Sunday, May 21, 2017



I’ve been a student of Biblical prophecy and have spent much time in prayer asking for wisdom and understanding of world events in our time. I try to allow the Bible to interpret itself and understand that God is moving throughout human history. He works his will through human events and the actions of the nations. This is the Biblical pattern.

The Jews are in the Holy Land and have established the nation of Israel because the Almighty Yahweh has decreed it to be. Many believe the nation of Israel is a fraud—they do not believe it is God’s will. Read your Bible…the time of the Gentiles is soon to be fulfilled.

I will be watching and praying throughout President Trump’s first overseas trip asking for insight and understanding. Today is the second day of Mr. Trump’s visit to Saudi Arabia. It is a momentous event. I sense the world shaking. What is Yahweh up to?

To be able to get the Arab world together in such a way as in this summit is in itself an amazing event. The Saudi’s are the protector and administrator of Islam’s most holy sites. They are very worried about their place in the Arab world because they are in direct opposition to Iran. The Saudi’s are Sunni and the Iranians are Shite. These two sects of Islam are vying for power in the Middle East.

Both sects have promoted terrorism. The Saudi’s support the Wahhabism sect:

Wahhabism is named after an eighteenth-century preacher and activist, Muhammad ibn Abd al-Wahhab (1703–1792). He started a reform movement in the remote, sparsely populated region of Najd, advocating a purging of such widespread Sunni practices as the veneration of saints, the seeking of their intercession, and the visiting of their tombs, all of which were practiced all over the Islamic world, but which he considered idolatry (shirk), impurities and innovations in Islam (Bid'ah). Eventually he formed a pact with a local leader Muhammad bin Saud offering political obedience and promising that protection and propagation of the Wahhabi movement mean "power and glory" and rule of "lands and men." Wikipedia: Click the link for more.

I think the Saudi’s may be realizing that they must stop supporting radicals if they are to survive as a Middle East power. The alliance with the United States gives them added security and if they become more moderate and open as a society they can become the leader of the Muslim world. They would then like to isolate radical Iran on the world stage.

This gathering of Middle East leaders with the President of the United States is momentous and has never happened in such a grand gathering before. Look at all these leaders in one place. What does it all mean?

The next stop for Mr. Trump will be Israel, the Vatican and a visit with the Pope. What is going on?

President Trump is a very ambitious man and does things on a grand scale—read some of his books. He lives for the art of making deals. I believe he is working on the grandest deal of his life. This trip is all about the deal. The deal is to do something no man has been able to do. The deal is to broker true peace in the Middle East between the three great religions of the world—Islam, Judaism, and Christianity.

Mr. Trump knows he would go done in history as the greatest man ever to live if he can accomplish this unprecedented feat. This is how he thinks. Like it or not this is how the man thinks. This is not about Trump it is about the end times. It is about His-story (God's story) playing out and setting the stage for the second coming of the Messiah Yeshua ha Mashiach.

We are seeing prophecy in action. In order for the stage to be set for an Antichrist figure there must be peace in the Middle East. This is the goal of the Pope and the Vatican. This is the goal of the United States and Europe, and this would be good for a moderate Islamic world.

The globalist world order is coming to fruition before our eyes. Ecumenism ( Human Secularism, the United Nation agenda, and world government is what this trip is all about. It is forming right in front of our eyes!

Watch and pray carefully. Ask the Father for understanding and do not be deceived. Yahweh is in charge. This is all happening very quickly. As the trip progresses we will see if we can understand what is happening. Very exciting stuff! Stay tuned! One step at a time...much more to come!

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