Saturday, October 4, 2014


Leviticus 16.6-10; 33 Atonements and offering for Aaron. Azazel the “scapegoat’ which means “go away” is representative of the Lord taking away our sins. If the lot for the Lord’s goat or the goat which is sacrificed on the altar fell to the right hand that was considered a good sign. That would mean the “scapegoat” lot fell in the left hand.

The scapegoat or Azazel was sent out into the wilderness. A red sash was tied to the horn and the “sins” of the people were “sent away” into the wilderness. The goat might wander back so the goat was taken out into the wilderness and pushed backwards over a cliff to insure it died and would not wander back to the camp. Remember when the people tried to push Jesus over the cliff?

Another name for the Day of Atonement is “The Fast”. Leviticus 23.32, Acts 27.9. If I say I am looking forward to “Turkey Day” you know I am talking about Thanksgiving. So it is with the Day of Atonement being called “The Fast”.

The first Yom Kippur: Ex 32.30-32. Moses came down the mountain the second time, after the golden calf incident on the 10th of Tishri--the first Day of Atonement or Yom Kippur. Another name for Yom Kippur is “face to face” as Moses talked with God face to face. Ex 34.29-30: Moses face shone.

The first Feast of Tabernacles began five days after the first Day of Atonement: EX 35, Lev 23.39-40. The people began to build the tabernacle in the wilderness at this time.

The Day of Atonement is a new beginning: 2 Peter 3.13. This day is a lead in to the Feast of Tabernacles where God comes to live with us. The Day of Atonement is a “cover” for us until the full atonement came in the form of the Messiah Yeshua. John 1.29, the lamb who takes away the sin of the world. Just as a credit card covers us until we pay the bill, the Day of Atonement covers us until Jesus came and paid for our sins. 103.12, Micah 7.19, our sins removed far away!

It is the blood of the sacrifice that cleanses us, forgives us, gives us eternal life, and opens our hearts to a relationship with God. Job 9.30-33, if I offend you I am judged, but who can judge between God and man? 1 Sam 2, Ps 49.15, Gal 3.13, Ps 49, Heb 10.4-6. The blood of bulls and goats is not sufficient: but the blood of Messiah is!

The Feast of Passover was for individual atonement (new birth), but the Day of Atonement is for the national redemption of Israel.

White linen = righteousness of the saints. To understand the book of Revelation you must understand the three fall feasts: Trumpets, Day of Atonement, and Tabernacles. Revelation incorporates the truth of the fall feasts in a prophetic way.

Isaiah 53--Jesus was afflicted; we afflict our souls on Yom Kippur. Jeremiah 2.22 our iniquity is marked. In Jesus’ time the High Priest was appointed by the King of Palestine. Sometimes he wasn’t even of the line of the Levites!

Chiapas was charge of the temple in Jesus’ time and was running the money changers for personal profit. That is why Jesus threw them out!

Forty years before the destruction of the temple in Jerusalem, according to Josephus and the Talmud, strange things were happening at the temple during the Day of Atonement. The lot for the Lord’s goat kept coming in the left hand, the lights on the menorah in the temple kept going out, the doors of the Holy place kept opening and the sash on the door would not turn white! What happened forty years prior was Jesus crucifixion. Zechariah 11.1

The Year of Jubilee is proclaimed on Yom Kippur! Lev 25.9-10, Isaiah 61.1-2, Luke 4.14-21. Jesus read from Isaiah 61 in the verses in Luke 4. He closed the book or scroll (the book of life or scroll of life is closed on Yom Kippur.) Jesus did this on the Day of Atonement which was also the 50th year and a year of Jubilee. This is when Jesus began His ministry!

Lev 16 speaks of the priest making the offerings on the Day of Atonement: burning coals on the altar, sprinkling of blood, incense. Ps 141, prayers are incense. Rev 6.9 pictures the saints crying out from under the altar--vengeance is meted out on Yom Kippur to the wicked. For the righteous it is the Day of Redemption!


Rev 8, golden censer, throne, altar--Lev 16. Isaiah 63.1-4 Bozrah, trample means wash, this is speaking of Yom Kippur and the national redemption of Israel. Isaiah 61.1-2, the Lord closed the scroll and did not mention vengeance prior to His ministry; when He returns the second time, that is the day of vengeance. Rev 11.15-19, the nations are angry and they are going to be judged. This is Yom Kippur! The temple is opened in heaven--only the High Priest and enter in on Yom Kippur--Jesus is our High Priest! See Lev 16.16. No one can enter until the 7 plagues have accomplished their purpose, Rev 15.8

This time speaks of the fall harvest, the grape harvest. Matt 13.38-39. The fall harvest is a fruit harvest--grapes.

