Tuesday, December 12, 2017

President Trump, Saudi Arabia, and Israel Secret Peace Deal in Middle East?

Last week President Trump announced that the US would recognize Jerusalem as the capital of Israel. This announcement caused the Middle East to lose their mind. Protesting and rioting took place in the Palestinian Authority and most Middle East heads of state renounced the move by President Trump.

For the past 40 years there has been no progress in Middle East peace talks. The Palestinians (PA) teach their children to kill and refuse to recognize the Jewish state. In fact the only goal of the Palestinians is to wipe Israel off the face of the earth.

The world acts like the Palestinians are a poor suppressed people. The EU funds the PA and the money is spent on weapons and training to kill Jews. All PA maps of the area recognize the area of current day Israel as Palestine. There is no Jewish land. Would you trust a peace deal with someone who disrespected you in this way?

The world is living denial and virtual reality. Jerusalem has always been connected to the Jewish people. It has always been their capital—long before there was ever a religion called Islam. In fact, Jerusalem has been Israel’s capital since the time of King David—at least 3000 years ago. Islam did not become a religion until 1400 years ago. Do the math.

God is moving through man and history to bring about the fulfillment of Biblical prophecy in the Middle East. Israel and Jerusalem are ground zero. It doesn’t matter what the world thinks—YHVH is going to establish His Kingdom in the City of David also known as Jerusalem. This will become reality after the most terrible time this earth has ever experienced.

The world is in rebellion to God’s eternal word. God is revealing to man the wickedness of the human heart: The heart is deceitful above all things, and desperately wicked: who can know it? Jeremiah 17.9

After this terrible time the earth will find peace and security during the reign of Jesus on the earth. Read about it in Revelation 20-22.

Read this interesting link to see what is happening behind the scenes: http://www.prophecynewswatch.com/article.cfm?recent_news_id=1851

Also continuing our watch on financial developments:

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