Wednesday, May 31, 2017

Europe Led by Germany is on the way to becoming a Military Power

The link below perfectly explains the direction the United States and the European Union are heading.

Mr.Trump called out NATO nations for refusing to pay their fair share of military expenses while he visited with them on his recent trip. This was a fair request but no American President has ever gone so far and used tough language as Mr. Trump used.

If the European Union, as I believe, is the coming "beast" power, then the article below explains it well. Once Europe begins to seriously prepare for their own defense the dynamics in the Middle East will change radically.

This is the beginning of America pulling back from the world into a semi-isolationist stance. Future financial crisis will force the U.S. to further reduce her participation in Europe's defense. Germany is the natural leader of Europe and they have been slowly building their military.

The assault on Europe's cultures by radical terrorists will at some point cause the EU to take serious action, if only to preserve their various cultures. That day is coming.

Even Israel will begin to look more toward Germany and the EU as we move forward. War in the Middle East will soon cause great changes to occur in whom administers the Holy Land religious sites. The U.S. is going to experience a financial crisis that will seriously affect her ability to participate in the coming Middle East crisis. The EU will take the lead.

How long this will take is anyone's guess. Yahweh is not in a hurry. He is patiently working His divine plan through history. The article below is well worth your time. In fact, the Trumpet website is the most accurate prophetical and geopolitically aware site I have seen. They have great insight into the politically realities of our world from a Bible World View. Check it out:

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