Now we will consider how science and the Bible agree on creation as we read a piece found in Gerald Schroeder's book "Genesis and the Big Bang."
The first letter of the first
word in the sacred writings (Genesis) is the Hebrew letter Beth. It is on this
first letter that the ancient sages base their understanding of creation--that
any knowledge of what preceded the beginning of creation before Adam’s
creation is unattainable by investigation. That is, the investigation of
the mere mind of man.
The shape of the letter Beth
is that it is closed on three sides and open only in the forward direction.
It’s shape is similar to our C, but with the opening facing left, like this ב. Hebrew is written from right to left. The sages saw the meaning of this
opening letter, the Bet or Beth, as being bounded on all sides except forward
(the opening faces forward). Therefore all events that occur after the beginning
(the creation of Adam) are those which are accessible to human investigation
(the open end of the bet). Those that precede the beginning, the time of
creation, the back of the bet, are not open to investigation--only God has
knowledge of these events and how they unfolded.
Hebrew’s count time, as we
know it from the creation of man, Adam. Therefore in the year 2013 on the
Gregorian calendar it is 5773 on the Hebrew calendar. This is calculated by
using the genealogy’s which are written in the Bible. According to that
calculation, since Adam was created 5,776 years have passed. What went on prior
to Adam is calculated by God, not in time as we know it.
In science, photons colliding
with electrons keep light from breaking free. When photons break free and are
able to freely travel there is light. Light was held within the primeval mass
(darkness) until God set it free. “Let there be light.” The division by God
between light, which is totally composed of photons, and darkness takes on a
significance consistent with its literal meaning…“and God separated between the
light and the darkness.” Gen 1:4
Nachmanides (1194-1270) a
Jewish sage explained the terms “light and darkness” refer to the phenomena as
perceived by mankind. That is, light is light, and darkness is the absence of
light. The darkness of Gen 1:2 was not merely an absence of light. In
this verse it includes the meaning of the elemental source of energy. This very
darkness, the sages say, contained the source of energy that was to power the
forces that led to life.
Isaiah 45:7 tells us that hoshek (Hebrew for dark) is not merely
the absence of light. It (dark) is a created, possibly the created substance of
the universe: I (God) form the light and create darkness (hoshek).
According to this verse, it is darkness, not light that was created. “Darkness
was upon the face of the deep….” Gen 1:2
The darkness was a black
fire; a type of energy that emitted no light (like a black hole), just as the
surface of the universe was black as long as photons and free electrons were
mixed in a confused turmoil of energetic collisions.
In Him was life, and the life
was the light of men, and the light shines in darkness, and the darkness
comprehended it not. John 1:4-5
I am the light of the world:
he that follows me shall not walk in darkness, but shall have the light of
life. John 8:12
I have come as a light
into the world, that whoever believes in Me should not abide in darkness. John
... Therefore let us cast off
the works of darkness, and let us put on the armor of light. Romans 13:12
For it is the God who
commanded light to shine out of darkness, who has shone in our hearts to give
the light of the knowledge of the glory of God in the face of Jesus Christ. 2
Corinthians 4:6
Light is life--Jesus is life
Light is energy--we are
energized by God
Light shows us the way--He is
a light unto our path
Arise, shine; For your light
has come! And the glory of the LORD is risen upon you. Isaiah 60:1 God
has set light free--released it--and we are the light of the world. The word of
God stands on its own. Science will come to the word. The science of cosmology
kneels before the word of God!
In the Jewish view, and I
have spoken to Jewish scholars about this, the first six days of creation are
in a “time” that only God understands. These first six days are a period of
unknown time they say, therefore it can be billions of years in our
understanding but a mere blip to God. Time is relative to location. Clocks run
faster on the moon because gravity has an effect on the passage of time. A
plane traveling in the direction of the earth’s rotation will cause a clock to
gain time. Flying in the opposite direction the clock looses time. From our
vantage point in the universe time appears to stand still--the stars appear
stationary. They are in reality moving away from us at great speed.
Creation was six days in
God’s time frame--but 15 billion in ours--both are correct. In the science of
cosmology, the big bang theory and Einstein’s theory of relativity confirm that
6 days and 15 billion years are one and the same. If science and the sacred
writings (the Bible) take the time to examine each other they line up together.
The differences in motions
and gravitational forces among the various galaxies, or even among stars in a
single galaxy, make the absolute passage of time a very local affair.
