Tuesday, August 21, 2018


But those who desire to be rich fall into temptation and a snare, and into many foolish and harmful lusts which drown men in destruction and perdition.  For the love of money is a root of all kinds of evil, for which some have strayed from the faith in their greediness, and pierced themselves through with many sorrows. 1 Timothy 6.9-10

When the Lord first led me into understanding the financial system of the United States I had no idea of the truths He was going to reveal. Today I will share how the Federal Reserve Bank of the United States operates and the astounding ownership group that use it for their own enrichment.

There are several powerful families that have operated banks in the United States and Great Britain for centuries. We all should recognize the name of the most powerful family of all: Rothschild. This family has been operating for centuries financing the British nation, countless wars, and businesses. Other names in the United States would be the House of J.P. Morgan and Rockefeller. We should also mention Carnegie who was a 20th Century Steel Magnate.

There are many other names involved in the creation of the Federal Reserve but I’m just going to give the basic details of the Federal Reserve and what it does in this posting. Plus I might ramble for a bit.

The origin of the Federal Reserve System dates back to the Panic of 1907, when snowballing bank runs, prompted by Morgan-generated stories about the insolvency of the Knickerbocker Trust Company, caused the collapse of banks throughout the country. After creating the crisis, Morgan came to the rescue. He dispatched an army of clerks to troubled banks in order to look into their vaults and verify their assets. If the banks were solvent, he sent more clerks with satchels of gold coins, which he imported from Europe, to the banks in order to place them on display, so that depositors would be assured of the safety of their money.

Morgan’s “rescue” measures resulted not only in averting a financial melt-down but also in producing sizeable interest payments on all the loans the House of Morgan provided to the nation’s banks and to Wall Street.

The panic caused Congress to approve the Aldrich-Vreeland Act of 1908, which brought into being the National Monetary Commission. This, too, was a result of orchestration.

This commission then spent several years going back and forth to European banks “investigating” the best solution to solve future banking crisis at a cost of $300,000 to the American taxpayer. They already had a plan--this was just a jaunt for them all.

In November 1910 a group of wealthy industrialists met on Jekyll Island off the coast of Georgia for a “duck shooting party.” The group included Frank A. Vanderlip, president of the National City Bank of New York (a Rockefeller firm in which Morgan was a principal shareholder); Abraham Platt Andrew, Assistant Secretary of the Treasury; Charles D. Norton, president of J. P. Morgan’s First National Bank of New York; Benjamin Strong, president of J. P. Morgan’s Bankers Trust Company; and Paul Warburg.

The gathering was to serve the following purposes: (1) to ensure that the money trust would gain complete control over the nation’s financial resources, (2) to make the money supply elastic in order to reverse the trend of private capital formation and to recapture the industrial loan market, (3) to pool the resources of the nation’s banks into one reserve that would serve to protect a few of them from currency drains and bank runs, and (4) to shift inevitable financial losses from the money trust to the US taxpayers.

The group was told that the bill that they would compose for Congress must avoid any reference to a “central bank,” since several American presidents, including Thomas Jefferson and Andrew Jackson, had railed against the establishment of such an entity. At this time in our history America did not have a Central Bank.

It took three more years of wrangling and politicking before the US Congress was cajoled into signing a bill to put the Federal Reserve into action. President Wilson signed the order and the Federal Reserve was created. From this time on the finances of the United States of America would be dictated by private citizen bankers for their own profit.

The Federal Reserve Bank is NOT OPERATED BY THE US GOVERNMENT. IT IS A PRIVATE CABAL RUN BY ELITE BANKING FAMILIES. It would give these bankers complete control of the nation’s financial resources, recapture the industrial loan market, pool the resources of all banks into one reserve, and most importantly shift all the inevitable financial losses onto the US TAXPAYER!              

This is a total breach of the US Constitution. Congress through the US Treasury is supposed to create money backed by gold and silver and determine how to spend it.

Now, the Congress must ask the Federal Reserve Bank for dollars to spend. These dollars are backed up by NOTHING. They are created out of thin air! Press a button and you create millions, billions, and trillions of dollars. These dollars are loaned to the US Government at interest! to be paid back to the cartel that owns and operates the Federal Reserve Bank. How about that?

Since 1913, we the citizens of the United States, are being used to enrich a small but tremendously powerful group of families that have used this power to become what is known as the “deep state.” The Deep State is comprised of men and women chosen by this group of elites, whom are not elected by the people, but are placed in high government positions such as Director of the FBI, CIA, and Department of Defense.

