Monday, October 13, 2014



“A prudent person foresees danger and takes precautions. The simpleton goes blindly on and suffers the consequences.” Proverbs 22.3

Those with eyes to see and ears to hear understand that we are rapidly heading toward a fiscal crises and chaos in

America and throughout the world. The national debt in America is quoted as being 17 trillion dollars. That does not include the many medical and retirement promises that some economists say equal 120 trillion dollars or more!

To get your head around a trillion dollars let’s use an example. One trillion seconds would equal 31,688 years! That in itself is mind boggling. There is no way America can overcome this kind of debt. We are headed for a collapse of the dollar, hyperinflation, social unrest, martial law, and a loss of our hard won freedoms. How did we get here?


At the end of World War Two the world was put on a gold backed financial system fashioned at Bretton Woods, N.H. The US dollar eventually became the strongest currency in the world due to our victory. In 1965 French president Charles de Gaulle began demanding payment in gold for the dollars his nation held. In 1971 President Nixon decided to get America off the gold standard in order to prevent a run on our gold reserves.

In order to do this and maintain America’s currency superiority the gold had to be replaced with something else. A deal was made with Saudi Arabia that would change the world. The US agreed to provide military protection for the House of Saud in exchange for oil. The deal was that the Saudi’s would only sell oil priced in US dollars. This meant that any country purchasing oil had to purchase with dollars. This maintained and expanded the power of the dollar and the ability of the US to finance it’s ever growing debt.

Any country that wished to purchase oil had to have dollars. This meant they had to purchase US Treasury bonds in order to have the capital to buy oil on the international markets. This was the beginning of what is now known as the “petrol dollar”. America now had a currency backed by a commodity every nation needed without the inherent financial restraints of a currency based on gold. The US could now print money at will and wage currency wars with other nation’s economies based upon this edge in the market place.

Our economy was now fueled by debt creation. Our expansion as the richest nation on earth was fueled by credit. Soon jobs were shipped overseas, to increase profit margins, as the dollar lost value through the inflation this open credit card provided. This is a simple, but effective explanation of how we have arrived at this point.


It has taken us 40 years to get to this point. Our dollar is rapidly losing its value. Our jobs have been shipped overseas and our largest creditors (China, Japan) have decided to purchase less and less of our debt. The result of this is that the Federal Reserve Bank is now creating money out of thin air to finance our debts. Without going into the financial collapse of 2008 we also see the Fed bailing out the banks. Wall Street has become a casino. Cheap money forces banks to look for higher returns elsewhere which means higher risk. When these investments went bad the tax payer bailed out the banks. Note also that the Federal Reserve is not a US government agency--It is a privately owned bank.

Nothing has changed, nothing has been repaired. The can is being kicked down the road. Europe is going through financial withdrawal and pain as their currency and debt crises escalates. This contagion will soon be coming to America. All eyes are currently on Europe. Once the crises in Europe is resolved America will go through the same riots and unrest we now see in Europe. Hyperinflation, riots, and chaos will ensue.


The western world is now in so much debt that paper currencies are becoming worthless. For centuries gold has been the real source of wealth and preservation of wealth. When nations were on the gold standard in the past they prospered. A gold standard demands discipline of a nation and prevents a nation from creating excess debt. Why? Because all debts are payable in gold. Once off the gold standard nations print money. This causes inflation and price instability. Politicians hate the gold standard--it limits their ability to make promises. Financial discipline is required under the gold standard.

A great transfer of wealth is now taking place on a world wide scale. As the west sinks in debt the “smart money” is going into gold. China, Russia, India, Iran, and many other “eastern” nations have ordered their central banks to buy gold on the international market. They are anticipating the collapse of the west. A future world currency is going to be backed by gold--and these nations will have the gold. (Many intriguing things are currently taking place in these markets that I won’t mention here.) America will in effect, become a third world country, our power diminished.

