Tuesday, August 11, 2020


Well known Christian leader Jonathan Cahn author of the Harbinger says if America does not return to God we many never recover from what is coming. He bases his concern on the Biblical account of the ancient nation of Israel which had a civil war and split into Judah and Israel. These scriptural accounts are in the books of Kings and Chronicles.

When the nation became corrupt and turned away from their God they were attacked by pagan nations and taken captivity. The northern kingdom of Israel was attacked by Assyria and were scattered among the surrounding nations never to return.

The southern kingdom of Judah were attacked about 120 years later by Babylon and taken captive. They were able to return 70 years later and rebuild their Temple. They are the modern nation of Jewish Israel today.

The books of the prophets detail the message to both kingdoms warning them to return to the Lord Yehovah. The people refused and the nation spiraled into lawlessness and fell to the foreign powers.

This is an example of the current political and turning away from God in the USA and western nations today, Mr. Cahn warns. He is organizing a “National and Global Day of Prayer and Repentance” culminating on September 26, 2020.

There will be a mass gathering of believers on the National Mall in Washington, DC that day. The following link contains a video with Mr. Cahn and reporter Gregg Hunter: https://usawatchdog.com/america-come-back-to-god-or-face-destruction-jonathan-cahn/

Mr. Cahn is a Jewish believer in Yeshua and has quiet a prophetic ministry. He came to prominence in 2001 when the twin towers in New York City were struck down on 9/11.


The Father was just bringing me into a knowledge of the Biblical calendar when I first was given CD’s on Mr. Cahn’s warnings concerning 9/11. This prompted me to study the Biblical calendar in detail and was an exciting revelation to me. If you read the book you will understand.

The Biblical calendar is different from the present Gregorian Roman Calendar the western nations observe. Mr. Cahn points out how prophetic events are unfolding according to and in sync with the Biblical calendar and Feast days.

The Biblical Fall Feasts occur during the Biblical month of Tishri which is the 7th month of the Biblical year. These fall feasts are: Feast of Trumpets (Yom Teruah), Day of Atonement (Yom Kippur), and Tabernacles (Sukkot). Search this blog for more info on these feasts.

These feasts or “appointed times” on God’s calendar are prophetic dress rehearsals for the return of Yeshua and the establishment of the thousand year Millennial Kingdom. The always occur in late September early October on the Roman calendar. https://hamiltonstrategies.com/mark-biltz-revelation-feasts-of-the-lord-and-gods-calendar-point-to-full-understanding-of-end-times-and-how-this-affects-life-today/

This year, 2020, they occur from September 18 – 28 on the Roman calendar. This is why the Day of Prayer and Repentance will take place on September 26th.


The month prior to Tishri is the 6th month of Elul. This month is considered to be a month of preparation and individual repentance. It is a time to begin to get right with our Father and Creator and confess our sins. It is a time of reflection and adjustment.

As followers of Jesus/Yeshua it is a time to prepare for the three upcoming fall feasts (appointed times). With the current political situation in the USA and other nations this is the month to cry out to God for direction and understanding of these times and count the cost of being Yeshua’s disciples.


I’ll end this brief article with a short description of these appointed times.

Trumpets (Yom Teruah) is the sounding of the trumpets announcing the second coming of Messiah Yeshua. The Apostle Paul describes this in 1 Thessalonians 4.13-18. It is a dress rehearsal for that day when the sound of the trumpets announce His return.

Day of Atonement (Yom Kippur) is the day of wrath for the wicked (Matthew 13.24-30; 36-43). It is also the day of redemption for the righteous! The parable shows the wheat and tares gathered at the same time. The wicked are thrown into the fire—the wrath of God—the righteous are safely gathered into the barn.

Tabernacles (Sukkot) – This is rehearsal for the Wedding Feast of the Lamb when God comes and tabernacles with His people. In Israel booths with palm leaf roofs are set up and people gather and rejoice during this time as the grape harvest is gathered in. It is the fall harvest which represents the final harvest of souls for the Kingdom of God (Revelation 21.1-8).

Watch the video link and decide how you will participate in this critical time for our nation and world.

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