Ex 23.16 speaks of the ingathering or harvesting--Revelation speaks of the grape harvest at the end of the age. Rev 14.8 speaks of end time events. Rev 19 speaks of Jesus’ return and the national redemption of Israel, Zech 12.10.

2 Corinthians 3.13-16 speaks of the veil over Moses and that is today over Israel. This veil will be taken away on Israel’s day of redemption. They will see the eternal purpose of God on this day! Isaiah 25.7-8--the veil is destroyed or taken away. Rev 21.4--a new world order! The church has a veil over their eyes concerning God’s eternal purpose for Israel--that veil is being removed in this day to those who have and ear to hear. Israel has a veil over their eyes concerning God’s purpose for them.

Lev 16.2, 16.34, Ezek 20.33-35: I will rule over you (Jews) and meet face to face with you (in Bozrah?) as the nation enters into redemption upon accepting Yeshua as Messiah. Zech 12.10, Rev 1.7.

Hosea 5: I will return to my place--affliction--Yom Kippur--the millennial reign begins. Matt 2337-39, I want to gather you like a hen gathers her chickens.

Romans 11...Israel’s national redemption. Romans 10.1 and Acts 319-21 (Peter’s sermon)…until the restoration of all things--Israel’s national day of redemption--Yom Kippur. It will probably be Yom Kippur when this is fulfilled in real time! Romans 11.15, Jeremiah 31.31-36...the new covenant is God’s law written on our hearts…before they were in stone, now to be on our hearts.

The story of Joseph is Genesis is a type of Jesus’ coming and Israel’s national redemption!

Gen 42.8...Joseph knew his brothers, but they did not know him. He looked like an Egyptian. The church has presented a pagan or Egyptian Jesus to Jews--they are not provoked to jealously by this Jesus because they do not recognize Him. The church has fallen away from their Hebrew roots.

These additional scriptures continue the story…Gen 37.3-4...Joseph’s brothers reject him. Gen 37.18 (Matt 26.4). Gen 37 (Matt 26 Zech 11.12-13). Gen 37.23 (Matt 27.28) Joseph stripped of his robes…. Gen 39 falsely accused. Gen 41.55, “do as he tells you” John 2.1-5, similar to the wedding in Cana. Gen 42.7-8/Luke 24.13-32, Joseph recognizes his brothers, but does not reveal himself to them. Gen 43.3-9/Matt 23.39...”you shall not see my face til you bring your brother…” Jesus will not return until Israel comes to Him, Zech 12.10. Gen 44, Judah asks, “what can we do to clear ourselves?” Gen 45, When Judah, who represents the nation of Israel repents, Joseph reveals himself to his brothers! The Lord’s return is in conjunction with Israel returning to Him. “I will not return until they say, Blessed is He who comes in the name of the Lord.” Matt 23.39.

Something to seriously consider, an irony if you will. In Ex 12.5-6, Israel was commanded to kill the lamb. Later they would kill the lamb of God Jesus. Our older brother (Judah) was commanded to kill the lamb. Israel obeyed God and did the deed. Because of this now we (Gentiles) are grafted in. At a future Yom Kippur, the nation of Israel will be grafted back into the tree because they obeyed God and sacrificed the Lamb! Ex 12.1-14.

After Israel’s day of redemption (Yom Kippur), the Feast of Tabernacles takes place five days later. Tabernacles is also called the “feast of the Nations”. In Genesis 10.1-32 we see how the original 70 nations were formed, the family of nations as described in Deut 32.8; Ex 1.5.

Israel was supposed to be a nation of priests, Ex 19.6. In that capacity they were to minister to the nations. This is what Numbers 29.13-32 refers to. The nation of priests was to sacrifice 70 bulls for the 70 nations. Israel makes atonement for themselves on Yom Kippur, then at the joyful seven day feast of Tabernacles, they are to make atonement for the nations. (Matt 25.31-46) In the Millennium all nations will be observing the Feast of Tabernacles, Zech 14.16-19.

The Lord said once how the Gentiles like to Lord it over each other. We see this in 3 John 9-10 as John the Apostle was not even welcome in this church. The church today still does not realize God’s purpose for Israel and that the church and Israel are connected at the hip. We have been grafted into them and our destiny is connected to them. We will soon enough understand, and join our older brother when the Lord returns in His glory!

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