Sunday, October 8, 2017


I think many readers are aware of recent "prophetic words" posted on Youtube concerning America and President Trump. The fireman's prophecies are quite positive and popular with the general Evangelical population. Here is a link to some of them:

These prophecies are feel good words and are exactly what people wish to hear. Sadly, based on Biblical prophecy and the history of the Old Testament, I am not in agreement with them.

I believe Yahweh has given America a "breather" period at this time, but judgment and chastisement are coming. America will not be great again as it was in past generations.

If you have been reading the geopolitical articles this blog has listed you are reading an entirely different view than that of the Fireman Prophecies.

How can there be such differences of opinions between prophecies? That is how it is and has always been. Search the Old Testament and you will find false and lying prophets. You will also find prophets who prophesied for monetary gain. Some prophecy out of their own hearts for what they wish. That is the way it is.
I will not go so far as to proclaim the fireman a false prophet. The Bible says to watch and see if the prophet's word is truth and if it comes to pass. Anyone could predict Mr. Trump would become president and have a 50% chance of being correct. For now, we will watch.

Some have a dream and immediately are accepted as a prophet by the church. Yes, Yahweh speaks through dreams, but all dreams and words must comply with the Biblical model. People do not live in dreams day after day. Dreams are not common. How many dreams did Jesus have? He walked according to the WORD. He discerned by knowing what the word says.

The Biblical model is simple. When the nation turns away from God the job of the prophet is to speak out and warn the nation. The prophet is to chastise the nation and warn them to turn back toward the Lord and His Law.

Many of today's prophets are celebrities within the church. They write books and appear on all the Evangelical TV shows. They are very popular. Not so with the Biblical prophets. They were often persecuted for the word they gave--or mocked.

Another interesting trait of a Biblical prophet is that he was very aware of current political trends and alliances. The Biblical prophets often warned the king about alliances with wicked nations. The prophet always told the king and nation to trust in Yahweh--not false alliances.

These Biblical prophets understood current world events and politics of their time. Not many prophets like that around today. Today a person can have a dream and make an industry out of it. The church laps it up.

What does this have to do with China? As a reader of this blog you know I try to follow current events in politics and finance and relate those to Biblical prophecy.

The link I am going to give you is a trusted site that has outstanding insight into current events from a Biblical world view. They are an off shoot of Herbert Armstrong's World Wide Church of God.

In past times many in the evangelical world, and many today, consider that organization a cult. I've investigated and do not agree. The link here is to The Philadelphia Church of God and The Trumpet website:

The Philadelphia Church is an offshoot of the old WWCG. I don't agree with them on all things--but they do have insight into world events that is worthy of paying attention to.

In truth, the Philadelphia Church believes they are the only ones with the true word and mission. I do not agree with that either. There are many who are seeing the truth and no organization is the only true church. Yahweh has His true remnant scattered throughout the world.

One thing the Lord has taught me is that truth can be found in many areas and from many unorthodox sources. For me, as long as it is consistent with the Biblical pattern (and I check it out) then I seek the Lord for confirmation.

This organization has the most insightful understanding of current political and financial events and crises in our age than any site I've visited. They have a total Biblical approach based on the WORD of GOD. That is what I focus on.

Are they 100% accurate? Of course not, but they, along with other sites I read, have an end time understanding of current events.

I am grateful that the Lord has granted the USA a breather period and He will honor His people who are praying for the nation. The fact is, however, that tough times are just around the corner.

The USA is heading for economic turmoil and isolation on the world scene. Just understanding the weight of our incredible debt should be warning enough of coming financial crisis.

For those who have ears to hear, now is the time of preparation mentally, physically, and spiritually. I don't think any of us will be totally prepared--it is hard to imagine what is coming--but knowing and being forewarned will keep you from being caught unawares.

Read the articles, pray and seek wisdom and direction. Our world is going to change--be ready. You won't get any of this information from the Main Stream Media - MSM!

Added Oct 10, 2017:

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