Wednesday, February 4, 2015

Pope Francis And The United Religions Initiative Project

The links below reviews some recent initiatives by the Vatican to establish a one world religion. These types of initiatives appear to be very good on the surface. They are all inclusive and embrace all people and their religions. Surely this will bring about peace on earth!

This new world religion will abolish sin. Everything is going to be good. There will be no need for the saving work of Yeshua on the cross. Any who oppose this initiative will be considered intolerant and harsh. There will be no need of the Gospel of the Kingdom of God. This will be the new order of things.

This will be the perfect framework for the man of perdition to rise up and eventually proclaim himself as god. Deception looks so very good! This order will appear to be godly but will deny the Laws of God. It will be human secular and all embracing. It will be man's better way.

Think on these things. Deception comes our way!

Article and video:

United Religions Initiative:

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