Saturday, February 7, 2015

The world financial crisis is causing the European Union to reorganize into a smaller unit of nations--perhaps just ten--not the current twenty-seven nations. Greece is demanding a re-negotiation of their massive debt which may lead to them exiting the Euro:
Britain, meanwhile, is very anti-european. I expect them to either quit the European Union or be asked to leave:
These are just the beginning of the shaking that is going to re-define the nations that will participate in the EU. As the major "Black Swan" financial event approaches we will see only the stronger economic nations of Europe come together with a uniting currency. The weaker nations like Greece will be shaken out.
How it all shakes out remains to be seen. I expect Germany to be the leader of whatever type of future union developes. They are the major economic power and they do not want to continue to pay the debts of the weaker countries currently in the EU.
Expect to see a currency union of many less nations. This leaner meaner union would be led by Germany with Poland, Austria, Switzerland, Poland, Norway, and Sweden as potential members along with some Baltic nations.
If the coming "Beast" power is from Europe this change will have to occur. The weaker nations will have to be shaken out of the currency union and form a second tier of nations with weaker economic power and currencies.
There are several endtime prophetic views of the coming new world order and "son of Perdition" know as the Antichrist. Some say he is Jewish, others that he is Muslim, and some believe he will be from Europe.
For the present time I'm focusing on events in Europe and the Middle East. Watch events in Israel and the current unrest surrounding that nation. Any future outbreak of war in that area could cause many dominoes to fall and set off a chain reaction of prophetic events.
If the United States continues to back away from Israel look for Germany to become Israel's most important friend and protector. Ironic as that seems when seen in the context of the Second World War that is what is coming.
I believe the "King of the North" spoken of in Daniel 11.40 is a coalition led by Germany coming to Israel's aid. This will lead to the division of Jerusalem into both a Jewish and Palestinian captital. That division will lead to the rise of the "son of perdition" aka the Antichrist. No matter what happens the key event in prophecy is the division of Jerusalem (Zechariah 14.1-3).
Once this key event becomes reality we will see a crescendo of events take place that lead to the establishment of the Antichrist government. Until then we watch and pray. Stay alert!

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