Wednesday, August 13, 2014



Jezebel is in full exhibitionist form in Hollywood’s culture of celebrity, films, and music. She also is a manifestation of the Greek goddess Europa. Europa is the symbol of the European Union. She rides a bull. A statue of her can be seen in front of the Winston Churchill building in Europe. She goes back to Egypt’s bull. The bull is a strong image in pagan worship. A picture of a bull in Babylon shows the tower of Babel on the bull’s head. The Children of Israel built a golden calf and worshipped it to God’s displeasure. A golden bull is on Broadway near Wall St. in New York City. These images are woven throughout our nations today.

Asherah had sacred pillars (groves). When Israel strayed they worshipped there. 1 Kings 14:22-24 Idols were on top of the pillars representing politics, economy, and religion. There were these types of pillars throughout the ancient world’s civilizations (Assyria, Rome, Greece, etc).

Look at many of our buildings in Washington, D.C. today such as the Treasury, the Fed, the Capitol Building. You can see these types of buildings all over the world. Many, like our US Capitol Building, have a goddess standing on top. On one end of the Washington Mall is the Washington Monument (Baal’s erection) and on the other is the US Capitol with a goddess (Columbia) on top. They watch over the District of Columbia. The Jefferson Memorial is a copy of the Pantheon of Rome (a pagan temple).

Images like these are woven into our culture everywhere. This is the spirit of the world. These images are present because men do not seek God’s word and what it says about these images. We are not called to be anarchist’s and to tear them down. We are called to be holy unto the Lord and walk according to His word in our personal lives. We are called to understand that the world system is not the Kingdom of God. We are in the world but not of it. John 17:14-16 God is calling us out of this world system. Rev 18:4 This world is passing away.

If we believe that the law is no more, we cannot understand what is going on around us. We need to understand the whole Bible. We are saved by grace, blessed by obedience to God’s Laws. They are to be written on our hearts in the New Covenant. They cannot be written on our hearts if we don’t know them. Deut 28 describes how we should walk in this world and the blessings we receive When we obey.

JEZEBEL’S METHOD OF OPERATIONJezebel’s M.O. is to destroy God’s law. She is addicted to antinomianism: A person who maintains that Christians are freed from the moral laws of God by virtue of God’s saving grace. It is the biggest lie in the church today. “I don’t have to do that, I’m saved!” is the cry. This lie says God’s law is passed away. Luke 16:16-17

We are saved by grace and if we love Him we obey His commandments 1 John 5:1-3

Elijah said to the people, “How long will you waver between two opinions?” 1 Kings 18 Paul said you cannot eat at two tables. Jezebel tries to destroy God’s Law and this is spiritual adultery. Today we see prayer removed from schools and the court house. We see misapplication of separation of church and state laws in our nation.

In early America all religions were welcome, but the go to book was the Bible. That is no longer the case. We have thrown out the moral code of the Bible and our nation has no moral compass. We are replacing God’s Word with the world’s secular humanism. Jezebel attempts to destroy God’s prophets because they are the servants of God. She will do anything to corrupt and destroy God’s Laws. We live in an age of apostasy toward the laws of God.

1. No other God - Obama speech on June 22, 2008...”We are no longer a Christian nation. No longer just….”

Donald Regan, Ron Reagan‘s Chief of Staff, “It is common knowledge that many wall street brokers use


Nancy Reagan consulted astrologers.

2. No graven images - ie, the gods and goddess we discussed earlier

3. Name in vain - We say God can’t heal, provide, save. We curse.

4. Honor the Sabbath - Many refuse to worship

5. Honor father and mother - Disobedient and rebellious children. Neglect of elderly parents.

6. Do not murder - Abortion is same as Israelites offering children to fire god Molech. Lev 18:21

7. Adultery - Used to be illegal. No fault divorce. Cheating all the time.

8. Steal - Gov’t takes property thru eminent domain, unlawful taxation, debt system of printing money, etc.

9. Lie - We all have. Government lies. Corporations lie. Bearing false witness.

10. Covet - Environmental policies, confiscating property, IRS injustice, Inheritance taxes, adultery, etc.

Jezebel steals Naboth’s vineyard: conspiracy, manipulation, theft, false witness, murder, and intimidation. That’s the strongman spirit in the world today. 1 Kings 21:7-13




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