Thursday, April 5, 2018


My people are destroyed for lack of knowledge. Because you have rejected knowledge,
I also will reject you from being priest for Me; Because you have forgotten the law of your God,
I also will forget your children. Hosea 4.6

In 2009 the Lord, in His unusual ways, led me into studying the US and world financial systems. Up until that time I was like most Americans—paying little attention to the world of finance and trade. I was interested in understanding the end times from a Biblical perspective, not realizing financial events would play a key role.   

The verse above from Hosea 4.6 says the cause of our problems is for lack of knowledge. This does not stem from a shortage of information, but rather from the rejection of information. Many people that I talk to seem to have no interest or desire to understand the financial events now taking place in the world.

Today we are on the cusp of a trade war with China that could affect the entire world. It is important to understand that both the US and China are now in the act of informing each other which products will have tariffs applied. Neither country has yet imposed these tariffs (taxes) on trade goods. Until the tariffs are actually imposed what we are really seeing is the beginning of “negotiations” on trade.

The stock market is really based on emotions. The emotional response to what is happening is for the stock market to go down hundreds of points—this is a knee jerk reaction at this point. All markets react emotionally and if that emotion gets out of control we will have a crash.

Historically trade wars are not good for either country. In fact, the Great Depression was not ended quickly because the US and other countries began applying tariffs on goods—resulting in a trade war that re-crashed the markets after 1929 and extended the depression until World War 2 began.

Ah, yes, war. When things go bad economically governments turn to war. This gets the people’s attention off the economic fears and causes them to focus on war…and war is great for the economy. Always be alert for war during these crises. Problem now is our major “enemies” are much stronger and better prepared.

For now we will see wild swings in the stock markets and lots of emotion and fear. During these trade wars the precious metals markets in gold and silver will prosper as they are considered safe havens in time of trouble. Gold has been rising since 2009 when it was around $900 per ounce and now is around $1350 per ounce. We will see a tremendous rise in gold prices as we continue spending ourselves into oblivion.

As of this writing American consumers are more than $1 trillion in credit card debt:

The US government is running a $22 Trillion dollar debt. If you count a dollar a second it will take 33 thousand years to count a trillion! You think a crisis might be coming?

Many in the church glibly say, “Oh, the Lord will provide for me,” as they continue to spend and ignore the problem and Proverbs 22.7. Few take the story of Joseph in Egypt seriously. He saw what was coming and the Lord used him to prepare for the coming crises. How many of us are remotely preparing?

The Lord will provide, but not in the style you may like. Will you be a burden on your brethren or a help? This is something to consider. The unprepared make themselves a burden on others.

CHINA AND RUSSIA CONTINUE TO PREPARE - As a reader of this blog you know we have been following the financial rise of China and Russia. These two nations will play major roles as we move towards the second coming of Y’shua.

The first thing to understand about China is that they have a plan. The have 5, 10, 20, 100 year plans. They are focused on becoming a great power. In the US political system there is no plan. Politicians are only interested in getting re-elected every 2, 4, or 6 years. That is their only plan--besides enriching themselves. Here are some of the steps they are well into taking in preparation for the fall of the US dollar system:

This is a very big deal. Purchasing oil in their own currency allows them to circumvent using US dollars. This will require the US Federal Reserve to print billions of dollars out of nothing. This will cause real inflation as additional nations will no longer use US dollars in trade.

China is also using an interbank payment system (Cips) that completely avoids using US interbank system (SWIFT) allowing them to clear cross border banking payments. This also includes credit card payments which will be conducted without using a western system.

This is an important development that will continue to apply pressure on the US economic system and dollar. This is a direct attack on the US dollar as world reserve currency. Russia has also developed their own system that is similar to Cips.

Do not take these things lightly. China and Russia have been slave to the US system since the end of World War 2. We are entering a “new world order” in which power and wealth is being transferred from the west to the east. In large part this is happening because we have brought it upon ourselves.

When Nixon went to China in 1971 this opened the door to China becoming a world power. In that same year Nixon took the US off the gold standard, making a deal with Saudi Arabia to only sell oil in US dollars—the Petro-dollar as it became known.

As America began off-shoring its manufacturing base to China and other countries we also began to turn away from God. We began turning to the false religions of the world and using drugs to ascend to a higher consciousness. The world became smaller through transportation and technology and we embraced many philosophies and lifestyles that turned us away from the laws of God.

It has been a slow but relentless turning away for around 70 years. Human events take time to play out—Rome did not fall in a day. Isn’t it interesting that this year on May 14th is the 70th anniversary of the establishment of the State of Israel? This is not a coincidence.

The Biblical prophets, Isaiah, Jeremiah, Ezekiel, and the others understood the political and financial issues of the day. They prophesied to warn the nation to turn back towards God. Their words fell on deaf ears. Our nation, as a whole, has deaf ears.

This is the hour to seek the Lord with all of our hearts. If we are prepared we will fulfill Jesus’ words for us to become the “salt of the earth.” It is our responsibility as believers and disciples of Y’shua to seek out Yahweh’s direction for us.

Most of us will still be here when the financial crises comes upon our nation. Now, in this brief time of grace, is the time to prepare. Ask what He desires of you now. This is the time of preparation. Joseph had 7 years to prepare—and he was ready because he heard the Lord. When a crisis erupts it will occur quickly--no one will expect it--it will come as a thief in the night!

In, fact, Joseph created a "new world order" that would be ruled by Pharaoh for many centuries. All of Egypt became subservient to Pharaoh because of Joseph’s actions! Ironic isn’t it? The Lord God of Israel works in strange and wonderful ways. You don’t want to miss out—prepare!

China and Russia align:

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