Monday, September 15, 2014



The following scenario is based on the scriptures which detail the end of the age. This is a very brief outline of material that takes many hours to share in a teaching environment. There are many interpretations and opinions about this information. This is how I have come to understand it after many hours of research, prayer, and waiting on the Lord.

None of us will have a complete understanding and I don’t claim to either. Having a complete scenario has helped me to understand many Biblical principles that I had missed in the past. Search the scriptures on your own, keep an open heart, and ask the Lord to lead you into truth. He will show you things that have been hidden in plain sight that will thrill you with the truth of His Word.

For us to understand the end of this present age we must understand the prophetic books of Daniel and Revelation. They hold the key. Daniel is the introduction to Revelation. Daniel sets the foundation for the end time prophecies and Revelation details the action.

Daniel chapters 2 and 7 are the same dream/vision. They together establish the end time political beast government. We see that the final kingdom of this world is of Roman nature. Read Daniel 2 closely and you see the final kingdom is Roman which is the kingdom smashed by the stone cut out of the mountain.

In Daniel chapter 7 the four kingdoms of chapter 2 are described as beasts. The fourth beast is the final dreadful beast political system described in Daniel 2. Bible scholars all agree that the four kingdoms in Daniel 2 and 7 are Babylon, Media-Persia, Greece, and Rome. What they miss is that the final kingdom is the one that now exists, and is destroyed by the stone cut out of the mountain, at the end of this age. No other kingdom is described.

That kingdom in ancient times was ancient Rome which later became the seat of Christianity. Throughout history there have been many reincarnations of the “Holy Roman Empire” which have attempted to unite Europe. The Franks, the Hapsburgs, Napoleon, and the Nazi Third Reich, have all attempted to unite Europe into a united states.

We in the west live in the current day Roman Empire. The Roman church changed the calendar (Dan 7.25) from the Hebrew calendar to the Gregorian Roman calendar centuries ago in 1582. Today the entire world does business on this Roman calendar. There are many posts on this blog about the importance of understanding the Hebrew calendar--He who reads will understand. At the very least we are living in a "Spiritual Roman Empire."

Once you understand Daniel then the beast political system of Revelation 13, 17, and 18 is understood. A beast is a political/financial system. A woman or harlot represents a false or apostate church--as in--the “harlot/woman rides the beast.” There will be a mixture of political beast system and false harlot church, holding these toes of iron and clay, seen in Daniel’s, vision together.

When the dollar collapses America is going to lose her place of dominance in the current world order. If you look at a map of the world it is obvious that America is separated by two great oceans from the rest of the world. Our history as a nation was to be isolationist on the world scene until World War I erupted. We did not want to be involved in “Europe’s War” during that time.

America drew back into isolationism after WW I until our involvement in the second world war. At the concusion of WW II we became the world’s superpower by default. That supreme position has endured to this day. America has been the righteous and moral power the world looked to in time of crises. Those days are unfortunately, for both us and the world, coming to an end. A New World Order is rising in the Europe and Asia.

A nation that becomes a debtor, to the extent in which the United States has become, cannot sustain itself (Proverbs 22.7; Deut 28.47-52). The United States debt is beyond repair--we are bankrupt. The world knows this and they are moving towards a new gold backed trading currency. Our enemies began this move and our friends are slowly moving in this direction.

The nations are buying gold at an unprecedented rate in order to prepare for that day. This New World Currency will be a basket of currencies, backed by gold, of many nations. It will replace the dollar in world trade and bring an end to America’s current addiction to debt and spending.

At some future date there will be a black swan event and the dollar will crash. It will signal the end of America’s dominance and power in the current world order. A new world order is going to be established with Germany, Russia, and China as the dominate players. We should pray that America does not react to this turn of events by starting a war.

Germany is the most powerful nation in Europe economically and they are signing numerous trade agreements with Russia and China which will sustain their power and financial position. Germany will become (is already) the leader of the United States of Europe (EU). Whatever form the EU takes in the future, Germany will be the lead nation.

Due to the financial collapse of the dollar America will become a third world nation indebted to the three major trading powers above. We will be dependent on their financial power and ownership of our corporations for our economic survival. There will be chaos on our streets and civil war. Our entitlement system will come to an end as the government will no longer have the means to sustain our current entitlement economy. The middle class will be wiped out.

These events should lead to national repentance and a return to God. Only after such a terrible event such as this financial and military collapse will America repent and turn back to the God of the Bible. If we are too hardened to return after this--then when?

