Wednesday, August 15, 2018


Discerning prophecy relies on historical national traits for interpretation

When I first began seriously seeking the Father for understanding of the Book of Revelation and the end times He spoke strongly to my spirit that I needed to understand Bible history and how He dealt with Israel and the nations of the world in Biblical history. He speaks and reveals first and primarily through His written word—and then world history.

This study included who the prophets were, how they understood the times they lived in, and what their message to the nation(s) was. Many of the O.T. prophets were priests and had political connections. Those who did not have this pedigree understood the political and national mood. Their prophecies were directed to both leadership and the nation to repent and turn back to the Lord.

They also prophesied how the nations surrounding Israel/Judah would be used to chastise them for their sinfulness. God chastised the nation through pagan nations. The people and leadership were turning towards idols so Elohim chastised them with nations who worshipped idols. We reap what we sow.

In turn, the nations used to judge/chastise Israel, were judged by nations stronger than them. Often this chastisement was based on the harshness of their actions against Israel/Judah. The Assyrians were very cruel towards the northern kingdom and they were judged harshly through the Babylonians, never to rise again.

We look at Ephraim and Manasseh as representing the nations of Britain and the USA based upon the prophecies in Genesis 48. They are end time prophecies which could only be fulfilled by these two great “sheep nations”. Both nations have been great and have been responsible for great godly missionaries and revivals throughout their history.

In the past they controlled all the world’s sea gates—the gates of their enemies (Gen 22.17) and they have “pushed the people” of the world together in a gospel sense (Deut 33.17). Both nations fall under the promises to Abraham in Genesis 17 and 22 and have been tremendously blessed for the past 450 years.

Now Britain and the USA are falling into great apostasy as nations. They are turning away from their godly roots to human secularism, globalism, and communism. They no longer control the gates of their enemies and godly missionaries are now being sent to them by former third world countries!

There are some prophetic voices out there warning the nation but the nation so far has not responded.

We are falling under the curses found in Leviticus 26 and Deuteronomy 28 as we turn away. This is happening because we have lost our way among the nations. God will use foreign nations to chastise both Britain and the USA.

He is allowing us to become isolated in world trade, military prowess, and wealth. Britain voted to leave the European Union—this will isolate them in trade, power, and influence. Historically Britain was the most powerful nation in the world and had continual wars with Europe in which they were victorious.

They beat back the Spanish Armada in 1588, they defeated the French and Napoleon, and they beat Italy and Germany in World War 2 to name a few. They have historically been apart from Europe and dominating in power, wealth, and financial trade. It is not surprising they have chosen to leave the European Union and go it alone. In fact, the EU doesn’t really care because Britain has been a thorn in their side even while a member.

In the USA Mr. Trump’s vison to make America Great Again is in reality moving us away from Europe, Russia, and China in trade and finance. Mr. Trump has analyzed the problem correctly, but it is too late. His actions may appear to bear fruit in the short term, but we too will become isolated.

Europe is tired of being told what to do by America. Instead of pumping up NATO they will use the money to build their own army. The will use UN Peace Keeping assignments around the world as training exercises. This will allow them to build their EU Army quietly.

Mr. Trump’s tariff’s and pressure on the EU, Russia, and China to open free trade will cause them to band together with other nations in their own trade agreements that cut us out of the action. Most of these nations are connected by land—we are isolated by oceans. It will cost more to deal with the USA. They are breaking away politically and financially.

America’s history is isolationism. Our founders fled Europe to find religious freedom and peace from European persecution and wars. America maintained her isolation up until World War 1. Since that time we became the world power and have dominated trade, military, and financial.

We are bankrupt financially, militarily, and morally and it is only a matter of time until the next financial crisis changes the current world order. God is chastising both America and Britain for their sins--just as He did Israel/Judah in Biblical times.

Historically Germany has always been the European power. Pick up National Geographic’s special “Inside the Medieval World” and see how Germany and the Holy Roman Empire have been in union since 800 AD.

