Sunday, July 26, 2020


Do not fret because of evildoers, nor be envious of the workers of iniquity. For they shall soon be cut down like the grass, and wither as the green herb. Psalm 37.1-2

A quick review before we continue. Our process is to allow the Bible, the WORD OF GOD, to interpret itself. This is done by seeking His truth in both Old and New Testaments—they are a single book and contain the complete wisdom and plan of God.

In order to function as a prophetic generation we must understand spiritual truths we’ve never been taught in main stream church! Those who follow the Patriots and #17 (in the alphabet) are supposed to be seeking the truth. It may take a while to accept, but truth will set you free.

The O.T. details the good, bad, and ugly ways of God’s Israelite nation. It also gives deep insight into the character and ways God moves on the earth. These are meant for instruction for all subsequent generations. The N.T. reveals the Messiah Yeshua (His Hebrew name, Salvation) and His sacrifice on the cross for our sins. He sets us free from the curse of death in the Torah/Law which no person is capable of total obedience.

Jesus came as a suffering servant but the Jews were looking for a conquering king. He had to fulfill the requirement of animal sacrifice for sin before He could return as KING.

Paul tells us in Romans 11 that we gentiles are grafted into the olive tree of Israel. In Ephesians he tells us we become part of the “Commonwealth of Israel.” That leads to the next question, “Who or what is Israel?”

The Book of Genesis explains the origination of Jacob’s twelve sons, from four wives, who became the tribes of Israel. Jacob’s name was changed to Israel when he wrestled with the angel at Bethel—a place I visited in the modern nation of Israel. Jacob/Israel are one and the same.

Joseph was sold by his brothers and became Egyptian in language and look. His brothers didn’t recognize him. This is a type of Jesus not being recognized by His brothers the Jews up until this current day—very prophetic indeed! He looked like and acted Egyptian.

While in Egypt Pharaoh gave the daughter of the High Priest of On to Joseph for a wife. She bore him two children, Manasseh and Ephraim. These two sons were grafted into Israel/Jacob’s family in Gen 48 when Jacob puts his name upon them. They were not Jacobs’ physical sons—he put his name on them literally grafting them into the tribes!

This was a double blessing or portion for Joseph. In Jacob’s eyes Joseph was his true first born because Rachel was the wife he truly loved. Lots of emotional things going on with Jacob’s dysfunctional family! Quite a study.

Ephraim and Manasseh would REPLACE LEVI AND JOSEPH as members of the tribes. Levi has no land inheritance and Joseph received the “double blessing” of his sons being grafted in. Do you see it? Manasseh and Ephraim are prophetic types of the gentiles who would later be grafted into Israel after Jesus’ death and the preaching of the Gospel. This is the mystery of the Gospel.

Read prophecies to the tribes in Gen 49, Deut 33. Ephraim and Manasseh are in Gen 48 and mentioned in Joseph’s prophecy in Deut 33.17. Note they are the horns which push the people together to the ends of the earth! They became the gentile church preaching the Gospel in the latter days! Britain and America—the two great nations spreading the Gospel throughout the earth!

Ephraim and Manasseh became Britain and the USA of the future—Israelite nations! Together with the modern day “Jewish” nation of Israel these three nations are under severe attack in the world today! All three nations are facing the same riots and communist organizations. Israel is hated by the world and will soon be involved in another Middle East war. They too have great political unrest in their country. Prophetically, these are the three “Israelite” nations. You could say they have the same DNA.

If you are not quite understanding all this ask our Father in prayer to reveal it to you. I didn’t learn or accept all this is a day. I took me six years of seeking and piecing together. You are getting more in this four part series then I got in 3 years! We live in prophetic times and most of the “church” has no clue what is happening. Ask for wisdom and understanding and it will come. Again, Ezekiel 37-.14-28. Verses 16-17 are key.

Now let’s look at what’s happening in America and Britain. I will focus on America, but Britain is experiencing these things also.

God the Father is giving us an opportunity to turn back to Him before serious judgment begins. Our generation is being challenged. The prayers of many unknown intercession warriors who have been fasting, praying, and wrestling in the spirit are providing us the opportunity to get back on track as a nation. This is one example:

HAPPENING NOW – The Covid-19 Plan-Demic came unexpectedly to most citizens but it was not by accident. There are many under currents involving the United Nations, China, and the WHO behind this attempt to enslave the nations. President Trump moved swiftly to get things under relative control but this was just the beginning of the Deep State insurrection.

For years, with the aid of George Soros, they have been building an army of anarchists and training them to create chaos, rioting, and destruction of property. They were only waiting for an “EVENT” they could use to unleash their plan.

The death of George Floyd prompted them to unleash their beast. BLM and ANTIFA struck quickly and with force. They destroyed property, tore down statues, and attacked America’s past history.

If you read both BLM and ANTIFA’S GOALS AND MANIFESTO you will see they are in direct opposition to the WORD and Commandments of God in every instance. It is cloaked in pretty language but it is an attack on the nuclear family of a mother and father, an attack on Biblical morals, history, and society. They are anti-American and Godless.

LAWLESSNESS – These attacks are designed to destroy the rule of law. Our Constitution has been under attack for decades, our schools and college curriculums have been compromised, and the DemoKKKratic party for most part have become communists.

We must take some responsibility for allowing these things to happen. Starting with the Baby Boomers and the generations since, we have been slowly turning away from the laws of God towards pagan religions and disbelief. Just look at the crap coming out of Hollywood and the POP Music Industry. Very satanic: Check out this website and read the headings on Hollywood and music:

Many churches today preach a Gospel of social justice and secularism. WE as a nation have brought these things upon ourselves. I’m 69 years old and have been reading about this infiltration for decades…we began this series with the 45 Communist Goals entered into the Congressional Record in 1963!

