Tuesday, July 21, 2020


“Now it shall come to pass, if you diligently obey the voice of the Lord your God, to observe carefully all His commandments which I command you today, that the Lord your God will set you high above all nations of the earth.  And all these blessings shall come upon you and overtake you, because you obey the voice of the Lord your God: Deuteronomy 28.1-2

For new readers who are believers and follow Q and the Patriots I have provided links below which you should read in order to understand the basis for end time prophecy. Some of these things may be new to you and will not be what you have learned in church. Keep in mind just as Q provides a narrative based on truth so do these. If you can grasp this it will help you to understand the United States, Britain, and Israel in end time prophecy.

God’s promise above is to those nations which follow His Royal Law. They are found in Leviticus 26 and Deuteronomy 28. Following the list of blessings is a much longer list of the curses which come upon the nation for disobeying the Laws of God.

The first 5 Books of the Old Testament contain the laws of God. They are The Torah. Torah means instruction. The Torah is God’s instructions to His people. If you follow Jesus the Messiah you are grafted into Israel (Romans 11.13-25; Ephesians 2.11-3.6). Therefore I can make the case that America is an Israelite nation as it has been historically a “Christian Nation.” If we are grafted into Israel what does that mean prophetically as a nation?

There are Biblical prophecies that confirm this. Here are some postings for you to read.

What we are seeing in America today is a total war against the Royal Laws of God. It is a full frontal assault on God’s version of family, a man and a woman, God’s definition of morality, and the righteous conduct of individuals.

Everyone is doing what is right in their own eyes! Judges 21.25.

The church in America likes to say, “We are not under the law.” This is only partially true, not the whole truth. The Apostle Paul says the law is good and spiritual and we are to obey the law. For simplicity think 10 Commandments. The entire Book of Romans discuss the issue.

We are commanded to obey God’s laws. That, however, will not justify us in God’s sight because no person can live their life without some violation of God’s Royal Law. Paul says, “We are not under the curse of the law” in Galatians 3.13.

This is a much clearer way to understand this issue of the law. As a believer you understand why you are saved. Yeshua died on the cross for our sins and has set us free from the curse of the law! If you need further proof we are to obey God’s laws I refer you to Jesus’ own words:

Do not think that I came to destroy the Law or the Prophets. I did not come to destroy but to fulfill. For assuredly, I say to you, till heaven and earth pass away, one jot or one tittle will by no means pass from the law till all is fulfilled. Whoever therefore breaks one of the least of these commandments, and teaches men so, shall be called least in the kingdom of heaven; but whoever does and teaches them, he shall be called great in the kingdom of heaven. For I say to you, that unless your righteousness exceeds the righteousness of the scribes and Pharisees, you will by no means enter the kingdom of heaven. Matt 5.17-20

Jesus has fulfilled many of the laws found in the Torah. He fulfilled the need for the blood sacrifice of animals. These were to point to His sacrifice of His blood for our atonement. He fulfilled this portion of the Torah/Law/Instruction. We no longer need to sacrifice the blood of goats and bulls for atonement from sin—Jesus has fulfilled this portion of law.

The total fulfillment of the Law is not yet complete. Jesus has established His Kingdom in our hearts, but has not yet returned to establish His physical Millennial Kingdom. This will be an age of peace and instruction on earth for all the world. Jesus will rule with a rod of iron teaching God’s law and instructions to all (Rev20).

After that thousand year time of peace and instruction there will be one final rebellion which will be put down and the new heavens, earth, and Jerusalem will be established…we have a long way to go!

Obviously I don’t have to tell you that in the past 7 decades our country has been becoming increasingly lawless. This has been an ongoing infiltration since the end of the Second World War. The previous post points out this communist godless infiltration.

At the same time the influence of the church and Godly Biblical teaching has been decreasing. The LGBT movement is an attack on God’s family structure—a union between a man and a women—which have been created in God’s image.

BLM also has a manifesto of destroying God’s version of family. https://blacklivesmatter.com/what-we-believe/

Read carefully between the lines To see BLM’s agenda is in opposition to God’s Royal Law. ANTIFA also: https://fee.org/articles/the-demands-of-antifa-and-the-original-fascists-have-a-lot-in-common/

Reading through the BLM and ANTIFA GOALS we begin to understand this is an attack on America and God’s Laws. Once we understand this we can look at Ha Satan, the Adversary and begin to understand his nature and personality. We can see there truly is a satanic being who has rebelled against his creator and has come to steal, kill, and destroy (John 10.10).