Germany really wasn’t united until about 1871 when Prussia united neighboring Germanic speaking states and became Germany. Their goal was to create an economic and military power bloc in order to dominate the European continent and compete with Britain. This was their goal in both World War 1 and 2. They attempted to achieve this through war and military dominance.

Today Germany is peacefully achieving these goals by dominating the European Union. They are the most powerful nation in the union militarily, financially, and in working with the Russians on energy. Their identity and goals have not changed over many centuries. They are now achieving all their historic goals as leader of the European Union.

Religiously Germany has always been involved with the Holy Roman Empire as a protector and ally. Read these articles:

History repeats, repeats, repeats. We are witnessing God aligning the nations for the end of this age. This has been ongoing for millennia without total success. The major difference in our time is twofold: We have tremendous technical advancements that can be used to unite the world financially and economically and we have the threat of total nuclear destruction.

If the end time prophecies in Genesis 48 and 49 and Deuteronomy 33 are accurate than we are seeing them becoming fulfilled in plain sight. We are close to His coming. But remember: 100 years is 2.4 hours. We do not know how long it will be.

God is chastising America, Britain, and Israel because of our apostasy, sin, and immorality, just as He did in Biblical history with Israel/Judah. The nations rising against us have little regard for true religion. China and Russia will not allow an evangelical type of gospel preaching and the EU is coming under the hierarchy of the Roman Empire which will unite all her devotees to her doctrines--or else. One world—one religion.

The three great Israelite nations of America, Britain, and Israel will be tried with fire as the nation’s move into the tribulation period. Just as Israel/Judah cried out in repentance once they became captive, so too, will our Israelite nations “weep when we remember Zion.”

If you believe the church is going to be raptured out you are going to be shocked with disappointment. Many will lose their faith in that day because it didn’t happen. Don’t be counted among that group. Read these two postings. God does not forsake His people:

Finally, looking at China and Russia we see two great nations with great land mass. Their histories are filled with internal conflict and dreams of imperial greatness.

China views herself historically as the Middle of the World and traces her history back more than 5,000 years. (Interestingly, it is 5778 on the Hebrew calendar.) She has been dominated by the west in the modern age and has a long memory. Her goal is world domination. This is not necessarily by military—but by unilateral trade and economic wealth.

China’s identity is determined focus and sacrifice. She is building a powerful trading blocs with nations all across the globe. In addition she plans ahead with 5, 10, 25, 50, and 100 year goals. She has a plan. She is building a powerful trading bloc with the world and in her area of the world.

Look at both Russia and China’s land mass. These two are working together to build a tremendous trading network of roads and railroads. It is their destiny—it is their land. Their neighbors will naturally want to become part of it.

The United States policy has been to surround these nations with her military bases and naval power. Due to our bankrupt system we will not be able to keep this policy in affect much longer. We are separated by oceans. It is arrogant to think we can shut this down. A new world order is rising.

Russia is also a vast land mass with an agonizing history of pain and sacrifice. They spent centuries trying to develop into an industrial modern nation to compete with the west. The communist revolution and World Wars 1 and 2 cost them countless millions of dead. Their leadership has always been dictatorial in nature.

They have always protected their nation from aggressors who would conquer them. Napoleon and Hitler both learned difficult lessons in winter conflict with Russia.

Russia has now harnessed her natural resources of gas and oil and they too are reaching trade agreements with many nations. They are working with Germany on the oil/gas issue. This is why Mr. Trump scolded Germany for spending billions on Russian energy while the USA foots the bill for their NATO defense. Who do you think Germany will follow?

Read Daniel 2, 7, 11.40 thru 12-13; Revelation 13 and 17; Zechariah 12 thru 14; Ezekiel 37;Matthew 24-25; 1 Thess 4.13-18; and 1 Corinthians 15 with all this in mind. Don’t take my word for it. Ask the Father for understanding with a historical Biblical and world perspective. He will reveal truth if you seek it.

Nations have historical identities and the Biblical prophecies align with this. It will allow you to see with His eyes His-story. All of these nations will be involved in a coming momentous war in the Middle East and Israel.

In a soon coming posting we will look at the Muslim nations and their Biblical and World histories.

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