As things play out we will have to embrace God’s laws and function as loyal lawful members of the Kingdom of God.

PRESIDENT TRUMP STANDS UP FOR AMERICA – We all recognize that God has placed our President in this position for a purpose. Now we must re-elect him or things will become very dark.

I’ve been sharing many of these things with groups of people since about 2011 and most just stare like deer in headlights and say nothing. I told people to invest in silver and gold. Nothing. I’ve talked about Pop music, interest, but nothing. Many churches refuse to address the wicked things happening in our country. They are fearful of speaking up.

We can talk to people all we want but they must see to believe. This is the strategy of President Trump and the Patriots in his Administration. They have been allowing the wicked Dems to reveal who they are and their anti-American agenda. How will the nation vote in November?

Look at Chicago, NYC, Seattle, Portland, Minneapolis, and others. They are run by Dems who are allowing the lawlessness and destruction to continue. They won’t accept help from the Federal Government because they hate our President and want to destroy America.

President Trump is allowing them to expose themselves for what they are so that the people of those cities and Americans can SEE for themselves. He is using this tactic across the board so that the people can see and make their decisions at the voting booth.

People are seeing the MSM and DemoKKKrat lies everywhere. Some wondered why the President and First Lady began to wear masks. Well, if masks really work as the liars say, and we wear them to go to everywhere, then why can’t we go to the voting booths in November? This is genus. He is showing rather than telling!

THE NEXT FEW MONTHS – The battle is going to become much more intense as we approach November. The Deep State players are in a state of panic as they become exposed. There is no turning back for them—they have made their desperate play and are going all in. We need to pray each day for victory and safety for the President.

Things will get worse as November approaches.

I expect at some point the internet will go dark for a time. An attempt may be made on the President. Our prayers will be important but do not panic. We are believers in God and Yeshua so we will pray through and wait.

There is a National Emergency Broadcast system that the President can use. Hopefully it will operate.

The President is employing National Guard Units to the cities mentioned above to begin to clean up some of the destruction. He has to be careful how he does this. If he is re-elected he will take more decisive action—it is up to the people of this country to vote.

Will the election be clean? The Dems are already saying if he loses he won’t step down. They are projecting what they are going to do if he is elected. They will refuse to accept the results just as HRC has refused to admit she lost in 2016.

The Anti-crime surge going on now is called “Legend” in honor of a small child killed in Portland. They will be going after the paid domestic army funded by George Soros. Expect a difficult time of riots, unrest, and cyber-attacks.

At some point, either before or after the election the National Guard and Marines will bring swift and clean justice. Unfortunately there may be blood in the streets. The leftists know they are losing and will go all out to bring chaos.

Again, because we as a people and nation have become lawless, everyone is doing what is right in their own eyes. Look at the young white women protesters squealing and screeching at the police. They are spoiled brats. Their parents apparently never disciplined them.

Our adversary, satan, blurs the line between law and order until nobody knows what it is. Many feel guilt for just being white. What a deception by our enemy. I believe the President will be re-elected. He has to be. Keep praying.

THE NWO AND ISRAEL – The NWO agenda is still on track. Our President is standing in the gap with the backing of our Father God…but this time may only be a period of grace for our generation. The world at large is godless and wants a communist/socialist government to provide for them.

If we believe Bible prophecy the time of tribulation is going to come upon a wicked world. Revelation 16-21. This may disturb you, but followers of Jesus are not going to be raptured out prior to it. Many believes in Africa and Asia are now facing severe persecution. Jesus warned us in Matthew 24 it will happen to us.

There is a meeting in the air but that is on the last day—the day he returns. Ref: John 6.38-54; Matt 13.31-43 (wheat and tares gathered at same time). In Matt 24 when Jesus speaks of the last days he not once says, “Don’t worry, you will be raptured out.” Note after Yeshua tells the disciple’s all that will happen, including them being killed, He says in verse 29: “Immediately after the tribulation of those days….” Then verse 31…”will send his angels with a great sound of a shofar (trumpet) and gather the elect.” That, is the LAST DAY.

Prior to all of this many things must still occur in the Jewish nation of Israel. Wars and the setting up of the Anti-Christ false church are still to come. Europe will play a major role in protecting Israel in the years to come and then double crossing them. The Anti-Christ false church will focus on Jerusalem as the seat of its power.

Once we understand that the USA, Britain, and Israel represent God’s united three nation peoples (Ezekiel 37.15-28) we can understand why our nations are under satanic attack. We are hated by the adversary of the Almighty. If he can wipe out God’s people Jesus has nothing to return to or for!

It’s not gonna happen. He is going to save us prior to destruction, Revelation 19. Yeshua said He will return when His people cry out for salvation and say, “Baruch, haba, B’shem Adonai” or “Blessed is He who comes in the name of the LORD.” Ref: Zechariah 12.9-12, Luke 19.37-39.

The things unfolding today are moving us toward the end of the age, the false Anti-Christ Beast church, and War in Israel. It takes many hours to share all the background and scriptural evidence. Search the blog for many articles.

The false church to come will arise in Europe. It is already there. The Book of Daniel is key to understanding. The entire book is prophetic revelation of things to come and what will be required of God’s people.

1 John 2.18-24 describes the Anti-Christ spirit. It came out of us! Daniel 2 reveals the final kingdom of Anti-Christ. Daniel 7.25 speaks of the Anti-Christ changing the times and laws. What times and laws? They are Biblical laws.

If these things stir your spirit and you aren’t sure seek His face with prayer and fasting for understanding. Perhaps this series will help. We have to diligently seek to find. It will challenge everything you have been taught in the past.

America’s role has not been decided yet. The next few years will determine our course. The tiny nation of modern day Israel will soon be coming into sharper focus as events play out. Brace yourself!

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