This evil being is also a murderer. He is blood thirsty. We have allowed him to murder through Family Planning and abortion clinics. More African Americans are murdered in abortion clinics than any other means. If BLM cared about Black Lives they would be protesting and demanding the end of abortion.

They are basically very simple commands but most of the world could care less. Nations violate them daily. Coveting another nations resources, stealing them, etc., I don’t need to elaborate.

My point is that satan (not worth a capital s) hates God, His people, and Israel. WE are Israelites and have become part of God’s Commonwealth of Israel when we accepted Yeshua/Jesus as our Captain of Salvation. I am not speaking of the physical nation called Israel. The Bible says we are grafted into Israel. This Israel is a combination of Jews and Gentiles which have been severed into separate nations.

The Books of Kings and Chronicles explain how the Biblical Nation of Israel experienced a civil war (as we are today) after King Solomon’s death and became two separate nations. Israel became the northern kingdom and Judah became the southern kingdom.

The northern kingdom of Israel was attacked by Assyria for their sin of turning away from God’s Law and were scattered throughout the known world—they are the lost tribes. They lost their identity and religion among the Gentile nations to which they had been scattered. Ref: Book of Hosea, and especially Hosea 7.8-10. Ephraim and Manasseh represent gentile nations, but especially the USA and Great Britain.

Judah, the southern kingdom became known as Jews until this day. They too, were defeated by the Babylonians but after 70 years of captivity many of them returned to Jerusalem and rebuilt the temple at which Jesus would one day preach. Judah returned, Israel lost their identity among the gentiles.

The Jews/Judah were later scattered throughout the earth by the Roman Empire—but unlike the Israelites, they did not lose their identity or religion. They kept it alive as they moved through the Gentile nations throughout the centuries up until this present age.

The Bible says we are grafted into Israel. Israel at this time in HISTORY consist of the lost tribes who lost their identity when they were mingled into the Gentile nations—AND other non-Israel gentiles who have accepted Yeshua/Jesus as their Savior. Once we accept Jesus as Lord and Savior we become grafted into Israel.

Meanwhile, the Jews in the modern day country of Israel are JEWS who have not yet accepted their Messiah Yeshua (Yeshua means salvation). They will accept Him prior to the second coming of Jesus.

Do you see this? This is what Ezekiel 37.15-28 is explaining. It is the mystery of the Gospel. It has not yet been revealed to the world but there is a remnant which see and understand as it is revealed by our Father Jehovah. The two sticks will become one! Jews/Judah will reunite with Ephraim/Gentiles and become one stick at the end of this age.

It may seem that I have gotten off track but ALL OF THIS is written in God’s word. Understanding who we are and who the Jews are begins to clarify the coming wars in the Middle East, the New World Order, and the current rebellion in the USA and Great Britain.

We are caught up right now in what’s happening in our country but this is leading to much more.

If you are a believer in Jesus and begin to understand this revelation current events begin to make much more sense. Search prior years of postings on this blog for articles on this subject. It takes time to digest but it all fits with current events and where this world is heading.

Look at Genesis 48 to begin to understand how Ephraim and Manasseh represent the gentile nations, especially the USA and Britain. Verse 19 is the key. We see Ephraim becoming a “multitude of nations” while Manasseh becomes “great.”

America/Manasseh is the great nation and Britain/Ephraim became the British Commonwealth of Nations.

One more tidbit: The word British is a combination of two Hebrew words: Brit which means Covenant and Ish which means man = Covenant Man! Just coincidence? What two nations became the greatest Christian nations on earth spreading the Gospel to the world?

In the next post we’ll examine current events from the Book of Revelation and the Old Testament prophets. This may not fit into you current belief system, but it is worth thinking about. Events taking place in our nation are leading towards events prophesied in the Book of Revelation.

I began to understand these things after much crying out to the Father to understand the truth—not what I had been taught in mainstream church. It was a process of six years of seeking the Father, fasting, praying, and traveling.

I hope you will continue to read.

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