Tuesday, November 15, 2016



There are many opinions on what is going to happen now that Donald Trump has been elected President of the United States. If we look to Biblical prophecy we may be able to determine some outcomes.

We certainly can all agree that the nation is divided. Looking at the vote totals this is crystal clear—a virtual tie with Hillary Clinton receiving about 1% less popular votes. As Yeshua said, “A nation (kingdom) divided cannot stand.”

The Kingdom of Solomon was divided when his son Rehoboam received the kingship upon Solomon’s death. The northern tribes of Israel rebelled because Rehoboam was going to treat them harshly and tax them unfairly. The ten tribes of the north, Ephraim/Israel rallied around Jehoboam and separated from the southern kingdom of Judah (1 Kings 11 and 12).

The nation was divided and the tribes often fought each other in war (2 Kings 16.5-6). Judah, the Jews, fought against Israel and Syria. The Kingdom divided because Rehoboam was going to govern harshly. That was not all. Solomon had turned from the Lord and followed the pagan idols of his many wives (1 Kings 11.1-8). The nation was already falling away from the God of their fathers.

These scriptures are a shadow of the very thing that is taking place in the United States, Britain, and the current nation of Israel. We are turning from our God and his law towards human secularism and lawlessness. The three great Israelite nations are on the verge of chastisement.

The Lord God first chastised the northern kingdom through the nation of Assyria for turning towards idols. They had become pagan. They sacrificed their children to Molech (same as abortion in our time), they built groves to worship their idols in, and their sexual immorality increased. God sent Assyria to destroy the kingdom and the people were deported, most not ever to return (2 Kings 17.6-13; 24-25). This occurred around 720 BC.

About a hundred and forty years later the southern Kingdom of Judah was taken captive to Babylon (2 Kings 25) for 70 years at which time they were allowed to return to the land and rebuild their temple (Daniel 9.1-19).

The northern kingdom of Israel/Ephraim was scattered by Assyria and became mingled with the Gentile nations, never to return to the land again (Hosea 3.4-5; 5.1-11; 7.8-11).

The southern kingdom of Judah was taken captive by Babylon around 586 BC and returned to rebuild the temple and re-establish themselves in the land (Ezra and Nehemiah). They represent the Jewish people today and the current nation of Israel. Read Ezekiel 37.15-28 to see God’s plan to reunite his grafted in people with Judah.

The Old Testament Prophets speak to the nation warning them to return to God—but the nation splits, disobeys, and is chastised through pagan nations that surround them. This is the pattern.

If we are truly living in the end times then this is the pattern that is happening in the world today. The fact that there is a nation called Israel in the world today is proof we live at the end time of God’s regathering of His people. God is regathering His people for protection and chastisement.

The three great Israelite nations have lost their way. We have fallen into apostasy and towards human secularism and false worship. God is going to shake the nations and chastise His sinful people. Many today are praying, repenting, and seeking the Lord like never before. They are turning to their Hebraic foundations and beginning to understand what God is doing.

It really didn’t matter who was elected President of the United States—the country is still divided—and 50% of the people would be unhappy no matter the outcome. That is exactly what we are seeing.

The nations are heading for serious economic and social upheaval. The storm is approaching. America is going to be weakened—no matter who is in charge. Most of you do not want to hear this—but it is true.

God is moving sovereignly to establish His government on the earth. The road there is going to be “tribulation” and hardship for the world. New foreign powers are rising up and will be in control. The United States is going to become geographically, economically, and socially isolated on the world stage. God is going to chastise us for turning away. Great Britain and Israel will also join us.

This is all for our good. It is hard to believe and understand—but it is all for our good. I pray America becomes a refuge nation where people will come to escape the rising beast in Europe, the Middle East, and Asia. God is preparing the world for the return of His Son Jesus Christ.

It is going to be a most difficult time. Now is the time to repent and get right with God. This can be a quiet time between you and Him. It is a time to examine ourselves and cry out for His mercy and guidance. It does not have to be dramatic in an emotional sense—but it is something He works out in us. I have been experiencing this for the past 7 years. I am becoming much more humble in God than ever before.

It is a painful process, but we must go through it. We are being prepared for momentous change. My prayer is that Donald Trump would be used to hold this off for several years. He may or may not—he might accelerate the process—I don’t know.

Our job is to watch, pray, and allow the Lord to deal with our ego and fleshly desires. He is preparing a bride that is spotless and clean. He is preparing a people who will bring glory to His name. He is preparing for His return—but first we must go through the fire.

Trump’s election has not pleased our European brothers. Their world is being shaken. The day is coming when they will turn against us. The Beast is rising.

The coming years are going to be exciting, difficult, and dangerous…but it is all preparation for the coming King!

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