From here on is what could transpire. Nobody knows how things will play out but the following is certainly possible.

Looking back at the map of the world we see America isolated by two large oceans. She will no longer be a military and political leader. My hope is that America will have a third awakening and turn back to the God of our fathers. My hope is that being isolated she becomes a refuge nation, a place where those resisting the New World Order will come to escape.

This would mean we are in captivity similar to ancient Israel. Our nation could be isolated and captive to foreign national interests but far enough away that there is resistance to the new order. Even though we would be “captives” we would be in a safe place due to the great distance from Europe and the Middle East. It is always difficult for a captor nation to control the captive nation from afar!

By this time Europe would be formed into the Beast EU with Germany as the lead power. Islam has been disrupting life in these nations through immigration. The EU will tire of this and Moslems are exiled from Europe. Israel at this time is fighting wars with Islam and are weakening under the unrelenting Moslem assault. Israel looks to Germany and the EU for assistance.

A clash between a coalition of Iran and other Arab nations, the king of the south, pushes against Israel and the EU. The king of the north (EU/Israel) defeats the king of the south (Iran, etc) in a horribly costly war. Ref: Daniel 11.40.

Israel, weakened by the war, becomes a protectorate of the EU and Jerusalem is divided (Zechariah 14.1-3). An international peace coalition led by the Vatican and U.N. establishes control over Jerusalem and the holy sites. The world rejoices at the peace which follows. The Jews no longer have a sovereign government and are at the mercy of the EU beast.

Since they are to “blame” for all of these events Jews are “exiled” to Israel where they can no longer create problems for the rest of the world. Israel becomes a type of modern day ghetto. Jews are captives in their own land and at the mercy of the international coalition which the Vatican/U.N. administers in the Holy Land

A charismatic leader who led this international coalition is given credit for bringing peace to the world. He allows the Jews to build their temple as an act of good will towards them. He promises them freedom to worship as they believe. After 3 ½ years double crosses the Jews and proclaims that he is god. He establishes himself as a god and sets up an image in the Jewish Temple.

The apostate church has not been raptured out of this scenario--they are apostate! The true Christians are being persecuted while boldly proclaiming the Word of God. It took the tribulation to get them to repent and lay down their lives for the Lord. Some, who are very close to the Lord, have been protected because they have been obedient during this terrible time. Others choose to become martyrs for the Lord. Many betray their brothers in the Lord for pieces of silver.

The two witnesses are active around this time and really get under the skin of the beast leader and power. It is a time of great wonders and feats by the Lord through His humble obedient servants. No flesh shall glory in His presence. The arm of the Lord brings salvation to all who respond. Many in the apostate church now repent.

The Kings of the East (China and Russia and Arab nations that have regrouped) are troubled by all the unrest and economic power of the EU beast. The beast government hates the harlot church and turns on her and destroys her (Rev 17.16). The Jews are uprising in Jerusalem. Tension in the world increases. The beast leader turns against the Jews and Arabs. The Kings of the East, Russians, Chinese, and surviving Arab nations march against the beast ruler to make a final end of the Jews and western power.

The kings of the east march on the Holy Land and gather to make war with the EU beast on the plains of Armageddon.

The trumpets of the Yom Teruah are heard and the sign of the Son of Man is seen in the heavens. The dead in Christ arise and meet Him in the air. They join with the Heavenly Host (Rev 19.11-21). Ten Days of Awe precede the Day of Atonement. During these ten days the wrath of God is meted out to the rebellious nations. The armies of the nations who have gathered at Armageddon are destroyed at His coming. The world is in flames. The beast is defeated. Satan and the beast are thrown into the pit of fire.

The Millennial Reign of Yeshua will begin soon after the land is cleansed of all the dead bodies. Justice and Law will finally be established in all the earth. God’s Torah will be the law of the entire world. The law will go forth from Zion and the word of the Lord from Jerusalem. The feasts of the Lord will be celebrated and every man, woman, and child will learn God’s Royal Law and bow to King Yeshua (Zechariah 14.4-21).

Many things are playing out on the world stage that are leading to the Lord’s glorious return. The better we understand the scriptures the more prepared we will be for the coming financial collapse. This will lay the foundation for the coming Antichrist. My prayer is that we will be prepared mentally, physically, and spiritually for the difficult days ahead.

The above scenario is a simple example of what could occur.

Blessings in Yeshua!

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