Friday, April 18, 2014


1 Corinthians 12:27-29
There is a five fold ascension ministry of apostle, prophet, teacher, miracles, and healings.

1 Corinthians 14:31 There is the gift of prophecy in the church. Not everyone who prophesies is a prophet.

A true prophet can prophesy and it does not come to pass. A false prophet can prophesy a thing that does come to pass. The gospel which they preach and believe is what ultimately separate the true from the false.

All prophetic ministry flows from a spirit of prophecy which is the testimony of Jesus Christ. Jesus is the beginning and the ending, the Alpha and Omega. Rev 1:8 He is who was, who is, and who is to come. The spirit of prophesy then is the testimony of eternity (Jesus). It is not just about the future or time as we understand it.

Ecclesiastes 3:11 God has set eternity in our hearts. We must understand the past (who was) in order to understand the future (who is to come). The verse should read…He hath set eternity in their heart without which no man can find out the work that God makes…. We need to understand God’s eternal plan of salvation to be able to understand prophesy.

Many run to an fro to get a word of prophecy for their lives. This is not good. Prophecy is living by the testimony of God’s eternal salvation in Messiah. It is getting to know the heart of God. Running to and fro for a word shows instability and lack of knowledge of the Lord.

There is a salvation which is yet to come-it has not been fully revealed. 1 Peter 1:5 The full manifestation of salvation has not yet come to the world. It is to be revealed in us at Messiah’s coming.

The spirit of prophecy is the anointing of the Holy Spirit which testifies of Messiah. In Numbers 11:25 the Spirit rested on Moses and came upon the 70 elders and they prophesied. The elders were not prophets but they prophesied when the Spirit came upon them. They were moving in the gift of prophecy, but were not prophets.

1 Samuel 10:5-12 Samuel had the first school of the prophets. He anointed Saul king and the spirit of prophecy came upon Saul and he prophesied. Prophets were present there when this came on him. Saul, however, was not a prophet.

The gift of prophecy is different than just prophesying in church. 1 Cor 12 The gift of prophecy is to build up the body of Christ, the church, for the common good. We should be able to flow in what is needed when we gather together. So you don’t have to be a prophet in order to prophesy. A prophet need not be present for someone to give a word in an assembly.

Prophecy is the #1 gift to seek 1 Cor 14:1-3 because it builds up the body. A message in tongues with proper interpretation is basically the same as prophecy. We in the assembly do need to judge any word given as from the Lord. The edification, exhortation, and comfort is a sign of a good prophetic word. It should, in most cases, confirm things already in our hearts. Seldom will it be something totally new to you. Exhortation can be a mild form of reproof, counsel, admonishment, or polite warning.

A pastor can bring correction or reproof to you in areas of your life. When you prophesy correction to an individual you should be an apostle or prophet. Again, the use of the gift is purely edification, exhortation (mild reproof), or comfort. Comfort would be an encouraging word that stimulates you or answers a fear or doubt. Sometimes you can just go to the person and say you have a word for them. You don’t have to say “Thus says the Lord.”

DREAMS AND VISIONSGod will talk to prophets and anyone in dreams and visions. Num 12:6, Gen 41:1-7, Dan 2, Matt 12 are all examples of God talking to all kinds of people in dreams and visions. They were not all prophets. There were warnings to kings and pharaohs. Even Mary and Joseph were told in a dream to move. Many can prophesy and have dreams and visions. Acts 2, Joel 2:28

A revelation dealing with doctrine is only given by prophets and it must witness with scripture. We need to judge carefully when individuals share their dreams and visions. They should not dictate doctrine. This can often be a spirit of Jezebel that wishes to manipulate the church or be soulish in nature.

Cornelius had a vision to go and find Peter, but he was not a prophet. Ananias was told in a vision to go to Paul and pray over him. Ananias was not a prophet but was commissioned to do a job. Most dreams and visions are to edify or perform a certain task. We also need to be circumspect about “angelic” visitation that would have us change doctrine, go against scripture, or attempt to manipulate us.

FUNCTION OF THE PROPHETA true or false prophet is determined by the message they bring. The message is of the covenant, and the salvation which is yet to come. This is foundational to what a prophet does. Ephesians 4 talks about Jesus ascending into heaven. He went down to paradise which was then in the bowels of the earth and took the righteous captives with Him as he ascended into heaven. Our salvation is not complete…it is yet to be revealed! Eph 4:11 God gave gifts unto men. These are the ascension gifts: apostles, prophets, evangelists, pastors, and teachers. These are for the perfecting of the saints until we become the perfect man in His image. There are no denominations in heaven, we are to move in the pure word of God--onward and upward. Jesus is our head the chief apostle. When He ascended He gave us the fivefold ministries so we could function as He did during His ministry on earth. Heb 3:1, Acts 3:22-23, Matt 4:23, Matt 9:35, John 10:14.

When Jesus ascended he gave these functions to men so His full ministry should be in the earth until He returns. We are to be changed into His image from glory to glory! This is the fullness of Christ. Without apostles and prophets we have no foundation. Eph 2:10-22 We are built into a habitation for God! Apostles and prophets are the foundation and Jesus is the cornerstone. We must have a sure foundation to become what God desires.

FOUNDATIONAL MINISTRIESThe prophets and teachers were fasting and seeking the Lord and were told to separate Barnabas and Paul. Acts 13:1-3

The prophets recognized Barnabas and Paul and set them apart and released them unto the work the Lord had for them. From that day forward Barnabas and Paul were apostles. It took the prophets to confirm and release them to their commission. See Timothy’s impartation by Paul. 2 Tim 1:6-7

Prophets can impart spiritual gifts and anointing. With King David it took 17 years before it came to pass. Prophets judge prophetic revelations. 1 Cor 14:29 To bring a pure word you must be dead to self and selfish desires.

We also need to be careful of angelic visitations and people teaching doctrine that is not in line with the word of God. All these should have scriptural foundation. False prophets can use this as a way to control people and magnify themselves.

Colossians 2:18 We will not get visions that are opposite of what is written. We need to learn how to pull down imaginations. Imaginations of our own mind. We look for stability in our spiritual lives.

In the coming days there will be many false prophets and words. If we know and understand the word of God we are protected from erring. Let your dreams and visions be judged by the prophets and don’t follow after visions or angelic visits. Know what the word says!

1 Peter 1:3-12 This is in reference to the message of the prophets and apostles. We are to obtain an inheritance. We have not yet attained. There is an inheritance reserved for us in heaven--we are not there yet. The full manifestation will come at the end of the age. A salvation is yet to be revealed in the last time. Prophets and apostles move us in this direction. God desires to be made manifest in us. A full revelation of Jesus Christ is yet to come. This is the core message of the true prophet. A mystery is about to be revealed in the last times. The full revelation of God in us!


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