Thursday, November 24, 2016



The goal of this blog is to seek to understand and analyze world events from a Biblical World View or understanding. In order to do this we also need to have a deeper understanding of the Bible. My approach is this: The Bible was given to the Jewish people, Jewish people wrote it, and Yeshua was Jewish. Therefore, the Bible should be understood from a Jewish perspective.

Once I began to approach the Bible with this understanding the scriptures began to open up in a fresh way. I began to see and understand the parables of Yeshua from a Hebrew perspective. I realized that the entire Bible is written in a different time/calendar than the time and calendar we observe.

We observe time on the Roman calendar, but the Bible is written in the time of God’s calendar as expressed in Genesis 1 and Leviticus 23. The Bible observes the time of a day from sunset to sunset. The Roman calendar day begins at midnight. This is a six hour difference. Once I saw this the end times began to make more sense to me.

Daniel 7.25 hit me like a bolt of lightning! And he shall speak great words against the most High, and shall wear out the saints of the most High, and think to change times and laws: and they shall be given into his hand until a time and times and the dividing of time.

I realized that the spirit of antichrist (1 John 2.18-20) had already changed the times and laws. The time of the Bible had been changed along with the calendar and feast days we are commanded to observe. We, as Christians, observe the Roman secular and holy calendar. The realization began to dawn on me—we are not observing the Biblical calendar.

What made this so real to me was that God had impressed upon me to study His calendar when I began to study in earnest. I knew that meant the “Jewish” calendar and I remember saying, “Lord, that is way too complicated, I can’t do that.”

I resisted for two weeks before finally giving in. It was a long process of study. I began with seeking Jewish web sites and learning about their calendar. I went to Israel and saw for myself how the nation kept time—sure enough sunset to sunset. I began to understand the Bible in a fresh way as I began to understand what it meant when it said Jesus was crucified at the third hour. I saw that He was crucified on Wednesday afternoon/evening, not Good Friday. On and on, I learned and saw things in a totally different light.

All of these things are written on this blog. I pray it has been helpful to all who visit here. It is difficult to share all of these things with my brothers in “church” because many are too comfortable to seek out the truth.

I began to write this blog because I had a desire to share what I was learning about end time events. I read many different articles every day in newspapers from around the world. I visit conspiracy sites, economic sites, prophetic sites and I sift through all the information. I spend time waiting on the Lord and seeking His word to confirm what I believe I am seeing. I asked to understand the times and what to do (1 Chronicles 12.32).

The Old Testament pattern of the Israelites rebelling and turning from God to idols contains many warnings to us today. I take this stuff seriously. The job of a prophet or a watchman on the wall is to warn. I have been directed by the Lord to be a watchman and warn.

I pray every day that God holds off the chastisement of America. I pray for His mercy upon our country. I pray we, as a nation, turn back to God and he holds off our chastisement. I pray Donald Trump will be used to hold off many of the things I see coming. He could accelerate rather than hold off. A lot depends on our prayers and obedience. We are living in momentous times and many serious changes are coming.

The powers behind the scenes could create the monetary collapse as a way to thwart Trump and blame him for the collapse. They are already positioning themselves by manipulating the stock and gold markets to their favor. I pray this does not happen but 2017 is going to be a very dangerous year.

Europe and the United States are in debt that can never be repaid. At some point there will be a monetary reset and new currencies will ascend. The United States may become very isolated at this time as I said in the November 18th posting.

I am writing this to tell you I will continue to post the thoughts that I receive from the Lord on all these issues. I am not having dreams or visions. I am waiting, praying, and studying the secular and Biblical positions on these matters and sharing in a balanced way what I am seeing.

Many things must still develop on the world scene. Jesus is coming soon, but soon in our time can be awhile. Many Biblical prophecies concerning Israel and Jerusalem must still come to pass before His return. Let’s watch and pray as things develop in the Middle East and around the world.

The antichrist system will be ushered in amid turmoil and chaos. Many more events must take place according to the scriptures. Be alert.

I hope this will be helpful and please leave any comments you wish. Just keep it polite please. We live in a very exciting and interesting time.

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