Monday, February 17, 2014

Part Two

The entire book of Job is a battle of words. Satan accusing Job, his friend’s accusing him, Job battling back with his arguments. It is all words and argument. We do spiritual battle with the word of God. If we know the word we can stand fast against Satan by trusting what God has said and wielding our “swords” in battle. We are in a constant battle of “words”--God’s word verses the words of the Accuser.

The enemy is a broadcaster. He works through the air broadcasting his lies. He attacks us in our minds with his thoughts, he tempts us, he accuses us and twists the word. We battle back by understanding what the word says and standing on the promises of God. We understand God’s word and we counter attack through the truths therein. Knowledge of the Word is our defense.

Job is an exhausting book to read and understand. The arguments fly back and forth, it is difficult to understand what each person is saying, it gets confusing--but through it all Job stands on the rock of God’s truth. Warfare has the same chaotic confusion. In the end Job is rewarded with God’s blessing on his life and Job’s life is resurrected and restored. God wants us to fight like Job and endure until the end. Eye has not seen nor ear heard those things which God has prepared for those who love him!

TRUTHS IN THE HANDBOOK...The book of Job is full of truth. It reveals a lot about God’s character, ways, power, and sovereignty. If we focus on these areas we can begin to understand God’s ways and how He works through history, and in current events. God has been preparing a people to rule and reign in the millennial kingdom for centuries. Every generation has lived their lives being prepared for this future work. We don’t just live this life, die, go to heaven and retire. We are being prepared to teach the nations in the millennial kingdom. Later the work will expand to the entire universe.

In Job we see God chastising man through the weather, we see justice for the poor and judgment on the wicked. God shows us His character in this book. We see His sovereignty and protection. Man’s sinful state is exposed in the book.
We also see the creation of the world and are told the angels were present at that time. God shows us how the enemy works and explains “darkness” to us. We are told to expect tribulation and troubles, but that we can overcome if we endure to the end and trust in God. Finally, we are told there is a resurrection from the dead and a greater life to come.

The next portion of our study will break down some chapters and the main focus of the chapter. We will learn about the war going on around us and how to fight back in the name of the Lord. This will help us to understand what is happening to us and how we are being prepared for a future with the Lord as sons of God. Later, you can go through each chapter of Job looking for key passages of instruction that teach our hands to war. There are many truths in Job and we can learn how to do battle with the enemy in the name of the Lord by examining this handbook of spiritual warfare.


He teaches my hands to make war, so that my arms can bend a bow of bronze. Psalm 18.34
Tomorrow: Part Three - Chapter One of the Book of Job


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