In order to finance our debt the US and Europe have been selling their gold reserves on the international market. The eastern nations are the buyers. China has been buying massive amounts of gold as they prepare, along with Russia, to step in with a gold backed currency at the demise of the USA. Gold is becoming currency. This is what has always happened throughout history. Wealth is being transferred from West to East. The world order is about to change.


God does not desire that His people be caught by surprise. The prudent servant should be making preparations. God has always had His people prepared and provided for. The following are a few brief examples:


It took Noah a hundred years to build the ark and prepare provisions for all those aboard. God even had Noah prepare ahead for His future purposes. Of all the clean animals Noah took them in by sevens. God was looking ahead as Noah would need extra animals in order to prepare a sacrifice unto the Lord when the waters receded. Genesis 7.2-3; 8.20


We all know about Joseph. His preparation saved Israel and the known world. It established Egypt as a world power and provided Israel a “hiding place” in Goshen during the famine. Gen 39-50


Jeremiah was told to bury a deed for family property in a field in order to show the people that after captivity in Babylon they would return and once again purchase property in the land. This act also protected his family for the future. Jeremiah 32


In the New Testament the prophet Agabus prophesied of a coming famine on the land. Immediately the disciples took up a collection for the brethren in Jerusalem. This would enable the believers there, to purchase ahead of time, the provisions they would need to sustain them in this trying time.

We haven’t even discussed the curses on a nation turning from God in Leviticus 26 and Deut 28. These are all happening to America: Drought, loss of power, becoming the tail not the head, and indebted to other nations.

In all these examples “God Provided” for His people. He provided for them by encouraging them to take preventative action for a future coming event. He provided for them through His people. This is how God works. When our provision is depleted, then we will see God work miracles like He did with Elijah and the widow woman. Today God has raised up watchmen who are sounding the alarm. To be a house of refuge, now is the time to take the appropriate actions that will allow us to be providers to our brethren, and not a burden on those who have prepared in advance.


Get Out of Debt - As believers we should not be in debt because we are buying things. We need to live within our means. This requires discipline. We can’t just buy whatever we want, whenever we want. A house payment and a car payment are necessary for us to live in society today. Other than debt for a college fund for our kids we should not be accruing debt. If at all possible it would be wise to concentrate on paying off our mortgages. Being debt free will take a lot of pressure off of us during times of financial crises.

2. Save - Make an attempt to save. Instead of buying lots of stuff we should be saving for our kids education or to pay down our mortgages. One extra mortgage payment a month saves a lot of money in interest over the years. That savings can be put to better use.

3. Invest - In times of financial crises it is tough to save. Anyone who has money in the bank at this time should seriously consider investing in silver and gold bullion. Precious metals are protection against the devaluation of our currency. In this day we are seeing the destruction of the dollar and those whose savings are in paper will lose not only buying power, but perhaps all their savings. We are living in a very dangerous and unusual time in America.

4. Give - Along with investing we should be giving to the Lord’s work. This type of giving is a form of investing--investing in God! We should give (tithe) to our church and to other ministries which the Lord directs us to give. God will bless us in His own way if we obey.

5. Pray -We should be seeking Yeshua for His direction and guidance in all our ways--including financial. Joseph was a forerunner--a man who prepared for crises. He was tried by Adonai and when his word came he was ready to act. We all need to have a little Joseph insight and preparation.

6. God will Provide - God will provide our needs. God, however, expects us to see the coming storm and prepare. The fool built his house on sand, the wise will build on the Rock. Historically God provides for His people through His people, Joseph being the prime example. When we have prepared and weathered the first blast of the storm then God will step in and provide miraculously for us just as He did with Elijah.

As the financial crises begins to unfold we need to prepare. We don’t need to hoard, but we should stock up on basic needs for a one to three month period. Those who are called on to be Joseph’s should heed the Lord and act accordingly. Those who have not prepared will be provided for by those who have prepared. Yes, God is providing, but instead of being those who are prepared and ready to step into the gap, we become a burden on those who have prepared. If we desire to be a place of refuge, than we need to function in the Joseph anointing.

Currency War Heating Up:

Markets in flux:

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