Time differs from place to place as we saw above on the moon. Until Adam was
created on the sixth day, God alone was watching the clock--and that is the
The first Sabbath God
rested--He caused a repose to encompass the universe that He had made during
the first six days. Our perception of this repose, according to the sage
Maimonides (1137-1204), is that from this first Sabbath and for all hereafter,
the laws of nature, including the flow of time, would function in a “normal”
manner as it is relative to us here on earth. That is, in our perception of
DAY ONE - The sages say that prior to the existence of the
universe, time did not exist. Gen 1:5...and there was evening (disorder) and
there was morning (order), DAY ONE. (Jewish days begin at evening at 6
PM). In the Hebrew it does not say the first day. That would have
implied an already existing series of days when in fact on “this day one” there
had been no prior time to this day one. There was nothing to which one could
relate this day. It stood alone as DAY ONE.
For all the remaining days in
that first week of Genesis, the ordinal terms, second, third, etc are used. By
Day #2 and there after, a series of days had been established. Although it is
difficult to comprehend, the creation of a physical universe brought with it a
concurrent creation of time (as we know it).
Both sages reached a similar
conclusion: Prior to the creation of the universe, space did not exist. The
creation of the universe, they said, brought with it not only the time into
which it flows, but also the space into which it exists and into which it
expands. Thus, the presence of the energy and matter of the universe not only
causes the existence of time, but also of space.
The Cabalists (500 years ago)
said to form the universe, God chose from the infinite realm of the Divine, ten
dimensions or aspects and relegated them to be held within the universe. These
dimensions are hinted at in the ten repetitions of the statements, “and God
said”, used in the opening chapter of Genesis.
The Cabalists believed only
four of the ten dimensions are physically measurable within today’s world. The
other six contracted into submicroscopic dimensions during the six days of
Genesis. Today we refer to the four measurable dimensions as length, width,
height, and time--the criteria by which we describe our every move.
To conceptualize a
contraction of dimensions visualize an ordinary pencil. At close range it is
seen to have length, width, height, color, and surface roughness. As we move
away from the pencil these dimensions gradually become less clear until only a
thin colorless line is visible. We have contracted the original five dimensions
of the pencil into one! Amazingly today, particle physicists talk of the string
theory, a unified description of our universe in ten dimensions. Having ten
dimensions allows a unified explanation of the fundamental forces that operate
among particles of matter. The dimensions, according to the physicists are the
four we know: length, width, height, time, and six others! God’s word stands
alone. Science bows to the word.
Einstein’s theory of
relativity deals with the perceptions of the same three quantities discussed in
Genesis: space, time, and mass. The creation of the heavens and earth
from absolute nothing is at the root of Biblical faith. The Hebrew word used
for creation is barah, the only word in Hebrew that means creation of
something from nothing! Biblically it is applicable only to the actions of God.
It is the second word of the Bible.
Psalm 148:4-6 Praise Him, you heavens of heavens, and you waters
above the heavens! Let them praise the name of the LORD, For He commanded
and they were created. He also established them forever and ever; He made a
decree which shall not pass away. The heavens are eternal and were
commanded into being.
Psalm 90:4 For a thousand years in Your sight are like
yesterday when it is past, and like a watch in the night. God sees time
much differently than man.
Biblically the age of the
universe is the six days of Genesis prior to Adam’s creation--plus the
57 + centuries since Adam. The Bible talks in the language of mankind. Can
mankind even comprehend billions of years?
It took Einstein and the law
of relativity to teach us that there is no absolute passage of time.
Time is as flexible as the possible differences in the force of gravity and the
speed of motion across a boundary separating an observer from the observed
(universe). That is, the universe expanding, but as we watch it seems to not be
moving. The passage of time on any one star could be as different from the
passage of time on another star as 6 days is different from 15 billion years.
As such there is no one correct age for the earth or the matter it contains.
Until the observer and the observed are joined in a single space-time frame,
there is no one-to-one correlation.
For the Creator and the
created, the union of frames of reference occurred when mankind, represented by
Adam and Eve, absorbed the image of God, some 5,700 years ago. Man merely has
theories on the creation of the universe--God has knowledge of how it was done.
We can only bow to the Lord and marvel. Science comes to the word--the eternal
word of God.
Hebrews 11:3 By faith we understand that the entire universe was
formed at God’s command, that what we now see did not come from anything that
can be seen.
Resource: Genesis and the
Big Bang by Gerald L. Schroeder, Ph.D.
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