Wednesday, October 24, 2018


Paul Volker, former Fed Chairman

That quote really sums it all up. We are heading down a hellish road that is going to challenge everyone who goes by the name of Christian.

I haven’t had much to say lately. I’ve just been doing what you all are doing—living one day at a time. Keeping myself busy with chores around the house, visiting with people, going to church. Praying that things will hold together, but everyday a knot in my stomach knowing what is coming.

If the country goes blue on November 6th mid-term elections expect two years of chaos and nothing done. First agenda will be to impeach President Trump. The hate is over the top for him. It is all about hating President Trump. If you think it will be bad then—wait—it will get much worse.

There is absolutely no respect for authority or leadership in the nation. America is under attack. Everything is manipulated and planned. Do you think all of these protests over everything, including the caravan approaching our border, are spontaneous? This is backed by dark money and wickedness. Here is one simple example:

Then of course there is Mr. George Soros. He has billions to spend on bringing America down. He is truly a wicked man:

Once Saudi Arabia accepts Yuan in payment for oil the dollar will begin to sink—it is already on the verge of collapse. The economy is not really well. It is an illusion. The debt is beyond fixing. Our enemies know it and are ever so slowly turning the screws.

Don’t think I want this to happen. I’ve been sending out warnings for years. Some people think I’m deluded. That’s OK, nobody listened to Jeremiah—not that I’m in the same class with him. Nobody wants to hear bad news.

Like him or not—and he is full of faults--President Trump is America’s last gasp. The man is tough and he usually doesn’t back down. He is attempting to do the impossible. That is running the country like a business rather than as a political BS machine.

I’ve been in sales in the past. I always tried to deal honestly with people. It always amazed me how it seemed that people wanted to be lied to! They wanted a show and lots of BS. I couldn’t do it. I was a lousy real estate agent. The saying in real estate was “buyers are liars and sellers are worse.” How about that. It was true!

As a nation we are in the same state of decay as ancient Judah and Israel. Read the first five chapters of Isaiah. Read the book of Jeremiah. That is America today. We are being warned but we aren’t listening. God has been kicked out.

I’m not sure if any of us are really prepared for what is coming. The good news is that it will separate the wheat from the chaff. The churches, many who call themselves “Christians” are going to shock you. You won’t know who to trust in many situations.
Most in the church won’t know what is happening because they are only receiving happy talk. Besides, why worry? They’re going to be raptured out! Whew! They are going to be in for a huge shock.

So if you’ve been wondering why I haven’t been posting a lot lately you know why. I don’t have a lot of great news to share.

The best news is that God is in control. This all must happen before He returns. Understanding that is a great help. Now is the time to seek the Lord and prepare yourself for the most difficult times you have even known. Will He find faith on the earth? Let’s be those whom He finds having faith and are occupying until he comes. Fasten your seat belts turbulence ahead.

I may be posting less for a short period as I am in a wilderness period. Keep checking. Get yourself mentally ready—even if it doesn’t happen right away—it is coming.



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