Sunday, May 10, 2020


Now it shall come to pass, if you diligently obey the voice of the Lord your God, to observe carefully all His commandments which I command you today, that the Lord your God will set you high above all nations of the earth…And the Lord will grant you plenty of goods, in the fruit of your body, in the increase of your livestock, and in the produce of your ground, in the land of which the Lord swore to your fathers to give you. Deut 28.1; 11

My focus with these e-letters is to learn as much as I/we can about what is going on during this Plan-Demic. There will be other events in the future that will be “false flag events” similar to the virus crisis.

I’m praying for discernment to interpret what the false mainstream media (MSM) is putting out there every day. Before I began listening to the I wondered if President Trump really knew what he was doing. If we just look at MSM headlines it looks like he has no clue, that he is corrupt, a racist, and a buffoon. This is so far from the truth.

I began to read the headlines and discern that they are often sensationalist. Often, if we take the time to read the article it is not what the headline indicated. They know people don’t read. The headline is designed to mislead and create panic or fear. Sometimes an article contains only half of the truth with intent to mislead. The enemy has an agenda.

Remember, deception is twisted truth. This goes all the way back to Eve. “Did God really say you shouldn’t eat that fruit?” satan said to her. His question was based on truth but designed to create doubt. E

We need discernment to understand deceptions. Let us ALL ask the Father for discernment so that we are not deceived. This link is a short study on deception. Use these truths to discern the fake news and how the globalists are working their deception:

Share your information, sources, and knowledge with as many people as you can. Get in discussions with your Demo acquaintances. If you know your stuff you can lead them to understand truth. Be confident in what you know. Then you can break them down—they really have no clue about what is really going on—they don’t know much except they hate Trump and believe the fake news. The following three scenarios are things which COULD HAPPEN.


If President Trump is re-elected many good things may happen. If the country continues to reopen and the vote in November is not compromised Trump should be re-elected.

As we have seen he has control of the financial system and is attempting to bring down the Federal Reserve Bank and create “Constitutional” money, gold and silver backed U$ dollar. If this works, we could experience a limited time of great prosperity for a couple of years.

If the indictments which are being unsealed and declassified bring forth convictions many corrupt individuals will be put behind bars. This has begun!

If the traitors are exposed and convicted some of them could be executed. That is the penalty for treason. The documents being uncovered prove that President Obama knew and ordered the attacks on the Trump campaign and Administration. Recent reports document this. Twitter has info on this also.

UPDATE – General Flynn has been exonerated. He was set up. Attorney General Barr is declassifying tons of documents that prove Trump was spied on and no Russian Collusion. Obama knew, Biden knew. The next weeks and months will see the truth flooding out. The American people will see.

Sex trafficking, pedophiles, and drug trafficking operations are underway. If these are successful many of our political and financial leaders will be exposed. These operations are potentially HUGE. The results would shock the nation. The wickedness and evil are beyond our imagination. Indescribable!

If Dems are voted out in November their whole agenda will be set back for decades. There is hope. I’m praying all of this comes to pass and deep corruption, evil, and wickedness is rooted out.


The bad is that only so much of the above will really be successful. The wicked will not go down without a fight. The intensity of their opposition to truth will increase. The will use any means to achieve their ends. They are desparate.

In ancient Judah there were times when the good Kings turned the people back to Yehovah, destroyed the high places of idol worship, and cut down the groves. The nation repented and good things happened. God was merciful.

The problem was always the people turning back to the ungodly ways when the reformer king died. This is what I am afraid will happen in America. That is why it is important to pray for President Trump and the reforms he is making. We need to get him re-elected. There may not be a person with his drive and guts waiting in the wings.


If the progressive, communist, Dems get control our nation is most likely finished. There may be a second American Revolution. I mean a shooting revolt with blood shed throughout the nation, in the cities, looting, burning—destruction.

A financial collapse would also be devastating. People would loot, burn, and destroy. It would make the virus crisis look like a minor event. Financial collapse is what the enemies of our republic want. They were hoping it would happen with the C-19 event but Trump out played them.

If the enemy takes control be prepared as a believer in Yeshua for severe, and I mean, severe persecution. They are already showing their intentions during this lockdown phase. They are denying the right to assemble in churches in some states.

The Samaritan Purse medical tent came under intense criticism in the NYC City Council. They were condemned by a council man of being haters because they do not support the LGBT agenda.

The next event will be an excuse to lockdown cities with martial law and restrict many of our Constitutional liberties. I don’t think I have to say more, you know what I’m saying. This is very serious. Could be a shooting Civil War.

SUMMARY: We could say the first four seals of the Book of Revelation is being unsealed. Revelation 6.1-8

I’ve felt for many years the world is experiencing the unsealing of the first four seals. The third one is financial.

The Corona Virus has accelerated the unsealing. The Federal Reserve and the US Congress are now pumping trillions of dollars into the US economy to keep it from collapsing. They most likely will succeed in propping up the US economy for a short time. At some point this debt will cause a collapse.

I expect the economy will heat up and come back strong. Eventually inflation will raise its ugly head and prices of goods and services are going to increase dramatically. That would be the first phase of an orderly financial collapse. A dramatic collapse is what would happen in the ugly scenario—BOOM!

President Trump is beginning the nationalization of the Fed. The US government is taking control. If the Fed collapses the US government will take over. We may experience a short period of prosperity if President Trump can keep things together and put us on a gold standard.

However, the next financial phase will lead the world towards a new world order currency. The US will not be able to control the world with dollars when the economy collapses and we have a global monetary reset. I don’t know how long any of this will take to play out. All it takes is for one domino to fall.

That is why “now is the time to prepare.” You can make some simple preparations.

The Lord will provide…The prudent see danger and take refuge, but the simple keep going and pay the penalty. Proverbs 22.3…don’t be a burden on your brothers and sisters, be part of the solution.

There are simple things you can do. Do them at the pace the Father leads you to. Little by little as you can.

Have some extra food stuffs, paper products, and things you think are important. Have a three to six month supply. 

Have some extra cash on hand in case the banks are closed. What if the electronic card system shuts down? Have cash on hand for emergencies to pay bills. Have at least two months cash on hand if you can.

I have a Coleman gas stove with fuel stored. I have a Berkey water filter. Over the years I bought junk silver, 90% coins minted 1964 and prior. There are other things you may do…ask for personal direction from the Father.

Some have said to me, “I don’t have to prepare the Lord will take care of me.” My response is, “Yes, He will, and you will become a burden on your brother who was prepared.” Pull your weight. Many will be totally unprepared. This virus is a warning.

A financial collapse will be much worse than the virus. It will be complete chaos. You can hide yourself in the shadow of His wings and be prepared. There is time. It is coming. Take advantage of the time we have been given. It is coming—hopefully we get another 5 years with President Trump and God leading.

Do the best you can. Ask for direction. Be prepared for the next event. Do the minimum and forget about it. I was prepared when this began and didn’t have to panic and rush out for things. It is no big deal to prepare in an orderly way.

The Financial situation is BIG and could go either way. President Trump is attempting to reset the entire system and he is up against a power enemy. His plan could fail. Make basic preparations and go about your lives. What you do now may be very important WHEN the financial event happens.

Be blessed, be safe, be wise. He is giving us warning. When things get better enjoy the time but don’t fall asleep!

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