Friday, September 12, 2014


Once we begin to understand and accept the truth that the message of the ancient prophets to Israel apply to Christianity today we can begin to understand what is happening in the mid-east. The rise of radical Islam is the means of God’s chastisement on the apostate church. This action in the middle east is leading towards momentous end time events.

After the defeat of the Ottoman Empire in World War I the western nations carved out new borders for nations in the middle east. France and Britain established national borders that suited their political and financial priorities. The oil rich middle east was going to be plundered to maintain the dominance and living standards of the western Christian nations.

This was the period when many Jews were immigrating to Palestine (1880 - 1939) as they began to reconize Europe wasn’t going to assimilate Jews into their culture. This desire to return to Palestine began the Zionist movement.

At first the Jews got along peacefully with the Arabs in Palestine. The Arabs willingly sold the “worthless” land to the Jews. Sometime in the late 1920’s the Arabs became uncomfortable with the Jews. They saw that “worthless” land becaming productive under the hard work of the immigrating Jewish population. Armed conflict began to break out throughout Palestine.

During World War II Britain was in control of Palestine and the Nazi’s never were able to enter the Holy Land. Jerusalem was a rather peaceful place to be during the second world war. The Jews were solidly placed in Palestine by the end of the war and Britain turned the “problem” of Palestine over to the newly founded United Nations.

A division of the Holy Land was derived by the U.N. which Israel accepted but her Arab neighbors refused to honor. In May of 1948 Israel became an independent nation and the Arabs immediately attacked them. Israel won the war and took over territory that the U.N. mandate had originally given to the Arabs. Possession of these lands and territory have been at the heart of the Arab-Israeli conflict ever since.

After World War II the United States became the leader of the new world order that had previously been led by Great Britain. America rose to prominence as Britain’s Empire came to an end. During this period the British pound, which had been the world reserve currency, was replaced by the U.S. dollar.

In 1971 President Nixon took America off the gold standard and made a deal with Saudi Arabia (and OPEC) to sell oil on the world market only in American dollars (the Petro-dollar). All oil trade would be in U.S. dollars from that time on. This cemented the dollar as the world’s reserve currency and gave America the power to influence political decisions in countries around the globe. America now controlled finance through the dollar and international banking institutions such as the World Bank and International Monetary Fund.

America became a superpower and leader of the new world order. Our values and approach after the second world war were moral and just (as much as could be, not perfect) and based on Judeo-Christian beliefs. We were the undisputed world leader and our military policed the globe.

In the 1960’s as the Vietnam war developed a change began to take place in America. Our youth did not understand, nor want to be fighting, a war taking place half way around the globe.  A flood of drugs came on the scene in the 1960’s which changed society. LSD became the drug of choice as the youth culture rebelled against government, law, and the war in Vietnam.

During this time the racial divide in America which had been festering since the end of the Civil War came to the fore front of Amrican polictics and society. Rights long denied the black population were now, with much agony on both sides, finally acknowledged. Viewed from a Christian  point of view the white population in America was totally hypocritical in denying the rights of the black population at this time. We achieved a political solution but failed to address our hearts. Our nation still has not healed of the scars from that time. Our racial divide has only deepened.

The decades that followed began the decay of our Judeo-Christian values. Everything in the past was questioned. All authority was questioned. Instead of government applying God’s law to the problems they resisted and sought political solutions. This inflamed the protest movement to an ever increasing pitch. Our country missed a great chance to instill Biblical principles at this time.

Instead, we challenged the reality of God's laws. Free love, drugs, sex, feminism, homosexuality, abortion, became the norm--basic morality was questioned--and everyone did what was right in their own eyes. The moral fabric that had sustained our hard won freedoms was beginning to crumble. The laws of God were mocked and scorned until what was good became evil and what was evil became good (Isaiah 1-5).

It has taken more than fifty years since 1960 to arrive where we are now. This happened in Britain and Europe at the same time in various ways indigenous to each western country. Slowly, over the decades, Christian moral values where challenged and discarded as the law of the land. We decided as nations to turn away from the Torah/Ten Commandments. God's laws where outmoded--we could do as we please--no longer was there right and wrong.

As the decades passed our leaders became increasingly corrupt and our government began to lose any common sense which it had in the past. Now we had to be politically correct and not offend anyone who was breaking the law--because there no longer was any law--everything was OK.

As our Judeo-Christian values have eroded radical Islam has ascended. The Arab nations never agreed to the boundaries established after World War I and have always resented the way the Christian nations have treated them and plundered their natural resources. They are arising and threatening the western Christian nations as never before.

They control the resources the nations need--energy/oil. They are angry at the injustice that has been perpetrated on them by the greedy western nations. They are waging war on America and the west in a most violent manner. As we have disregarded God's law He has brought lawless nations against us!

They are God’s warning to us to repent and turn back to Him and His law. Islam is God’s loving anger directed at nations which no longer uphold or abide by His law. Radical Islam is a type of ancient Assyria and Babylon coming against God’s people in our time. God is not pleased we have been abandoning Him and His word in our culture. God uses wicked lawless nations as a means of warning and chastising His rebellious people. It is a Biblical principle that has never changed.

When the World Trade Center towers were struck in 2001 that was a strong warning to America. For a brief time after that people went to church and prayed--but it didn’t last. The financial collapse in 2008 was another warning to America. It was not recognized as a warning.

Another warning event is coming. It may happen in 2015 if the seven year pattern continues. Could it be the collapse of the U.S. dollar? Could it be a terrorist attack on our cities?

In the meantime radical Islam will continue to wage war against the United States and Europe. Many countries in the middle east are working with Russia and China replace the dollar in trade. This is a currency war that most of the American population are totally unaware of or understand. This currency war will result in the dollar no longer being the reserve currency of the world.

The ramifications to the American economy will be stagering. It will result in America being isolated politically, militarily, financially, and geographically from the end time events which are going to occur in the middle east.

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