Wednesday, February 11, 2015

U.S. President Obama's sophmoric foreign policy attempts to isolate Russia on the world scene are heading toward the U.S. becoming the nation which is going to become isolated. The sanctions imposed by the U.S. are forcing European nations to decide that their interests are greater than the interests of the United States.
The U.S can no longer bully Europe into carrying out U.S. policies on the Continent. Europe must live and trade with a Russia who is their neighbor. Geography is geography. Europe cannot turn its back on Russia and expect to live in peace. The United States is slowly becoming less and less influential in Europe, Asia, and the Middle East.
Bible prophecy indicates that the endtime action preceeding the return of Jesus Christ will take place in the Middle East. The United States will no longer be the world power at that time. America will become isolated both geographically and economically. Current world events are confirming this daily.
The world is turning away from the U.S. dollar as reserve currency. This move is led by Russia and China who are making trade deals with nations that refuse to use the dollar in trade. The end result will be the collapse of the dollar and the U.S. economy. When this will happen is not the issue--the issue is that it is going to happen in the not too distant future.
Europe cannot continue to be bullied by a U.S. foreign policy that seeks to surround Russia and China and prevent those two countries from becoming world leaders. It's time America realized that the world has changed--America is not admired as it once was.
America has been in control of world finance through institutions such as the IMF and other world banks. The U.S has been able to dictate loans and control world trade through the dominance of the dollar as world reserve currency. Those days are coming to an end. China and Russia are conducting trade outside the U.S. dollar hegemon. Nations do not want to be controlled by U.S. dollars and economic blackmail any longer.
The following links point to this slow crumbling of U.S. dominance. Once the U.S. has been isolated on the world stage events prophesied in the Bible will begin to escalate as the new world order becomes established in Europe, Asia, and the Middle East.
My prayer is that the United States, through her isolation, will resist the new world order and become a nation of refuge for those who flee from the beast that will arise. We live in exciting and the most eventful of times.
Now is the time to hear God's truth and allow Him to challenge you on your faithfullness towards Him. We are citizens of the Kingdom of God. We look for a city that has not yet come! Our first and utmost loyalty is to the Kingdom of God. The great news is that after the coming world order collapses the Kingdom of God will be established on earth. Until then we watch and pray!
Russia and Egypt drop U.S. dollar:
Europe Fractures:
U.S. Policy may lead to hot war:

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