Thursday, August 21, 2014

Differences between Islam and Christianity. A short list, there is much more!

1. Islam does not believe in the Trinity. Father, Son, Holy Spirit.

2. Islam does not see God as a loving father. They view God as Omni-potent and far away.

3. Islam believes Jesus is a prophet who is NOT the Son of God or equal with God.

4. Islam believes good works qualifies them for the after-life. Christians believe in the complete forgiveness of sin based upon Jesus’ death on the cross.

5. Islam believes it is OK to lie to an unbeliever if it helps them in the cause of Islam. This is referred to as Taquiyya. A lie is a means to an end. Lying is OK.

6. Anyone who does not believe in Islam is a infidel. You must submit to Islam or die. Muslim countries DO NOT allow freedom of religion. Try getting permission to build a church or synagogue in Saudi Arabia, Iran, Sudan, or Libya.

7. Sharia Law is supreme in Islam. Thieves hands are cut off, adulterous women are beheaded, and mercy killings are allowed. A mercy killing would be done if someone in the family converted to Christianity. They could be killed for bringing shame on the family by converting to another religion. Shame is a powerful motivator in Islam.

8. Whatever is written in the Koran, the Muslim holy book, is superseded by what was written later. If it says in the Koran be kind to unbelievers that doesn’t mean to be kind if later it was written they are infidels. Muslims will tell unbelievers they are peaceful and show that verse in the Koran. They are not explaining that later verses permit killing of unbelievers.

9. The stated goal of Islam in the Koran is to make Islam the one world religion. Then they say there will be peace. Of, course, if they kill all those who refuse to convert they believe that will make the earth peaceful. In fact, they cannot get along--Shiite’s hate Sunni’s.

10. Islam’s goal is to infiltrate foreign countries and eventually change the laws of those countries so that they can institute Sharia Law. They have already got lower courts in Great Britain to allow the Muslim population to be judged by Sharia Law in many cases. Eventually they hope to change all the laws in Britain. This is not only happening in England but in many other European countries. This is their ultimate goal: to change the United States.

11. Islam does not believe in separation of church and state or in freedom of religion. Observe how they do things in their native countries. This is what they hope to achieve in the west. It is important to understand this. They will tell us what we want to hear--Lies!

12. God loves all peoples of the earth, including Muslims. It is important to understand Islam so that you can share the ideals of true Christianity with them. We do not wish to see violence done to Muslims. We want to share the living Christ with them.

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