.24 the times of the Gentiles being fulfilled and Jerusalem being trodden down is being accomplished by the 4th kingdom! Gentiles represent “Rome” in our current time. The Roman Church has many laws that are not Biblical.


The ramifications of all this are in the Book of Revelation. We are living in the time of the 4th kingdom and times and laws of that kingdom are observed by “Romanized” Gentiles. This Roman system of worship extends to the Protestant churches whom have also abandoned the times and seasons of the Lord--while diminishing the Torah. (The feasts of the Lord are listed in Leviticus 23).


Therefore the current church is, for argument sake, a pagan shadow of what it should be---as the Jews turned away from Christ--and Gentiles turned away from Hebraic roots (Torah)—we have an apostate church.


But—Yahweh has and is still honoring the name of Yahshua through this pagan/apostate church through healings and salvation, etc. In fact, for two thousand years the “Christian” church has ignored her Hebraic roots. That is soon going to change.


Today we are seeing a return to the Hebraic roots. God’s people are discovering the ancient ways—Hebraic roots—while the apostate church turns further and further towards human secularism. Syncretism is the word of our time—mixing in pagan rites with Yahweh’s Torah. This is an abomination to Yahweh. Ref: The Book of Zephaniah as an example.



A day is coming when we will be persecuted for our Hebraic roots beliefs—and the line in the sand between apostate and true will become clear. The “times of the Gentiles” will end and the Messiah will return and restore the Kingdom.


This is the end time message. As we grow in Hebraic roots and understanding, the apostate church reaches out to all other religions to consolidate under the umbrella of this “Roman system.” Syncretism--mixing in pagan rites with Yahweh’s Torah is taking over the apostate church. This is an abomination to Yahweh. Ref: The Book of Zephaniah as an example.


It is all hidden in plain sight—Understanding “what time and calendar” the Bible is on and which time the world is on reveals many end time mysteries—such as Mystery Babylon.


When Yahshua returns the restoration of all things as the Apostles questioned in Acts 1.6 will begin.


Think it over-- it is revolutionary! Do you see it?




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