Friday, July 27, 2018


I am going to spend the next several postings discussing how Elohim is building His nation in this day. His nation is composed of every tribe and nation on earth—but they must qualify. To qualify they must accept Yeshua as Messiah and experience rebirth. This goes for both Jew and Gentile—each must cross over into Yeshua. In fact, the word Hebrew means “one who has crossed over.”

Just as Abraham crossed over the Euphrates River when God called him out of Chaldea into belief in the one true God, so all must cross over into Yeshua. Being reborn, as we all know, is a life changing spiritual event. As the nations of the world rage against Elohim’s anointing, a nation is being born in a day. In a day we become changed forever!

Before we get into the details it is important for us to understand some basic truths. The first thing we must do is quite simple, but if we are honest with ourselves, many do not really do. That is to allow the entire Bible to interpret itself—both Old and New Testaments. So many say they do but when confronted with truth it become apparent they are not.

In Leviticus 23.1 it says that the “Feasts of the Lord” are to be observed. It says twice in verse one that these are My Feasts says the Lord. In Romans 11 the Apostle Paul says we are grafted into the olive tree of Israel. In Ephesians 2.11-13 that we become part of the “Commonwealth of Israel” when we cross over into Yeshua.

A Commonwealth is a state or nation. When I get a driver’s license I send my check to the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania.

If we allow the Bible to interpret itself then we must agree that the truth is this--we become grafted into Israel. If the feasts are Elohim’s feasts, we too should be observing them as citizens of the commonwealth.

In Exodus 31.12-17 Moses is told that the Sabbath is a sign between the children of Israel and Him throughout your generations. In verses 16-17 it says “forever” and “perpetual” for 7th day worship. The church observes the first day of the week—which is not scriptural.

If we allow the Bible to interpret itself it is clear we are grafted into the commonwealth of Israel, are to observe the feasts of the Lord, and to observe the 7th day Sabbath.

I did not come to these conclusions quickly. I studied, prayed, and meditated over these issues for some time. I had a desire to know the truth and was diligently seeking. It took over a year for me to accept the Sabbath as the day of worship. The day it hit me was when I saw in Exodus 31.13 that is was a “sign” between God and His people forever—throughout your generations! Do a study on the mark of the beast vs the mark of God!

Most Christians will say they allow the Bible to interpret itself until they come face-to-face with these types of issues. The “Church” follows none of the above!

There are so many examples of this I could write a book! Does Yeshua mean what He says and says what He means? Everyone would say yes. So explain Matthew 5.17-20 where it talks about the Law/Torah.

How about when Yeshua says in Matthew 12.40 He will be in the grave for “three nights and three days?” That knocks out Good Friday as the day He was crucified does it not? The Bible explains that Yeshua was crucified on Wednesday.

When confronted with these truths many believers turn and walk away. They make no attempt to consider the truth. The truth is what sets us free!

How can we understand the end times if we reject truths in the written word? It is impossible to understand anything if you refuse to allow the WORD to interpret itself. We must understand Elohim’s time and calendar as revealed in His WORD.

The second thing we need to understand is history—Biblical, World, and Church history (see the previous two postings). We look at the Bible backwards form our 21st Century understanding. We need to go back to the time of Yeshua and look forward in order to understand. Looking forward from a perspective of the time of Yeshua is key!

Read church history and you begin to understand all the changes made by men to the truths of God. Most refuse to make any changes even when doing this. You will see how the Church threw out anything “Jewish” and began to create their own Sabbaths and feasts. They made their own “Roman calendar” to replace the Biblical calendar. Why does the church refuse to change?

That brings us to the third thing we need to understand. Read Jeremiah 31.27-37. God’s true people are always a remnant in their generation. Everyone wants to be among the remnant—but if you reject truth you are not among the remnant. “Worldish” organized religion is not representative of Elohim in anyway shape or form.

There are many good people and believers in the “worldish” church but they are comfortable in their pew. They do not desire to know the Lord any better and they don’t want to have to relearn anything. So be it. If you have a desire to follow deeper you must move OUT…as in “Come out of her my people” in Revelation 18.4. Matter of fact it all began with Abram when God called him out of Chaldea. We must come out and cross over.

We only can achieve unity through division! That sounds counter intuitive but not really. Division is reduction to the mean. God is continually reducing us IF we allow Him to. He divides His people out and reduces them to the mean or remnant. He does not forsake the others—but their walk is shallow based in deceptions. Truth must be accepted before you become free.

The more we see and accept the truth, the more we are reduced, the more people disagree with us, and the harder it is to find believers of like mind. It can be a very frustrating experience—but once you know the truth you are set free! It doesn’t really matter what the masses think. After a while it won’t matter—it is a privilege to understand truth—we must desire and seek it.

Read Ezekiel 37.15-28 as preparation for the next post. There are two houses—Judah (Jews) and Joseph/Ephraim (Gentiles). Then read Genesis 48 and 49. These blessings on the tribes by Jacob contain highly prophetic information for the “latter days.” How little we understand of these prophecies.

What does it all mean? We must allow the Bible to interpret itself to begin understanding it. It concerns nations! Gentiles, Jews! It concerns nation building! God is building His end time nation prior to His return. Next post we will explore Jacob/Israel and his 12 sons which became the tribes of Israel and how Ephraim and Manasseh were grafted into the tribes.


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