Friday, July 24, 2020


For many will come in My name, saying, ‘I am the Christ,’ and will deceive many. And you will hear of wars and rumors of wars. See that you are not troubled; for all these things must come to pass, but the end is not yet. For nation will rise against nation, and kingdom against kingdom. And there will be famines, pestilences, and earthquakes in various places. All these are the beginning of sorrows.

“Then they will deliver you up to tribulation and kill you, and you will be hated by all nations for My name’s sake.  And then many will be offended, will betray one another, and will hate one another. Then many false prophets will rise up and deceive many. And because lawlessness will abound, the love of many will grow cold. But he who endures to the end shall be saved. Matthew 24.5-13

The events described above have been happening for decades but since the Covid-19 Plan-demic the tempo has certainly increased. We are now seeing the spiritual forces of wickedness and evil coming against President Trump and the America we love and cherish. It is a physical and spiritual battle.

We are witnessing a time of lawlessness like no other in American history. Forces of darkness are attacking the US Constitution, government, and our society. Good is the new evil and evil is the new good. This was prophesied by Isaiah as he warned the nation of Judah centuries ago to repent and return to God. The lawlessness we see today has been festering since the end of the Second World War.

Each generation since 1945 bears some responsibility for the things now happening. We all became complacent and allowed the infiltration into politics, civil organizations, school curriculums, and sadly to say, our churches. As a nation we have turned from God and now turn to Hollywood and the music industry to define our social morals. Both Hollywood and the music industry have become exceptionally occult in the content of what they produce. This has been going on for at least the past 20 years as movies and music have continually become heavy on occult content. Ref:

Once we come to grips with the fact that we have a part in the current sad condition of our nation we can begin to repent personally to our Father God and seek His guidance for the coming years. Revival begins with repentance and a fresh turn toward God.

Our Father has put President Trump in place to give us time to repent and correct the things that have gone wrong. Our entire system has become corrupt and self-serving. We see it in politics as our representatives enrich themselves at the expense of our national security.

We see it in teachers unions demanding and bullying our society to get their way. They are refusing to teach unless police are defunded or whatever issue they decide they don’t like. Our children have been brainwashed and indoctrinated for decades and we are reaping the fruit of our negligence.

President Trump and the Patriots are the only ones standing up for America in this time of crisis. God has put him there to give us an opportunity to turn back not only to Him, but to save our Constitutional Republic.

This is exactly what the Bible describes in the Books of Kings and Chronicles. The nation of Israel was God’s people, His nation, and were given God’s laws as their code of conduct. When they fell away god sent the prophets to warn them—they did not listen and were attacked and defeated by their enemies. This is a lesson and a warning for our generation.

When the God’s ancient nation rebelled and divided into the northern kingdom of Israel and the southern kingdom of Judah they began to fight with each other—they became a divided people. Their first violent encounter is described in 2 Kings 16.5-6. It was civil war! Exactly where are nation is now.

The northern Kingdom of Israel totally broke from the laws which God had given them and started their own religious system. This is described in 1 Kings 12. It is a warning to God’s people today.

King Jeroboam decided that he was going to change the laws God had given the once united nation with his own laws. He first set up idols in Bethel and Dan for the nation to worship. They were turning away from the invisible God to idols of wood and stone.

Many of our children have not been trained in the word of God. We are reaping our negligence in this area for the past 50 years. There are many in the nation that are true believers but as a group we are a minority.

Jeroboam then changed the national God ordained festivals and holy days to different months and times. From that time on the northern kingdom of Israel turned away from their God, His laws, and religion. This is a type of what is happening in America as I write. Many churches no longer follow God’s instructions. They have gone rouge.

Our societal norms are being challenged by ungodly organizations. They want to tear apart our past history, destroy Christianity, and set up a Marxist Godless society here on American soil. This IS the fight we are now in. It hasn’t happened overnight—since the end of WW II we have been silently infiltrated.

The northern kingdom is the Biblical type for a warning to America. We are close to losing our country. The WORD of God is warning us but so few understand what these histories in the Old Testament mean to us as believers today. They say we don’t follow the Old Testament. That is wrong. The O.T. helps us to understand current events. It is a vital part of the entire WORD of GOD.