How does this happen? Briefly, this group of elites during the past century, have created foundations, educational boards, scholarships for colleges, and government think tanks such as the Council on Foreign Relations (CFR). They control the policies and finances of the USA through these and other dark organizations.

Many individuals, such as Henry Kissinger, were first members of the CFR prior to them being appointed to positions of power by the President. Check out a list of CFR members for the past 60 years and you’ll see them appointed to all areas of our government. Other “members” of this dark organization control industries and the media. It is one large club.

If you control the finances of the country and control the government’s departments you control the President and the entire country. You control ALL foreign policies. You control news, education, etc. Think! This explains the crazy things happening in our country!

When you think of all the crazy things that are occurring in our country be assured most of it is being orchestrated by the hidden elites. It is designed to isolate the US from Europe and the East. This will open the door to new world order.

Just this thought. IF the United States government wanted to stop the flow of drugs into this country do you think that they could? YES, virtually overnight…but it continues. So then, who might be bringing all these drugs into the country? Why? For what purpose? I’ll let you come up with answers—there are many—and they are for a purpose.

Now I must say that we who are numbered in the “Baby Boomer” generation have prospered under the Federal Reserve System, have we not? That is the irony of the whole thing. The reason of course is because since World War 2 the US has been the World Super Power. We have policed the world, we had the power, influence, and control of world finance (World Bank, IMF, BIS)—we subjugated the poor nations through finance and interest payments.

They had to sell the most prized businesses, oil and gas companies, and electrical stations, etc. to these same bankers who ran and controlled companies such as British Petroleum, Monsanto, and an incredible list of cabal run business. Why do you think there is so much anti-Americanism out there? The nations have been plundered by these elites.

The problem with the Federal Reserve is that they can manipulate the economy by creating inflation or deflation. A dollar today is not the dollar of a hundred years ago when a beer cost .05 cents—today it is $6.00.

The wealth the Federal Reserve creates is phony. That is why housing costs and everything else is always going higher. So in reality who benefits? Why the elites who run it benefit. They can manipulate the stock market and make it go higher or lower—then they swoop in and buy cheap. Sell high buy cheap! They create money from NOTHING! And charge interest! What a brilliant scam.

Yes the “Baby Boom” generation has benefited from our favored position after WW 2, but If you don’t recognize that the Party is Over you better wake up!

The elites controlling the system are what the Bible calls “Wicked, Evil, Unjust, and Unfaithful” to name a few. We have no idea of the evil which has been created behind closed doors throughout the history of mankind.

We have lost control of our government and country. What you see happening in every sphere of our society has been  determined, planned, and orchestrated by these elites—and they are both Republicans, Democrats, and Socialists.

They are manipulating our younger generations. They have “dumbed” them down in the educational system and are now using them for their own evil purposes.

The ONE WORLD ORDER is being orchestrated right in plain sight. America as we’ve known her must lose her sovereignty for the new order to take control. This new order will come—it is part of God’s Judgment upon the ungodly.

I forgot to mention, if you study the background of these elites you’ll find they are members of secret societies and are deep into the occult. Who do you think is in control of Hollywood and the music industries? Why are movies and music filled with sex, drugs, violence, and demonic creatures?

We can begin to understand the end times much more clearly once we understand who is in control and what their agenda is. ONE WORLD ORDER. Ha Satan has been working on this agenda since the Tower of Babel. We are getting much closer to the final scene. The WORD OF GOD outlines all that is happening and why. That is why we can understand why all of these things are occurring—we have the word of God to teach us.

This sounds very gloomy and cause for depression---BUT these people are losing control—Yahweh is in control. Yahweh is building His Nation as we have been reading in the previous postings. He has a plan for us.

I pray daily against the unseen evils and I have been encouraged lately. Our God is shaking the nations. He will allow them to create their New World Order—then he will return and establish His Order!

This is why the Bible says Yeshua will rule with a rod of iron. We are occupying until He comes. We are lighting a very dark world. Don’t allow yourself to become discouraged with the present evil. Sometimes it is difficult--but I love Psalm 37—check it out. Our God is in control. Don’t allow your love to grow cold due to lawlessness. Seek Him and His righteousness.

The nations are rebellious and stiff necked. Yeshua will rule and bring peace to this world. Look up, stay calm, and carry on.

A great source for a complete view: Howard-Browne, Rodney. The Killing of Uncle Sam: The Demise of the United States of America River Publishing.

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