Wednesday, September 10, 2014



There will be a defining geopolitical event next month when India, Pakistan, Iran and Mongolia become full members of the Shanghai Cooperation Organization (SCO). This will increase the population of SCO members to an estimated 3.05 billion. We should care about this because it is the intention of the SCO to do away with the US dollar for trade settlement.

Countries in Asia and the Middle East are moving to trade in their own currencies and end their reliance on the U.S. dollar as the world’s trade currency. This will enable all these countries to conduct trade without having to convert their currencies into U.S. dollars. It will also free them from sanctions and other monetary pressures and influence America uses to dominate world trade and politics.

America uses it’s position as world trade currency to finance our debt. The world must purchase U.S. Treasury bonds and hold them in reserve in order to conduct trade. Once this barrier is overcome these countries will be free from purchasing U.S. Treasuries.

If countries don’t buy our Treasury bonds then we will be unable to finance our 18 trillion dollar debt. The U.S. economy will implode. This event is on the near horizon as the SCO is aggressively divesting itself from the U.S. dollar. Other countries in other places around the globe are also signing trade agreements with Russia and China to conduct trade outside of the American dollar. The SCO is only one organization I'm focusing on in this post.

This financial event is in progress now. When it officially comes into full play, due to some yet unknown world crises, life in America will change overnight. The U.S. will become isolated on the world stage due to this financial collapse and will no longer be able to project her military power through out the world. The axis of power will shift from the west to the east--China, Russia, India, and others will become the world financial leaders.

Turkey is of special interest because it has been a long-standing NATO member. It had hoped to join the EU but it became clear that this was never going to happen. Under the leadership of Recep Erdoğan Turkey is moving towards joining the SCO. It will be interesting to see how quickly Turkey’s new alignment evolves. Erdoğan must be aware that Asia is an economic powerhouse and the EU is declining, in which case Turkey as a front-line state is better off joining the SCO.

Germany is another country to watch. They have a strong economy and are leaders of the European Union. They have been signing various trade agreements with Russian and China and will profit immensely from these agreements. Germany is the one true European economic (and soon to be military) power on the European continent. They also have a history of good relations with Turkey.

A New World Order is being formed before our very eyes and America is going to be left out.

Russia is aggressively driving the pace of the SCO’s development, and it’s not just to escape the west’s economic sanctions as many observers think. Fundamentally the SCO is about resources and the production of goods: Russia controls Asia’s resources and China turns them into goods.

The SCO is the greatest challenge yet mounted to American economic power, and Russia and China are clearly determined to ditch the dollar. We don’t yet know what will replace it. However, the fact that the Central Bank of Russia and nearly all the other central banks and governments in the SCO have been increasing their gold reserves could be an important clue as to how the representatives of 3 billion Euro-Asians see the future of trans-Asian money.

All of these events are preparing the way for the rise of the Antichrist on the world scene. As America declines the way will be clear for a world leader to arise from the new world economic order. The conflict in the Middle East with Israel will come into focus as the primary world problem. The world will focus their attention on these problems. America will have very little to say about it as our economic collapse will isolate us both politically and geographically from the action.

All of these events are prophesied of in the Bible and are developing in our world today. How long it will take is anyone’s guess. Events playing out in the world will take some time to develop. It is important not only to watch events taking place on the world scene but to understand them.

In prior posts on the this blog I’ve discussed some of the prophecies in the book of Daniel and many of the minor prophets generally concerning the end of the age. Look through them and mediate on those books in a prayerful way.

There are many opinions on the end times. Nobody has 100 percent understanding including myself. I will, however, in the next few postings try to paint a broad picture of what is coming upon us in the coming years. These coming events will be laying the foundation for the New World Order in which American power will have been broken. American will be isolated politically and geographically. This may not be a terrible thing as we will discuss in future posts!

Now you must understand that the world is heading for a new world reserve currency other than the U.S. dollar. This is key to understanding what is coming. At some soon future date the dollar will collapse and the world financial system will be reorganized. This event will be the “official” beginning of a new world order that isolates America from many events that will later take place in the Middle East and Israel.

The next posting will discuss some of these things from a Biblical perspective.






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