Thursday, February 24, 2022

I thought this would be a good time to repost this and the additional links from 2018


The above illustration is a good place to start in order to understand the whole Russian issue with the United States and the European Union. It is important to understand both sides in the conflict if we want to understand Biblical Prophecy concerning the end times. This blog will provide links to help you understand the reasons for the tensions between Russia and the U.S..

Since WW 2 Europe and the U.S. have been attempting to encircle and control Russia. American global strategy, in fact, goes under the name “Total Spectrum Dominance.” In other words, American global policy is to encircle enemies with military bases and prevent those enemies from becoming too powerful.

Encirclement is control. American global policy is to control her enemies militarily and financially. This has been a successful policy for the past 70 plus years—since the end of WW 2.

On Nov. 9, 1989, frenzied East German crowds gathered at the Berlin Wall yelling “Tor auf!” (“Open the gate!”). When a worried and confused border guard complied, tens of thousands began pouring into the West. Millions more would do so in the coming days.

In Dresden six weeks later, a crowd greeted West German Chancellor Helmut Kohl shouting “Einheit! Einheit! Einheit!” (“Unity!”). Nearby, a nervous but determined 37-year-old KGB officer had spent weeks burning mounds of documents in preparation for possible attacks on his station by angry mobs. The enormous volume of ash destroyed the building’s furnace. Years later, Russian journalists interviewed the former officer about his work in Germany. “We were interested in any information about the main opponent,” Vladimir Putin explained. That opponent, NATO, would continue to obsess Russian leaders in the years to come.

By early 1990, the East German Communists, imploding under the weight of popular revulsion and infighting, were a spent political force, and Soviet General Secretary Mikhail Gorbachev had begun to reconcile himself to German unification. What he still demanded was that a reunified Germany not be part of the Atlantic alliance. Continued German membership of NATO, Gorbachev told German and Soviet journalists, must be “absolutely ruled out.”

Gorbachev and his Russian successors have maintained that they were misled over whether the alliance would be permitted to expand eastward. NATO, the Soviet leader said, was “an organization designed from the start to be hostile to the Soviet Union.”

With the demise of Gorbachev and the Soviet Union in 1991, Russian President Boris Yeltsin continued to press the issue with his American counterpart. The United States, he told then-President Bill Clinton, was “sow[ing the] seeds of distrust” by dangling NATO membership in front of former Warsaw Pact states. For a Russian leader to “agree to the borders of NATO expanding toward those of Russia,” he told Clinton during a 1995 meeting at the Kremlin, “would constitute a betrayal of the Russian people.”

Days after the Czech Republic, Hungary, and Poland joined NATO in March 1999, the alliance began a three-month bombing campaign against Serbia — which, like Russia, is a Slavic Orthodox state. These attacks on a brother country appalled ordinary Russians, especially since they were not carried out in defense of a NATO member, but to protect the Muslim population of Kosovo, then a Serbian province. NATO’s actions in the former Yugoslavia — in Bosnia in 1995 as well as in Serbia in 1999 — were undertaken with noble aims: to stop the slaughter of innocents. NATO expansion into the former Warsaw Pact countries, however, all but guaranteed that Russians wouldn’t see them that way. Moscow knew that its former vassals, by joining the alliance, had now bound themselves to support Western policies that challenged Russian interests. The farther east NATO expanded, the more threatening it would become.

In trying to assure the Russians that NATO was not a threat, the Clinton administration had taken it for granted that legitimate Russian interests, in an era following glasnost and perestroika, would not clash with NATO interests. But this view presumed that the Cold War had been driven by ideology and not geography.

Russia’s eternal fear of invasion drove its foreign policy then and continues to do so now. “At bottom of [the] Kremlin’s neurotic view of world affairs is [a] traditional and instinctive Russian sense of insecurity,” Kennan wrote in his famous 1946 Long Telegram. Vast, sparsely populated, and with huge transport challenges, Russia had a natural tendency to fracture. Looking outward, Russia was a “land which had never known a friendly neighbor.” Its defining characteristic was its indefensibility. No mountain ranges or bodies of water protected its western borders. For centuries, it suffered repeated invasions.


Of course there is much more to this story. There is a financial side to it that is taking place now. If you’ve been reading this blog you should be able to understand what is happening with the US dollar, trade between Russia and China, and the march towards a new world currency backed by gold, to replace the US dollar.

If America continues on her path of extraordinary debt and apostasy from God then she is going to experience severe Godly chastisement. Sadly, I believe it is coming—but it can be a positive thing if the nation will truly repent during those days.

Everyone wants to see revival. The false prophets say it is going to come, it is going to be a new paradigm and time of great restoration. What they don’t tell you is that revival only comes through true deep heart repentance. This will occur only through the most difficult of times. If you refuse to believe me please read the Books of Kings to see what happened to Israel and Judah when they turned away from Yahweh.

This is why I continually urge and exhort that we need to prepare NOW! It is surely coming. God has had enough of our disobedience. It is because He is so merciful that He has been holding off. He may continue holding off for a season but a storm is coming!

Check out all the links in this post and you will see where we are heading. Blessings to all.

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