From that time on every succeeding king maintained this ungodly behavior. The Lord sent prophets to warn them but they refused to turn back to Jehovah their God. Eventually God lost His patience and “allowed” the pagan nation of Assyria to attack them, overcome them, and scatter them. Assyria even repopulated their former county with pagan peoples from elsewhere. 2 Kings 17 describes this in detail.

They were removed and replaced. Israel was no longer a nation. Taken captive to Assyria they lost their identities within the nations—lost tribes became gentiles! They forgot who they were as the decades and centuries passed. The Book of Hosea is about how once they were once God’s people but have forsaken Him and forgot who they were.

Hosea talks about Ephraim losing his identity among the nations. Joseph’s two sons represent the gentiles in the Bible narrative. When in Egypt Joseph took the daughter of the high priest of Egypt as his wife. She was a pagan and would have taught them about her gods (Genesis 41.45). These two, Ephraim and Manasseh, were the leading tribes of the northern kingdom.

In the next post we will dig deeper into all this. When reading Kings and Chronicles it is easy to get confused if you do not understand that the nation of Israel was divided in two and became two separate nations. This is a prophetic warning to us today.

The ten tribes to the north retained the name Israel. The Tribe of Judah and others from all the tribes which remained in Judah known as Judah. This is the word which means Jew—Judah.

The southern kingdom of Judah has a slightly different history. Their kings were inconsistent. Some followed the Lord but when they died others came to power and turned to idols. Good kings vs bad kings. As you read through Kings and Chronicles the narrative bounces back and forth between the two kingdoms and it is easy to get confused.

The kings of Judah eventually became evil, turning the nation to idols and they were overcome taken captive to Babylon. This is how God operates. When his people turn from Him and refuse to repent/return He sends a foreign nation to chastise/discipline them.

When Germany turned from God to Fascism and waged war on the world God allowed the nations to turn away. Look at Russia—they murdered millions of Jews for centuries. When Hitler turned on Russia and attacked them Russia was being judged for their sins. Judged by ungodly Germany which had denied their Christian faith.

What happened to Germany? They were defeated by the Allies, including Russia, but at the cost of 70 million plus lives. God didn’t do this to the nations. He warned us. We, the Nation’s became so ungodly that God allowed us to go our own way.

God stepped back and allowed the nations to shed their blood because they refused to live in peace with each other. This is how God works whether we like it or not. It is man’s inhumanity to each other…Don’t blame God. He has given us His law/WORD and we refuse to obey.

Many blame God for the injustices in this life. Why? He has given us His WORD which is His instruction for how we are supposed to live. It is the world that turns from God. He allows this in order that we repent and turn back.

This is the lesson of the Old Testament. God does not change. If we continue to disobey He will step back and allow us to do it OUR WAY! 

How can God do this to us? He loves us! He has given us His word and commandments and the world refuses to hear. The World forms the United Nations and the World Court. How’s that working out?

The world rejects God’s son Yeshua/Jesus to go their own way—do not blame God. He patiently is waiting.

He sent Jesus to die for our sinfulness. In comparison to the world population, those who truly believe in Jesus/Yeshua are a mere remnant of millions. We are not the majority.

This may be difficult to accept but God has to work this way and allow us to expose ourselves…sort of what President Trump is doing to the wicked in our country. He has stood back and allowed the wicked Dems and anarchists to expose themselves. What is our nation going to do?

Will we turn back to law, order, and Constitutional government or fall into the abyss. God is watching.

If we can begin to understand the Books of Kings and Chronicles we will understand what God is doing in our nation and the world. Understand what grafted into Israel means and begin to see God’s plan for the nations.

There is going to be a day of judgment. God is righteous. He is allowing His creation to rebel against Him. On that Day of Judgment God is going to show us how for thousands of years we refused to obey His WORD. The nations will be ashamed. God is going to make it clear that the nations did not listen or accept Jesus.

There will be no doubt in anyone’s mind that He is King of the Universe on that day. It is going to be Biblical as #17 likes to say. Think about this. All of God’s judgments are righteous.

Read Psalm 119. Read with the understanding that Jesus is the Word made flesh. This psalm is God’s loving message to us on how we should revere and love Him—a life abundant with His blessings.

Next and final post of the series: Will break down current events in the USA in a best case scenario. Then how the nations will move towards the NEW WORLD ORDER in defiance to God and His WORD—Yeshua is the word made flesh…the second coming is judgment, His death was mercy and compassion, but He is going to judge the nations when He returns as conquering King!

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